Monsters and Mana

[Castyr has died from pitfall trap. Congratulations on your first kill! You've received Castyr Blueprint! To use Blueprint focus your mana into the blueprint and push it in until the creature is created.]

[Blighted Castyr has died from pitfall trap!]

'Tilly! One of those Castyr's were different from the other so we have two blueprints! But what's mana exactly?' I ask Tilly as she hovers in front of my core and clears her throat.

"First focus on the pitfall trap. Your energy as you've been calling it is actually your mana. I'll pull up your stats for you to see once we're done. Now focus your energy into the pitfall." Tilly instructs as I follow her lead and focus my energy there, watching in amazement as the bodies and blood begin to disintegrate as a refreshing flavor enters my 'mouth'.

[Items received Castyr pelt, Castyr bones, Castyr meat, Blighted Castyr Toxin. All items recorded and available to be assigned as loot!]

"Good! Now you also got the loot update so let me explain that. After you kill something you'll receive loot options based off of useable parts of that creature or any gear they drop. SO if you had an adventurer enter and they died you would receive his clothes, weapons, and anything he had in his bag. Or in this case a beast died so you got it's bones, fur, and meat as well as the blighted ones poison. What these things do is allow you to use your mana to attach these items to your monsters or mobs to shorten it. That way when a mob dies they have a chance to drop those items, this way you can use this 'treasure' to lure adventurers back in so they can supply you with energy. Now lets focus on the normal Castyr first focus on its blueprint and push your energy into it." Tilly explains as I follow her direction and push my energy into the blueprint.

As I push I can feel myself become exhausted and my core begins growing dimmer before I feel a snap and I finally feel my energy slowly begin to refill. In front of my core stands a plump Castyr that is look around with glassy, vacant eyes. It looks like a capybara but instead of playful and brown it's pitch black with silver stripes. Its mouth is filled with two long buck teeth in front followed by several smaller flat teeth behind it. Its tail is bushy and I can see several sharp spikes inside of its coat while its squat legs end in small paws with sharp claws. After it's finished looking around I get a new prompt.

[Castyr created! Assign Loot?]

I accept and a small list of options appear as well as a picture next to each choice. There's not really very much to choose from so I ask Tilly her advice.

"Well since these are a fairly common beast you should guarantee they drop at least one fur, bone, and meat upon death. For the Blighted ones I would make its toxin a rare drop which means you set the drop rate to a certain percent, for these normal ones maybe use that veggie you keep calling a purple potato?" She says as I start to set that up. After a few minutes I have it set so that the Castyr will drop its normal loot upon death and the veggie 20% of the time.

"Good now you can mentally command your mobs to stay in a certain room, wander around, or even act certain ways. For now send that Castyr into the big room and tell it to act natural and also attack any intruders. Now let me bring up your stats." Tilly says as the Castyr teleports to the big room and starts to waddle around before finding the veggies that are planted and falling asleep next to them.

[Dungeon Core Name-Kyle Level-1 Mana-12/120 Dungeon Rooms-3 Number of Bosses-0]

"So these are your stats right now. For a level 1 dungeon you have a little extra mana than others which is a good thing but to summon that normal Castyr drained you almost. You will be able to recover your mana passively but it takes a long time but if you have wild creatures or adventurers in the dungeon it will increase faster due to you leeching some of theirs from them. not enough for them to notice but enough to help you recover quicker. You'll also get a bunch of it if something dies in the dungeon so that's an easy way to top yourself off. Now our next goal is to create that Blighted Castyr." Tilly says excitedly as she tells me to start pumping mana into it's blueprint. I follow her directions but before its even a quarter of the way full I run out of mana and can feel an intense pain in my core.

"Sorry Kyle but you had to learn this through experience. That pain is what happens when you use to much mana and your about to run out. As a dungeon core if you run out of mana completely you'll go into a hibernation and that's almost a death sentence to a young dungeon like you. If you feel that pain it means your at one mana left and if you want to go past that you'll have to completely concentrate. Now the upside to this also is as you can see the Blighted blueprint is still at the same amount of mana as you left it. Blueprints won't lose any mana that you put into them so you can create creatures in small batches vs all at once normally. But don't think you can start making dragons and krakens and stuff cus you have to have a certain dungeon level to be able to create certain beings. Also any creature that swears itself to you that's on another level strength wise will have its abilities and stats reduced to your level and they'll slowly get them back as you grow stronger." Tilly explains as I bob my core up and down in a nod of understanding as I notice her face attempting not to giggle at my antics.

'Understood Boss Lady Tilly! What's our next mission Cap-i-tan!' I say like a clown as I finally get her to laugh while she turns red.

"Next we have to get more mobs made to protect you, after that we get a boss made but right now watch cus we have another visitor." Tilly says as I watch the entranceway and see what new thing is going to join my collection!