Coaxing the big crybaby Li Qing

"Arghh.....ngh.... Rong Rong... be gentle. "

Whimpers of a young male came out from a chamber inside the disciples quarters. A pair of disciples who passed by this chamber turned blushed all of a sudden, mistaking these noises as something lewd which would come out once one did a particular unspeakable thing. Picking up their pace, two disciples made a dash for anywhere but here.

Prince Rong wiped tears off the corner of his little Qing' eyes. But it didn't do much to soothe the big cry baby. The prince had already cleaned and treated his injuries. Nonetheless, the big crybaby wouldn't stop sobbing and it broke this prince's heart so much.

Scolding himself in the heart for failing to protect this youth, Prince Rong patted his friend's back as he said.

"Is it that painful? Sorry..... sorry..... this prince shouldn't let you hurt like this.....

Little Qing, tell me what this prince should do to stop you from crying anymore. "

At first, Ming Rong thought his little Qing was injured only at the elbow. But to his dismay, three were some other minor wounds here and there over his little Qing. This crybaby got some bruises on the knees. And his hands were also grazed somewhat as well, thus the reason why this prince was feeling much guiltier than he should.

Li Qing sniffled like a little kid before looking at the prince who was sitting on the bed next to him and pointing at his own elbow.

"I need a whir here. "

Soothing his pounding heart, the prince nodded his head like crazy at the command of his little Qing. Li Qing would turn all childish everytime he's drunk. And this prince's poor heart just couldn't take that cuteness of this crybaby at all. He liked it when Li Qing called him Rong Rong. And his heart felt itchy for an unknown reason whenever he saw this version of Li Qing.

Caressing the seemingly painful injury on his little Qing's elbow, the prince leaned in closer to the youth before giving a whir there. When the prince saw the youth stop sobbing, he thought it was enough and let go of Li Qing's hand.

Ming Rong was about to say something when he saw Li Qing rolling up his pants, exposing that smooth and fair complexion of his slim legs to one's eyes. Somehow, the prince felt his throat go dry at the sight. It was not the first time this prince had a chance to witness those tempting legs of his buddy though.

Just a moment ago, prince Rong had just finished, dressing the wound of his little Qing on the knees. It's the second time now but why the same yet strange reaction? Li Qing was looking at him with those puppy eyes as though telling him to give a blow kiss there as well.

The corner of his lips raised up as Ming Rong bent down and gave another whir there gently, fulfilling the wish of his little Qing. This was such a sweet moment and the prince was going to keep it in his memories for a life time.

And as he looked up, the sight of his little Qing's teary eyes came into his vision, startling the super caring prince. He didn't even know where he went wrong. Ming Rong just thought he had succeeded in coaxing this crybaby a moment ago only to get perplexed at this next second.

"What's wrong? Tell me little Qing. Why are you sobbing again?"

"The injuries ....why are they still there? Now that you gave them a whir, they should have gone vanished instantly. Why are they still there? Hmm?...Rong Rong." could he be this childish and cute? No, it was not good for his heart. This baby...just what should he do with him not to get attacked by that deathly cute move? This was more than he could bear and Ming Rong just din't know how he should handle this little crybaby anymore.

"Ahhh.....little Qing, you're just so.....sigh...

stop crying, okay? Should this prince give you a blow kiss on your eyes as well? Will you stop crying if this prince do it?"

Sniffling, Li Qing shifted closer to the prince. Putting on that serious look, he said.

"Mmm....try it."

The prince's eyes had gone widen at his little Qing's serious answer. His heart was already pounding like crazy already but this crybaby wouldn't just give him enough time to relax. His adam's apple bobbed up and down as he gulped. Was it normal to react like this when you saw your childhood friend acting cute in front of your eyes?

Pulling the youth closer, the prince gave a whir at the fair forehead above his little Qing's tear-brimmed eyes. But an unknown voice in his heart was telling him not to simply stop there. That voice wouldn't just stop giving him this weird command. And the prince who was not satisfied with that blow kiss, couldn't help but to draw the youth closer by his waist and gave him a smooch on that smooth and pearl-white forehead.

Ming Rong was not in his right mind anymore. That smooth forehead his lips just touched felt so good that the prince couldn't help but to smooch it again. But still he was unsatisfied. Just the touch felt this good, what's more if he could have a thorough taste? And at this thought, the prince found himself closing his eyes as he licked the youth's tasty forehead.

"Nghh.... "

Ming Rong's sanity was brought back to the earth as a moan-like whimper came from his little Qing. At the realization of what he'd been doing right now, Ming Rong flinched, feeling like he had been struck by lightning.

Peeking at the quiet Li Qing in his arms from the corner of his eyes, the prince attempted to get a hold of himself. And there, the sight of his little Qing napping in the comfy of his embrace came into his vision.

Sighing, Ming Rong placed the youth on his bed, covering him with warm quilts. Making sure not to let out even a sound of footstep, the prince headed for the door before closing it very quietly.

As soon as he got out of the room successfully, Ming Rong heaved a very deep sigh, leaning against the door. What did he just do? What did he just do to his little Qing..... to his one and only dearest childhood friend? It seemed like he was having some kind of unhealthy obsession over this friend of his.

Touching his lips, Ming Rong decided. Tonight, about that forehead kiss, let's just keep it as a secret....a little secret only he himself knew ....because he would be never, ever going to do it again in the future..... never, ever again.....