A prey for this hungered wolf

Zhang Long Wei had intended on starting with light brushes of their lips but his little flower was much fiercer than he thought she would be. He knew she would resist. He knew all that coquettish behaviors earlier were no more than an act she did due to pure curiosity. He knew she never wanted this. But he couldn't help it.

Her lips were delicious. And he liked how those hazy green eyes looked at him. They were practically begging him to bully them. With one hand, Zhang Long Wei restrained her slim and beautiful hands which were trying to push him off, the other drawing the untamed flower closer by her waist.

Licking her lips which were pressed closed in resistance, Zhang Long Wei attempted to seek an approach to deepen their kiss. Raising his gaze, the youth took a careful look at this pathetic flower who had just been bullied by a particular someone no other than himself.

There was a light tinge of blushing on the tip of her nose bridge, her eyes giving off an impression as though she was about to cry in next to no time. And those lips....he had not even tasted them thoroughly but they had already turned bright red like some sweet cherries. Maybe it was because she pressed them too tightly....

Zhang Long Wei let out a short throaty chuckle at this thought which attracted a deathly yet cute glare from his little flower. Zhang Long wei lowered his head and bit his flower's ear in a provocative manner.

The beauty was unprepared and at the feel of that gentle bite, a low moan was slipped out of her lips. She seem so astonished to find out that there was such a lewd sound one could make whilst feeling this sort of sexual pleasure.

Looking down at this velvety flower, Zhang Long wei gave a mischievous smile. Who would even believe she was a prostitute when this flower herself was giving this kind of innocent reaction?.....

In fact, he had already known she was not a prostitute since he followed the manager, asking to get permission to escort him to this young lady's room. If she was a prostitute, then how would that manager let him see her in the first place whilst she was serving other customers?

It was also another reason why Zhang Long Wei was being wary of the beauty at first. An unknown girl being in a brothel in the dead of the night.... and she was not even a prostitute...besides, he had no idea what was this lady's relationship with those seniors before.

Everything about this flower was ambiguous and suspicious. How could Zhang Long wei even accept this flower's offer to serve him right away when he was still in his right mind?

But now all those rationality was tossed out of his head. The only thing he could think of right now was how to devour this flower.....whoever she was or what kind of identity she had, Zhang Long Wei didn't care. He was not in his right mind anymore right at this instant.

Taking advantage of the moment when the flower was being embarrassed and stunned at her own reaction, Zhang Long Wei slipped his tongue in, finally getting a chance to taste his little flower properly. The beauty protested as she struggled and wriggled in his hold to her utmost. But what could she do more than that? Tonight, this flower was bound to be eaten clean by him....bound to be a poor prey of this hungered wolf.

The flower seemed actually inexperienced. And the fact she was forced to accept his invading made it even worse. Zhang Long Wei took it slowly and gently that his flower got adapted to the feeling of his tongue running in her mouth.

But who was he kidding? This beauty was not here to get adapted to whatever he was doing to her. Soon his tongue got bitten by this fierce young miss. Frowning, Zhang Long wei looked at the flower, feeling a bit displeased. But he was taken aback to be met with those tearful eyes of his little flower.

Covering her mouth and shooting daggers, the beauty cursed him out loud.

" Fuck....bastard gege....because of you, I bit my own tongue. "

So.....she was giving that look not because of his excessive bullying but because of biting her own tongue along with his? That was a relief but, at the same time, he found it funny and cute. Pinching her chin and making sure to make eye contact with his flower, he attempted to soothe the girl.

" That's why you shouldn't do any unnecessary resistance. Now look at what just happened.....don't cry anymore .....I'm here for you....."

"Gege....can you just stop it? I knew I provoked you first but please.....just let me go tonight...just for this time.....there won't be a next time.....I swear....gege....mmm....."

Putting on that pathetic look, she pleaded for his mercy but it was too late. Just those words of hers alone....just those innocent eyes of hers alone were enough to turn him on. How could he let her go? This was something Zhang Long Wei couldn't comply. The youth tried to coax her by planting light kisses on her face.

He kissed and licked his flower's forehead.....her brows....her eyelids....her bridge....her cheek....her lips.....her ears....everything about her was just so tempting. This flower here was the very definition of spellbinding. And his kisses Zhang Long Wei started just to coax and apologize for not being able to comply her request had now turned into fierce ones.

Invading his lips into that sweet place again, Zhang Long wei deepened their kiss up until the point both of them had gone out of breath. Panting, his flower made an effort to shove him but Zhang Long wei didn't let her go. He kissed and licked, bullying this pathetic prey of his to his heart content.

And that was when his left hand touched a certain familiar thing on the table. Not letting go of the beauty whatsoever, Zhang Long wei continued to taste her sweet tongue which was mingling with a vague tange of strong liquor. But out of curiosity, the youth glanced down from the corner of his eyes, just to get a fleeting glimpse of the thing near his hand.

It was Jianyu sect headband and its colour purple... Wasn't it the headband worn by the running party?... But then, why would it be here?....