Chapter-3: I didn't do it.

"What did you do to my car? I want an explanation." He said with a kind of angry face and voice.

"I did nothing to your car. I don't even know that you have a car!" I said innocently. Really, I don't know. Wait a second. Is it that car?

"Who says that you didn't do it? Some students said that they saw you kicking my car." He retorted.

Shit. What will I do now? But it didn't even leave a scratch on the car. How can he just...

"Why are you silent? It means that you did this to my car." He said.

"Listen, you are right that I kicked your car, but it didn't even leave a scratch in the car!" I protested.

"Who said that you didn't?" Allah! Now I know who is this girl who has just talked to. Her name is Nishi. She is, I mean, even if she doesn't know something, she goes on telling people anything! In short, she is a 'gossiper'. Ugh. Now she will say that she saw me scratching or breaking okay, whatever someone did to his car. Now the thing that I only know is that I am... doomed!

"She has done it. And boy, listen, this girl. Everyone knows that she is not a jinx, but the jinx is she..." She said but was silent after saying those words I don't know why so I looked behind and Eva and Mariana were glaring at her with an 'I will kill you' looks. Yeah, my best friends got my back. Oh, but did I forget to tell you something? Yes, I forgot something to tell. I am not a jinx. But the jinx is me.

"We were there with her and we saw her kicking the car and also it didn't leave a scratch," Eva stated, her hand kept crossing on her chest.

"Yeah, she is right," Eva replied.

"I know nothing about it. I just know that she will have to pay for what she did to my car." He said.

"I didn't do it." I protested.

"You did it." He stated, surely.

"I didn't," I said again.

"You did."

"I didn't!"

"You did!"

"I didn't!"

"You did!"

"I didn't do it!"

"You did it?" He said which more sounded like a question because of which I had time to prove my innocence!

"See, you don't even know you just guessed it!" I started leaving him with a shocking face. Seeing him, I chuckled.

"What why are you laughing?" He asked, annoyed.

"Because you admitted it!" I answered.

"Will you guys leave your childish behavior? And Ray, I am sure that Scarlett did it!" Nishi assured, facing towards Ray.

But I can admit something that Nishi can be bad all the time, but when it is a really very, very serious matter which hurts everyone, she is a good person for staying by your side. But man, I guess she is in her period because of which she is not in my favor or I guess she just has some crush on my crush.

"Hello! Are you listening to what I am saying?" Ray said, snapping his fingers towards my face.

"Yeah, just keep on blabbering!" I answered with an annoyed face and voice.

"Now you have to pay me." He replied to my statement.

"Yeah, I will pay just tell me how much you want," I said mockingly.

"1000." He said smirking.


"I can't give you 1000 dollars. Mom only gives me 200 once in a month."

"I know nothing, but you have to pay me or not you have to pay for it." He said threateningly.

"Okay! Okay! I will pay for it!" I said harshly. I was getting so irritated!

"Yes, pay for it." He said and suddenly the bell rang.

In the English class:

"So how are you going to pay the money?" Eva asked.

"I don't know," I said worriedly.

"Well, if you didn't do it, then who did it?" Eva asked.

"How will I know?" I said, annoyed.

"We have to find it out as soon as possible," Eva said, getting into her detective attitude.

"Yeah. As soon as I find out who did it, I am going to kill that someone into a pulp!" I shouted angrily.

"Scarlett, if you want to say something, say it a little louder!" Miss French shouted. Shit, I got an idea!

"No, sorry, miss," I said with an apology face and voice.

"I have got an idea!" I said, whispering loudly to Eva.

"And what is your idea, Miss?" Eva asked sarcastically.

"My idea is that I will bring fries to Mr. Crush every day with my money," I said, smiling after pushing Eva's shoulder playfully with my hand.

"Hahaha, what a wonderful idea!" Eva answered sarcastically, and I again pushed her hand playfully.

"Ask me how I got that idea," I said to Eva.

"Okay, tell me, how did you get that idea," Eva said, whispering loudly after giggling by putting her hand on her mouth.

"When Miss. French shouted at me I got the idea of the french fries and thanks to miss French." I answered, grinning.

And Eva started laughing. I gasped and slapped her. Miss French stared at us.

"Miss, will you tell me something?" I asked with my normal face, trying hard not to laugh.

"No." She answered, narrowing her eyes.

Thankfully Eva had stopped laughing because I had slapped her.

"Thanks to me!" I said, flipping my strands of hair because of which my strands of hair went to the back.

"But if he didn't want to take the fries?" Eva asked, worried.

"He wouldn't, obviously, because he loves fries more than himself," I answered, smiling, and the bell rang. Eva is still thinking I am serious about the fries!? Is she dumb?

"The class finished quickly," I said, frowning because the school was over.

"Let me drop you." Eva said.

"Okay," I answered.

"Stop!" I shouted, and Eva stopped the car with a gasp and Mariana had a shocked expression on her face.

"What?!" Eva said, feeling irritated.

"I just said stop because I wanted to walk the rest of the path," I answered with my neutral face.

"You! I thought that I just ran on some dog!" Eva shouted, feeling annoyed and Mariana gasped.

"No! Bye for now!" I said and got out of the car after opening the door of the car.

"This girl!" Mariana said, and they got to their home after saying bye.

I giggled a bit and started walking. Oh, did I forget to tell you guys the breaking news? My neighbors have changed today. I didn't meet them and they are lovely... I guess?

"What the heck are you doing?!" I shouted at the boy who seemed my age.

I saw him some days ago when the new neighbors saw their house; I mean, new house. The boy had dark brown hair with dark brown eyes and had fair skin. He is 5'10 I guess and now is aiming at the window of my room by holding a stone.

"Nothing." He replied, and I got so much angry! I want to shout!

"You are aiming at my window with that dumb stone and you say that nothing?!" I said, getting annoyed.

"Whoa, chill!" He said dropping the stone.

"Why should I chill?! Do you think that I am a fool? Who throws a stone at their neighbor's window? I replied my face in an annoying form.

"Chill. I was just trying to get my cat from up there." He said, and he lied.

"Which cat? If it would be a dog, then I would have believed you, but it is a cat. And also if would've been a dog I wouldn't have believed it, you liar! I replied. I mean why a stone it could've been a plate or something like that and it should've been a dig, but how can a dog even go up in the roof.

"Look there!" The boy said, and I looked where he pointed. Allah! The thing he stated was true. It is a cat. But I didn't know that we can train a cat like a dog.

"See, I told you" He said, and I got out of my la la land.

"Sorrryyy!" I apologized, lowering my head.

"It's okay, Scarlett." He said smiling.

"Wait, what? How the heck did you know my name?!" I said taking a ninety-degree turn crossing both of my hands in an 'X' form keeping it on my chest.

"Whoa! Don't need to be so dramatic." He said shocked, his eyes wide as apples.

"Oh, oh sorry," I murmured and hurriedly got into my normal position.

"No, no problem, you are just dramatic." He said.

"So, how did you know my name?" I asked him, cocking my eyebrows.

"Oh, your mother told me your name." He answered, and I replied with an 'oh'.

"Hi, my name is Sam Zech." He said with a smile on his face, giving me his hand for a handshake. I hesitated a bit and then shook his hand.

"I you already know my name," I said with an embarrassing smile, keeping my hand away from me.

"Oh, it's okay! I guess you are socially awkward." He replied. A smile on his face.

I just noticed that he has dimples. A really very sweet dimple. My bag was sliding from my shoulder, so I took it in place again after giving him a smile.

"Nice to meet you, Sam," I said, and he nodded with still a smile on his face.

"Nice to meet you too, Scarlett." He answered and suddenly some girl was shouting from inside of their big house, which seemed lovely from the outside.

"Hey! Sam, if you don't come and tell me who used my scarf?!" The girl's voice became louder. I guess that girl is coming here.

Finally, the girl came and the boy she was gorgeous. She is a very fair natural blonde with her wavy brown colored hair which reached up to her chest she looked amazing. She had her hair opened and was wearing a t-shirt with something written on it. Don't ask me what is written on her t-shirt or not she will understand that I am admiring her.

"Who is this girl?" She said pointing at me. Oh, now that's what you call rude.

''Hi! My name is Scarlett Aabidah, nice to meet you." I answered, waving my hand at her.

And she nodded. Wow! What a nice reply. Correction: ' What a rude reply.' Sam was giving her a look of 'not now' and I was just looking at them with a fake smile pinned with my face with the stapler.

"Okay, I will go now. Bye." I said still a smile plastered on my face. They nodded in reply and I went away. I rang the doorbell and saw that Sam was talking with that girl and now he was still trying to call his cat.

"Hey, you are home." My mother said after opening the door.

"Yeah, I am home," I answered, going in while taking my shoes off.

"After your shower is done, come downstairs I want to talk with you." She said in her neutral face and normal voice.

"Okay". It was my answer.

I went upstairs to my room, which I loved but didn't get too much privacy in it. I had put my bag on the chair that was placed opposite my study table. The balcony door was closed, so I got that opened. Oh! Surprise for me. My mother got the clothes washed and gave them to dry on my balcony, not in the yard. Clap Clap! I sighed and again got in my room to get some clothes from the wardrobe and to go to the shower. I got a skirt out and a top which had a bow on the corner. Pretty bow today I am going to wear you. I went to the bathroom by jumping.

The mix of hot and cold water got on my body as the water was running through the shower. I felt refreshing as the water went through my hair, removing the hot air that I had in my hair. I hold the shampoo that I had on the don't know what do you say about this thing. Okay, whatever. I put an enormous amount of shampoo in my hand. Yeah, I need an enormous amount of shampoo because my hair needs so much shampoo to be clearly dirty-free.

I got the soap and as it went through my body; I felt the dirt go away. I closed my eyes and rubbed my hair so that the shampoo could spread all over my hair. The picture of Annabelle and conjuring's poster came in my mind. No! I opened my eyes, and I gasped because of the shampoo that just went inside my eyes. I got my head up so that the water could enter my eyes. After a while of the whole shower, which turned out to be a disaster, I got out of the shower after grabbing my towel and putting it on my body. I got in my bedroom, which I had locked before going in the shower. I got my clothes, which were kept on the bed neatly, and wore them after a bit of struggle because of my wet body.

I got the towel on my head and got the extra water out of my head or hair, whatever you think again. I got on my bed and was lying watching the most interesting thing in my room, which is the purple-colored ceiling. Oh! I forgot! Mom asked me to meet her. I jumped from the bed and that's when I went Déjà vu. . . just kidding. That's when I fell on the carpet that was on the floor. I let out a gasp and then got up, holding my ankle where it had hurt. It hurts sooo much! No, no, it doesn't hurt Scarlett. It was just a small thing that happened to you. I got up like a lame person and opened my door, which was locked.

After a bit more of a struggle for like five minutes, I got downstairs and went to my mom, who was sitting on the couch watching her favorite T.V show. I smiled a bit because of the dramatic drama that was made of nothing but dramas that we hardly have in our life. Like don't all of our lives has a mix of emotions which are happy, sad, fear, love, desire, angry, depressed and so on. Then how does the T. V show only has anger in it and they only argue with others? A drama is like.

"I am here," I said, making her turn her head around to find her nodding and then again turning to the T. V giving all her attention to it.

"What did you need?" I asked, leaning against the wall.

"I want you to go to the neighbor's house and give them the food that I have kept on the table." She answered, not looking away from the T.V.

"I won't go alone," I replied.

"Then take your sister." She said with her neutral face and normal voice.

"I think she will not go," I muttered loudly because of which she opened her mouth.

"Okay, then I am going. You guys don't have to do any work. I am here for you guys so I can do all the work." All those words flowed from her mouth and then I said-

"Okay! Okay! I am going you don't have to." I said and went upstairs to my sister's room, which was opposite my room. Thankfully, the door wasn't locked, and I saw my sister was... sleeping. Her room was a mess, like always. The white room sent me nothing but no feelings. What did you wonder? I would've said nothing but a 'chilly feeling'? Haha.

"Hey wake up!" I said poking her shoulders that were under the blanket.

"Get out... From here!!!!" She shouted.

"Okay! Okay! I am going you keep on sleeping and dreaming about your damn boyfriend!" I replied, feeling irritated.

I stomped downstairs harshly and took the plate of food harshly and got out of the door, slamming the door shut.

Why do they always give me everything to do alone? Alone! If just someone was there for me, I would have said 'damn okay it's okay. I just want a... Oh! When did I come here? I didn't even notice that my foot brought me here, and I was now standing in front of the door of my neighbor's house. The door was designed not heavily nor lightly. I guess they changed the door. I rang the doorbell. What should I say to them?

I felt my eyes go blur because of that even some minutes ago. No, no, not now! I just rang their doorbell! Suddenly the door went open, and I said 'Assalamualaikum' and I hurriedly placed my head downwards so that even if my tears get out of my eye he/she won't see it.

"Walaikum Assalam. Get inside." A woman spoke, and the tears got away and I opened my shoes and got inside of the luxurious house I see.

"My mother gave you this," I said taking the plate of food which had a cake on it a bit closer to the beautiful woman who was standing in front of me. Perhaps she is the mother of what was his name?. . . . Sam! I smiled.

"Oh! Thanks to your lovely mother." She said and hold the plate from me. 'who just blackmailed you emotionally' I added in my mind after a giggle escaped my mouth.

"You can sit. I will be back in some moments." She said and went to the kitchen, leaving me dumbfounded.

I was tired of standing, so I just sat down. Someone got downstairs. I guess it was a girl and a boy. I turned my head around to look who they were, and I found the girl who was earlier with Sam and a boy who was none other than 'my rain'. Wait, what? Why is he here? They stared at me and I stared at them.