Teaching his flower a very good lesson

Being stared at by those soul prying eyes of hers.... Zhang Long wei found his poor heart thumping like crazy with each of his breath. The beauty was so close to him that if only Zhang Long wei chose to lower his head and lean in just a little bit more closer, he could even kiss her lips.

Lucky for his poor heart, the beauty was wearing a face veil otherwise this youth might have been losing control over himself from a long time ago, pinching the beauty's chin and discovering the taste of her lips already.

"Don't go yet, gege. Please.... let this lowly prostitute serve you first... okay? "

With both of her arms draping over his shoulders, the beauty seduced him, whispering with that nasal tone into his ears.

The youth gulped. He was never this easy to get bewitched in the past. But now he found himself wishing nothing other than accepting her offer and devour this flower clean and thoroughly.

That's why Zhang Long Wei kept himself under the rule of "not to save any human". He had just done this pretty beauty a favor by preventing her from getting injuries. But the lady here didn't seem to be grateful.

Instead, she was helping that senior who just made a harmful move on her to make his own escape. Whether this flower was just too stupid or mischievous.. Zhang Long Wei had no idea.

Just a moment ago, she was still an innocent, worriedly asking his condition.

But then as soon as he rose to his feet, preparing to chase the senior who had taken advantage of the situation and ran away, the lady immediately turned into some super sticky glue, not letting go of him whatsoever.

First, she told him to compensate for the things they broke during their fight. And then, there came another demand for solution over scaring away her customers. Zhang Long Wei had done his utmost to satisfy this young lady. But still, the outcome didn't change.

Zhang Long wei's self control was already hanging by a thread with his rationality getting threatened. Of course, he could just let his sanity fall apart and eat this seemingly yummy midnight snack to his heart's content.

But his brain wouldn't stop giving him constant warnings. He knew very well that the young lady here was not as simple as she seemed to be. Her eyes told him everything about it. Those eyes didn't belong to a certain someone who was begging a man to pop her cherry.

Instead, there were vague hints of curiosity in them....as if the lady was just testing his morals... as if she meant nothing other than wishing to see his reaction.... Those pure eyes were the only thing that was holding Zhang Long Wei back from taking a step further.

"Young miss, don't you know how to express your gratitude? You owe me a favor for what had happened ealier. But tell me.... this is how you pay it back? "

Feigning a cold expression, Zhang Long Wei asked in a serious tone. But the only response he got was this young lady's lovely chuckle. That pleasant sound of giggle made his heart itchy.

And at that very moment, everything had been tossed out of his head.

Zhang Long Wei wished nothing other than focusing his entire attention just on listening her voice.... that voice which gave him all butterflies.

At last, the flower stopped giggling as she gazed up so that her sparkly green eyes were directly looking into his eyes.

"Why gege? I've already told gege that this lowly prostitute will be serving you...still not enough?....want my virgin too?....hmm?..."

It was the final straw that broke the camel's back. Her sweet and provocative words were more than he could take it. Taking the seemingly luscious girl in a bridal carry, Zhang Long Wei walked over to the table...Enough with all of this flirting.....curiosity or whatever, he couldn't mind or care about it anymore.

This flower had just anger a sleeping wolf big time. And now that it was awake, she needed to take responsibility for his hunger whether she was willing or not. Placing the scared little flower on the table, Zhang Long Wei grabbed her veil and removed it right away.

An ethereal face as alluring as her green jade-like pupils came into his vision. The flower here was more enchanting than any other girls he'd ever seen. He knew a fascinating face might be hidden behind that veil. But this was beyond his expectation.

The maiden, who had successfully made the great demon lord's heart skip a beat for the very first time, possessed such a spellbinding beauty. Zhang Long Wei felt a bit bad for having to bully such a soft flower. But letting her go was out of question.

This flower needed to be taught a very good lesson...a lesson not to get to a hungered wolf.....a lesson about how dangerous a male could be when it came to dealing with a seductive like her ... But no need to be worried.....because he was going to handle this flower.... extremely.... gently.

Zhang Long wei saw her looking back at him with those pathetic eyes as though begging for his mercy.

That was crazy. Purple had always been his favorite. And this flower here had also used such a dark and gloomy colour to doll up herself.....as if she was made for himself alone...as if she was especially created by gods just for himself.....as if she was bound to be his from the first place....his and his alone....

Putting both of his hands on the table, right on each side of his little flower, Zhang Long Wei made sure to trap her in the same place. Tilting his head, Zhang Long Wei leaned in closer which scared this flower. She tried to back away out of terror. But Zhang Long Wei pulled her closer with one hand behind her head.

"Wait! ...gege.....wuwu....."

Brushing and whispering something into his little flower's ear with his hot breath, Zhang Long Wei pressed his lips onto those tasty dark red ones of hers.

"Be good....and gege will be gentle."

Tonight might have been bound to be a sweet and addicting one for this great lord of demons....