Scheming against one's father and little master

In the chamber of white lotus, there stood a shirtless youth who was inspecting his injuries, glancing at his own reflection in the mirror. With a frown, he looked at purple bruises and sword cuts on his back. That was really strange. These injuries were supposed to be minor ones but how come they were still not healed at all?

This morning, at the duel, he didn't even get hurt that much. Only that weak kick from his opponent and some light cuts of that guy's sword. The youth even thought these wounds would get healed just after the duels. But it didn't happen.

His whole body had been aching and stinging all day. Now that he took a thorough inspection, his condition seemed to be really serious. Tracing the bruises on his neck which were yet to get cured with his hand, Wang Li Jie sighed.

Seriously.....what was happening to him? He had already got treatment from his Yeye Chen just this morning. They were supposed to be disappeared as of now. How come they were still there? It seemed like tomorrow morning, he needed to take a visit to his mom and ask about these things.

Tomorrow?...No, he still couldn't go. What if these bruises had not been healed yet? It didn't matter if his mother saw other injuries but not these on his neck. Closing his eyes, the youth let himself fall onto the bed.

That junior....was he his nemesis or what? Why did he just keep giving him troubles after troubles? First, these bruises....and next, that master-disciple relationship.....Speaking of which, his father told him to start his training with that guy tomorrow.

Snuggling his face into the pillow, the youth screamed at the top of his lungs. Heaven was just too cruel. What did he do in his last life to meet such a troublesome guy?

He had no idea how to confront that junior tomorrow. The youth had already sold himself out on his own accord this noon at the dining hall. That junior was such a weirdo. If it weren't for recognizing him, then why did he keep staring at him all the time? Who wouldn't get the wrong idea when he was behaving this strangely?

He didn't know why but after that junior learned the sudden truth, he just kept repeating that very question " You are really him?" and wouldn't let the grip on his wrist loose or whatsoever.

If it were not for his buddies coming to help him out, Wang Li Jie didn't even know how to deal with such a situation. Thank god...there was Li Qing with him. As soon as that guy saw his elder brother coming, the junior let go of his hand and shove off immediately.

It seemed like the two brothers didn't have a peaceful relationship. Well, that's not something odd though. They were only half-siblings after all. Maybe that Zian guy was scared of Li Qing because he was the eldest son of Uncle Li.

What he didn't know was that Zhang Long Wei left as soon as he saw Li Qing not because he was afraid of that guy's presence or something. It was just that he didn't want the youth to hear harsh words of him being a trash of Li family coming out from that elder brother's mouth. Zhang Long Wei never cared about how others thought of or called him.

But this youth was an exception. As soon as the thought of Wang Li Jie learning the fact of him being a trash came to his mind, the demon felt so uncomfortable. He was not Li Zian and the demon knew the word 'trash' had nothing to do with such a lord like him. But still, he didn't want it. He didn't want to get named as a trash in front of that youth and gave such a terrible impression.

For the fifth time, the youth screamed out loud again, snuggling into the pillow. He was still feeling really indignant about his father's decision to make him a disciple of that junior.

Granted, the youth knew very well that guy had exceptional sword skills based on what he witnessed last night. But that's not to say he was satisfied with his father's decision.

Tomorrow....just wait. He was not going to let this matter go and be a humble disciple. It was that guy's first time training a disciple, right? Being an excellent disciple didn't mean he would be a smart shizun as well. They were utterly two different things. Let's do something naughty to scare that little master tomorrow.

And at that thought, a wicked yet attractive smile appeared on his face as the youth looked up at the ceiling, hugging his pillow. But then, that smile vanished and was replaced with a pout when that creepy face of his father popped up in his head.

What if that guy threatened him using his father's name? His father was the only person in all the three realms who could scare this unruly youth. Whatever he schemed to do, as long as his little master used that creepy father card, he knew he wouldn't be able to do anything about that.

Biting his nail, the youth tried to think of a solution, lost in his own little world of puzzles.

" Ahh...that's it!"

Snapping his fingers, Wang Li Jie exclaimed. Why did he even use his brain for that problem? Weak point of his immortal father.... there would be no easier question than this in the world. Of course, it would be his mom.

Even a toddler knew how that cold and strict immortal father of his was a henpecked husband. It was such an open secret. How could he forget about his dear mom?

Just wait, father. Tomorrow....I'm going to mom and gonna weep like a little kid. Let's just see how you handle mom's temper tantrums tomorrow.....

Even if it didn't do much for him, at least, that wicked father of his would learn a lesson he deserved and wouldn't dare to humiliate him easily in the future.

Wang Li Jie and his father was always like this....half the time, they annoyed each other like hell. Though it was always his father who would be the party in advantage at last, you couldn't underestimate tricks used by this mischievous son either.

Now that all the troubles were solved, the youth grinned from ear to ear. Bright-eyed and bushy tailed, a shirtless Wang Li Jie rose to his feet, jumping up and down only to let out a loud " Arghhh..." in the next second. How could he forget these damn injuries?

The youth didn't know what was happening to his body. But whatever it was, it didn't seemed to be anything good. After another one or two days of rest when his bruises on the neck got healed, Wang Li Jie needed to let his parents know about his current condition.

"Achoo... "

What the hell....

He had just stayed shirtless for a while and was already sneezing like this. Tapping the tip of his red nose, Wang Li Jie snuffled before picking up a folded inner robe on his bed and dressing into it. And that was when he sneezed again but this time, the youth was out of patience as he cursed out loud, startling all the sleeping elders and disciples of the snowy-light peak.

" Damn this weak body!!!... "