When your master was younger than yourself

Morning training classes were indeed exhausting especially when the master was his very own father. They were now at the rebuilt arena. Ferocious duels were finally over and all the other disciples had long gone left for the dining hall, apart from himself. For a certain reason, his father made him stay and wait for the arrival of an unknown someone who was no other than his new master to train his swordsmanship.

"Is he an elder who joined the sect not a long time ago?"

Sheathing his lightening fury, the intrigued youth asked before swiping his sweat off with a snow- white kerchief. His father was there, sitting leisurely at a nearby bench, sipping his favorite tea. Who would even come to the arena bringing a complete tea set?

This immortal had been savoring that tea since the duels of his disciples began. They were struggling in the fight, doing their utmost to hear positive remarks from this strict master whereas he himself was just enjoying his own tea, watching their fight as if this was some great show.

"No....just wait. You will see when he comes."

Now he was even more intrigued. Who would it be if it was not an elder who had joined their sect not a long ago. As a son of Jianyu Sect's leader, of course, there were no masters or elders in Jianyu sect this youth wasn't familiar with. Just who could that elder be? At first, his father made him come to the gate of bamboo forest after the training was over. But then, Wang Li Jie was told to wait him just from here with a reason of that elder changing his routine due to sudden headache.

"There he comes."

The curious Wang Li Jie was about to turn around and take a look at his master-to-be when he caught that very familiar deep voice from behind.

"This disciple give greetings to master."

With wide open eyes, the astonished youth looked at the disciple who was saluting his father. This disciple had lowered his head a bit as he gave a fist and palm salute to his master, so Wang Li Jie couldn't see his appearance clearly. But the youth recognized who he was right away.

It was that pervert....that perverted junior. No way in hell...This couldn't be happening. How could his new master be this...this immoral young man? But okay. It was not the point here because....dammit! How could his master be younger than himself? It couldn't be that his father was going to make him called this junior shizun or something, right?

Wang Li Jie looked at his father with startled eyes as though telling the immortal to give him an explanation over this impossible relationship of a master and a disciple.


Calling his father in an extremely lowered voice, the youth tried to get the immortal's attention. But his father showed no sign of sparing him any glance or attention. So his father was not going to change his mind about this matter at all?

Pressing his lips and glowering at the innocent junior, Wang Li Jie snorted. This must be the worst of the worst his father had arranged for him in this life time. His face was sulking like some angry kid when the junior raised his head and look at the immortal, breaking his salute.

Wang Li Jie didn't know whether this guy was feigning ignorance to a senior like him because he was holding a grudge against himself or just because this guy was such a cold and rude one from the beginning. The impudent junior didn't even seem to acknowledge the presence of such a genius young master like him. At least, will you bother to turn around and nod to this senior a bit even if it was some perfunctory act?

One might wander why this proud young master didn't get startled or anxious at the sight of Zhang Long Wei. Shouldn't he be feeling concerned right now? What if this junior recognized him and revealed all those crimes of his from last night to his father right away.

Well, he didn't because Wang Li Jie have such extreme confidence in himself....in his make-up skills. As long as a god wouldn't come descending from the heaven and decided to exposed this little naughty cheater, everything would be just fine. Last night incident would be as if it had never happened to begin with.

"Li Jie....he is Li Zian, your new master. "

"And Zian...This is my son, Wang Li Jie. That dense disciple-to-be of yours I'm talking about."

What the.....father! That's not how you're supposed to introduce your son to others. Never in his life did other people use the word "dense" to describe himself and of course, it would be with the exception this father. It was okay to call him dense or stupid when they were alone but not in front of others...not in front of a junior.

How was he supposed to respond? Hello junior, I'm dense and I'm going to be a disciple of yours soon.Nice to meet you? Folding his arms across his chest, the indignant Wang Li Jie just kept his head lowered with that frown on his face, his lips pouting. This time, his father had gone overboard in humiliating his son. And all Wang Li Jie could do about that was just to act discourteous like this. It was just so unfair.

The silent atmosphere was quite uncomfortable and the youth could sense the eyes of two persons on himself. It's not like he could deny it anyway in the end. Let's just bear with it for the moment and go with the flow. At least, his dignity as a senior could still be saved this way lest this impudent guy should go around, spreading rumors like the genius son of their master had no sense of propriety or whatever.

Forcing to raise his head, the resentful youth said with a hint of disrespect in his tone.

"So you're the one who's gonna be my master?"

With that said, Wang Li Jie turned to look at the junior. As expected, that guy was giving him such sort of cold aura. The junior nodded his head in nonchalance, only glancing his very first disciple-to-be from the corner of his eyes.

But then, Wang Li Jie didn't know what made that pervert tilt his head to the side to take the second glance at himself. From his peripheral view, the youth took a peek at the junior who had been staring back at him for quite a while. And there, what Wang Li Jie witnessed was that junior's black eyes looking at himself with traces of astonishment in them.

What?.....It couldn't be that this junior recognized him...already?