How to handle a dense disciple in his own way

Zhang Long Wei didn't even knew how he should respond to this unexpected situation. Right now, he was not seeing things, right? That youth.....that youth who was no other than the very culprit of his death...that youth who ended the very life of this demon lord was now standing before him, looking back at him with those sparkly green eyes.

And he was that genius son of this immortal?.....that gifted young cultivator everybody had been complimenting all the time? Does it mean they two had been staying at the same sect, at this very same peak since the day of his possession over Li Zian's body? The demon just didn't know how to react.

Honestly, it was not because of this weird master and disciple relationship they were going to have. Zhang Long Wei just genuinely didn't know how to think of this youth. This person here was the one who took his life but at the same time, he was no other than that very one who had accompanied him in his last moment.

"The two of you know each other? "

The immortal who sensed the off tension between his son and the disciple asked, yanking two youths out of their own thoughts.

"No... this is my first time meeting this junior. What about you? Why are you looking at me with that bizzare look? "

Peeking the junior from the corner of his eyes, Wang Li Jie asked, hoping to see the reaction of the junior.

Taking his eyes off the youth, Zhang Long Wei cleared his throat as he used the old way of solving such a situation with a reason like "Nothing. It's just that this senior resembled a certain someone I've met before. "

Both of them were obviously lying. Even so, since the two were such excellent pros in faking an act, the immortal just didn't manage to see through them at all. Taking another sip at the tea, the immortal said with satisfaction.

"Then it's great. Li Jie is going to learn swordsmanship from you starting tomorrow. Now that I have introduced the two of you to each other, Li Jie you can go now."

"Yes, father."

With a salute, Wang Li Jie answered respectfully before turning around to take a leave. By 'great', the youth knew his father meant it's a good thing that the two of them was not familiar with each other. If they turned out to know each other already, then it would have been somewhat uncomfortable for both of them to cooperate and train together as a master and a disciple.

Frustrated, the youth groaned, kicking the innocent pebbles near his boots as he walked, heading for the dining hall with drooped shoulders. Why all the problems in the world just kept targeting himself? Wang Li Jie was still struggling to accept the truth of him going to be a disciple of a junior. Not to mention, there was also another problem to figure out whether or not his master-to-be had already knew his very first disciple was that pretty male from last night.

The youth was wrestling with his own problem when his new master was left alone in the arena with his creepy father. Putting down his tea cup, the immortal glanced at Li Zian, patting the place next to himself.

"Master, this disciple don't dare."

Zhang Long Wei, who knew the immortal was gesturing him to have a seat there, declined the invitation right away in respect. The demon didn't know what got into this master today to give him such special treatment. But the highest possibility was due to the fact that Li Zian was now going to be a master of his son.

"Physician Chen said you got wounded in the head again. Are you feeling better now? Next time, don't be too reckless and take good care of yourself. "

"Yes, master. There won't be a next time. This disciple will take care. "

Seeing that his humble disciple had no thought of grasping such a great opportunity to sit beside an elder like him, the satisfied master didn't push it anymore. Getting into a serious mode, immortal Wang said, pouring the tea into his cup in an elegant manner.

"You might wonder why I told teaching my son swordsmanship is equivalent to a punishment. Yeah, it is something to be proud of to be a master of the son of a sect leader like me. But believe me. It's not as good as you think because you have to make Li Jie obey you in your own ways."

In his own ways? What did this immortal mean by that? And with that question popping up in his head, Zhang Long Wei found himself fixing his attention solely on the immortal's next words.

" You can't ask for my help or make threats against him like "If you don't listen to me, then I'm going to tell your father about this." That's not how a real master handle his disciple. You have to find a way to make him listen to your words on his own accord."

Well, that sounded reasonable but at the same time, utterly unreasonable. This immortal's logic was right. Masters were not supposed to threaten their disciples, using the authority of another superior. But if he didn't make good use of this immortal's authority, then how could it be possible anymore to tame such an unruly disciple? Not to mention, that disciple was older than himself in age. This was going to be another annoying brainteaser.

"After a month, I'm testing his sword skills again. If I don't see any progress at the trial, he wouldn't be the one getting punished. It would be you. So, I think you get what I mean."

Well, this....

Didn't this elder think he had gone overboard as to this matter though? A month..... it was such a fuckin short period. How was he supposed to find a way to handle his so-called dense son in a month?

This was nothing different from giving him a mission impossible. But instead of feeling aggrieved, Zhang Long Wei found himself getting excited. Missions impossible were translated to fun in this demon lord's head. And he had already geared up to fully enjoy this fun.

It seemed like staying in this sect wouldn't be that boring anymore. At first, Zhang Long Wei had intended to ask for a day off in this week as his reward for the game. He had already made up his mind to start cultivating demonic art in a desolate cave around the nearby forest that day.

But now, it seemed like Zhang Long Wei had to give a second thought about it. How could he leave his brand new disciple and plan on leaving for the demon realm? Let's just stay here for a while longer and enjoy the fun. Let's just give the world some more time to enjoy the peace.