Chapter-2: Why did I knock him on Instagram?!

I was feeling so happy! I found him on the first try! I knew it was him only by seeing him one time. He had grown more handsome. His dark brown eyes with his black-colored messy hair because of which he looked more gorgeous than ever.

His lip was looking quite pink; his face was having all the attention because of his smile. His jawline was the same perfect as ever.

"Did you find him yet?" Eva asked, and I nodded as an answer.

Just as I nodded, both of them jumped beside me as if they were the lion and I was their food. They grabbed my phone and looked, their eyes were wide.

"He is so handsome!" Eva cried excitedly. I felt jealous... I guess. As soon as the jealousy got in me, it left. I smiled because of their funny behavior.

"Shit! I know him." Mariana cried.

"What? How?" I asked, my eyebrows getting up and my eyes getting wider.

"I don't know him, but I know him," Mari answered by shrugging.

"Don't beat around the bush!" Eva replied, feeling irritated, pushing Mari on her shoulder playfully.

"Okay, let me tell you guys. He is rich." Mari answered,

"So, what are we?" I replied with a confused face, my eyebrows in a raised form.

"We are rich, but this guy is much richer than us and he studies in an elite school. His grades! God, his grades!" Mari said, her face serious, her voice rising in the last two sentences.

"Now I am going to kick your ass if you don't say the rest of the part like an actual human being!" Eva cried, annoyed.

"His grades are soo good! He is intelligent and is the prince of his school. Girls love him and boys want to be with him and be like him. So, now if you guys ask me why do I know him, then I will say it's because my sister's best friend's sister goes to that school. And that girl has a big crush on this guy." She finished the last line, crossing her hands putting them on her chest. My eyes went wide.

Okay, so... okay, whatever.

"Now text him," Eva said, breaking the silence giving me my phone back.

I had my phone in my palm. Shit, I was nervous! I went to the messaging section and texted him.

Me: Ray. I am Scarlett. Maybe you didn't recognize me.

I clicked to send. Wait, why did I write this. He will surely remember me. Okay, whatever, let me not delete this part. It sounds polite.

"There I wrote it," I said, carefree.

"Now, we have to wait for his reply," Mariana replied.

I was holding my phone and wasn't taking my eyes off of it waiting for his reply; it has been at least thirty minutes.

"Girl, if you don't stop staring at your phone like that, then I might think that your childhood sweetheart is not Ray but your phone," Mari said, teasing me and let out a giggle. Listening to her, Eva laughed, and I kept my phone beside me after rolling my eyes.

Just as I was about to reply to her, my phone started vibrating because of a message or two. I got excited and hurriedly took the phone; I stared at it. He gave me a reply.

Ray: Oo. Didn't see ya there. And I still didn't recognize you. Sorry for that.

Okay, so it was kind of disappointing. And kind of not. Yes! Yeah! If I wasn't strong enough, then by now I would've cried my eyes out! How could he not recognize me? It is so disappointing. Mariana and Eva were watching a movie together, so they didn't know what I was doing. I gave him a reply to that.

Me: It's ok. I used to call you Rain at that time.

Ray: Oh.

Didn't he get any reply except this? Okay, I didn't post any picture of mine on Instagram, that's why maybe he didn't recognize me. I said some things we did in our childhood so he could recognize me. Soon, I got another reply.

Ray: Bro, listen. I don't remember you, so please stop. And my name is Ray, not Rain.

Shit! Shit! Why did I knock him on Instagram?!! No no no this can't be happening to me! How the heck did he forget me!? I am his childhood sweetheart. Okay, I just saw his message so, let me reply to his message first.

Me: It's okay. It happens. 🙂

I sent it. If I wasn't strong, then I would've cried by now. I am so sad.

"Why is your face looking so terrified?" Mari asked, giving her attention to me and listening to her Eva fixed her stare on me.

Leaving all their attention from the movie to me. After listening to Mari, I understood my face had a terrified look. I told them what happened, and they gave me a look of 'what the heck'.

"What the heck will I do now?!" I cried.

"Give me your phone," Eva answered, and I gave my phone to her.

"What now?" I asked.

"You are a dumb girl, Scarlett." She answered.

"Come on, it's not the right time." I cried by shrugging.

"You just told him that 'it's ok. It happens.' Are you somehow serious? Mari replied.

"Now you will write the things that I will say you to," Mariana replied, seriously handing me the phone.

Whenever Mari is serious, she can do anything. She can enter the bad girl attitude coming out of the good girl attitude whenever she is serious. I don't know what she will do now. I sighed.

She told me the thing I needed to write, and I and Eva wrote it giggling.

Me: Listen,

You don't remember me, it's your problem, but we used to know each other, it's true. You used to love fries, do you remember it? Or did you forget it also? I thought you will recognize me, that's why I talked with you at first. So, bye for now.

My bitch side was so happy by writing these things. But a part of me was so sad because he forgot about me. The one who I loved forgot me.

"Obviously, he will forget you. Everyone will forget you one by one. Because you are the jinx." My mind said.

A tear rushed down my cheek.

"It is not worthy," Eva said, wiping the tear from my cheek.

"We should've blocked him. But I want to see what he will do after that." Mariana said, and I nodded as an 'Okay'.

I checked my texts from the first, and it was so embarrassing. I didn't even start with a 'hi' or a 'hello'! Shit. Scarlett, you are dumb. I didn't even say my last name to him.

''He gave a reply,'' I said blankly. I knew it will be some kind of this reply because he is always cool and funny. But now he is also a jerk.

Ray: Chill.

That was the reply. After Eva and Mari saw the reply with their eyes being wide, they looked at me and I shrugged.

"I knew his reply would be like this," I said, shrugging.

"Now write," Eva said, and I wrote the thing she asked me to write.

Me: I am in a chill mood since the first. 🙄

I sent the message and there it was. He saw it, but he didn't give a reply and my mood worsened.

"He doesn't give you bell,'' Mariana said giggling with Eva.

Hearing them, I also started giggling. What else could I do? I shrugged it off from my head just for a day. But his words hurt. It's like breaking my heart again and again whenever I remember it. I sighed, watching a movie named 'Host' with my best friends. It was a horror movie. Mari and Eva will stay at my house today and tomorrow three of us will go to the school together. We ate dinner. I am so excited! The night went by watching three movies.

I opened my eyes. I don't know. When did I sleep? I am tired. I sighed and got up. Both of them, I mean Mariana and Eva, were sleeping their ass out. I don't think they will wake up now. Mari was sleeping on the ground, and I and Eva were sleeping on the bed.

After I got out of the washroom, I woke up Eva and Mari.

Three of us wore a tunic tops with half sleeves and leggings. I had my hair in a bun while Eva had it opened, and Mariana had her hair in a bun. I was smiling with all my might, looking happy. I sighed a bit and the three of us went downstairs taking our school bag with us.

"Girls, you woke up." Mom said.

"Yes, aunt." Eva and Mariana replied with a polite smile on their face sitting at the dining table.

"Where is dad?" I asked.

"Oh. He left earlier today." Mom replied.

Though every girl gets sad when they don't see their father early in the morning, I get happy when I don't see him.

"Oh. Okay." It was the reply I gave to my mother.

My sisters came down wearing their perfect outfits with their perfect faces.

"Hi." I greeted them.

"Bye," Laiba said with a smile, waving her hand and sitting on the chair.

Uh-Okay... Whatever. I sighed and was now eating the egg. Today, Omera, I, Eva, and Mariana got in Eva's car to go to school. It isn't like that, that I don't have a good relationship with my elder sister. It's just that we had a grand thing between us until she got her amazing friends and her amazing boyfriend. I sighed, thinking about it. Omera is great if she wouldn't just blame me for everything that goes wrong with her. She blames me for everything and I take the blame on me because... no one believes in me when I deny it. So, I just take the... blame. And my mother and father? Don't talk about them, just don't. My eyes teared up. Shit, not now I am not in the washroom. I wiped my eyes when no one was looking in the car. The car was going on with music and I was humming with Omera, Eva and Mari.

I sighed, knowing the car had stopped. I was tired just by thinking about the day. I don't even have a crush.

"How can you have a crush if you stuck to Ray?" My stupid mind stated.

Though it was true, I rolled my eyes, and they got out of the car while I was fixing my dress. I opened the door of the car and got one of my legs out of the car. I got another leg out of the car and just as I was about to stand up... "Shit!" I gasped.

A car just was about to slam me if I didn't sit again by accepting my brain's wonderful order by time. "You! How can you drive this way, you brainless jerk driver!" I shouted with anger even though my head was hurting because I had my head hit with the car when I sat down quickly because of that car. I saw the car had stopped and my friends came to me running.

"Are you okay?" Omera and my friends asked with a caring voice and face.

"Yeah." I answered with a king of sarcastically.

"Are you sure?" Mari asked.

"Yeah." I answered.

"Okay then sis, I am going." Omera said, and I nodded as a response.

I went to that place where the car had stopped, but by the time I had gone there was no one was in the car. Maybe he was a new student. Aish!! I will not spare him. My head hurts.

"Are you seriously okay?" Mari asked, holding my head, rubbing the place.

"It hurts so much!" I stated, and just I kicked the car. The car was expensive anyone would've understood it just by seeing the car.

"Slow down!" Eva gasped.

Mariana and Eva were both holding me to stop as I was kicking the car while some other students were staring at me with horrified faces. At last,last, Eva and Mari stopped me. I got all of my frustration by kicking that car.

"I was in a foul mood from yesterday, and you messed up with me and you thought I would've left you like that? Aha-hahaha. So funny!" I finished muttering to myself as Eva and Mariana were staring at me as if they have just seen a person saying that they saw a ghost.

I stared at them back.

"What?" I said staring at them narrowing my eyes and they just glared at me.

"Okay, fine, it didn't even have a scratch. Look!" I said, pointing at the car. I just kicked the car like five or six times and I kicked it too lightly that it didn't even have a scratch.

"Okay, let's just forget it because we know that whenever your mood is bad, you can turn into a devil and get your anger off on anything," Eva said getting us to walk.

I shrugged, taking my bag on my shoulder, and Mari laughed. "Why are you laughing?" I asked, annoyed.

"It's because of you- your behavior!" She answered laughing making her say the word your two times and listening to her answer I giggled.

The bell rang, and we went to our class and I got in by using the door of the class. And I sat beside a boy who was keeping his head on the table, I guess he was sleeping. The boy had black hair.

"Whatever," I muttered and kept my bag on the desk. The teacher entered a few minutes later, and the boy had his head up by then. I didn't see his face. The teacher kept his thing on his table and said a 'good morning.' It was more like a hell morning!

"So, today a new student has joined us and there is he." The teacher said pointing at me. Wait? What? Why will he point at me?! I am not new here!

"Oh, sorry I meant he." The teacher said pointing beside me and I stared at the boy who was none other than... Shit! Ray!!?? What was he doing here? I mean, what is he doing here? He stood up.

"Hi everyone! I am Ray and I am new here. Nice to meet all of you." He said with his lovely and attractive voice and sat down.

"So, now let's start the class." The teacher said, and I had my head straight to the teacher or on the book, hoping that he wouldn't see me. It's so embarrassing! I heard everyone whispering about him, about how he is so gorgeous and Bla Bla Bla.

"Hello" Ray said in a whispering tone, his voice attracting me. Allah! What will I do now??!! No! Nonononono! Please!

"Hi!" Ray said again this time, giving me his hand for shaking and if I ignored his hand now, he will think that I have insulted him or I am ignoring him. Allah!! No!! Okay, I have to do this now.

"Hi," I whispered loudly, shaking his hand but not facing him. I was facing the teacher.

"Hey, face me." He requested.

"No," I answered. Wait, what the heck did I do?! Why did I say no I should've just given him an excuse!

"Why not?" He asked curiously.

"It's because...Nothing?" The last part came out of my mouth in a questioning manner. No! Think Scarlett, think, give some excuse!

''Umm...Ok? So what's your name?" Ray asked me.

What should I do now? I want to scream. Ok, I have been waiting for this day but now because of that embarrassing moment, I can't even talk with him. Ok, one day he will know the truth so let me just answer his question.

"My name is... Scarlett Aabidah." I said now looking at him.

He looked at me like I was some freak who just told him I want to marry him.

"Did I talk with you on social media?" Ray asked. Oh no! I am dooommmeedd! I was silent for some moment and then...he took my hand. Shit! My heart is not beating call the ambulance, someone!

"I will take the silence as a 'yes." he answered smirking and my eyes went wide and suddenly out of nowhere I stood up making all the students surprised.

All the students were staring at me and the teacher.

"Out of the class now!" The teacher shouted. I sighed and got out of the class. Well, you can't expect me to say sorry and make the teacher make me stay in the class. Because, boy, this teacher's behavior is more like the volcano.

It all happened because of me! Why did I talk to him in the first place? Come on! Why?

Because your dump had thought that he will remember you.

Shut up, will you! I sighed and started walking. There are still 10 minutes left for the class to get finished.

Finally, the bell rang. And now it's lunchtime. The cafeteria was full, and we were eating and after I told all the things to Eva and Mari...

"What?!" both of them shouted as if I just told them that World War 3 will start a little later.

"What?" I said, glaring at them.

I got my head a bit left and saw that Ray was coming this way.

"Why is he coming this way?" I asked shocked, my eyes wide as apples.

"Shit! We don't know." Mari replied nodding nervously.

"What did you do to my car?!" Ray said, his eyes narrowing at me.

Wait...what? What did I do to his car? Does he have a car? And I was staring at him when he opened his mouth for saying something.