The Second Floors Debut

I watch the group as they cautiously follow the stairs downwards until they reach a dilapidated stone archway leading into the "Village Square". As the Leader known as Jogur sticks his head in he's greeted by a shriek as well as a whistle, as Banshee is raring to go with Slax sitting atop her waving at his previous forced companion with a sarcastic grin.

"Shit! Anni, Ro, we have a problem. Remember that damn goblin with the ghost spider that's been wandering around and hunting most of the wild game in the area? Well the damn spider is in that room and our lizard man is riding the damn thing. Pretty sure he aint a mob either but a boss and a smart one to boot!" Jogur says nervously as both of the adventurers grimace while the Bather known as Tyr just stands there with a strange look on her face.

Watching Tyr I continue my discussion with Tilly as we make wagers on how well Slax will do before we hear something confusing.

"Don't you guys hear those voices? They keep mentioning a Slax and a Banshee, am I going crazy or something maybe?" Tyr asks in confusion as the group looks at her with pity while both myself and Tilly freeze in shock.

'Wait...can she hear us Tilly? Umm Tyr lady can you hear me? If so raise your hand with your thumb up!' I say in nervous excitement as the bather raises her arm with her thumb pointing towards the ceiling.

'She can hear us!!! Tilly this is my first human person to talk to what do I say?! Um Hello miss Tyr! My name is Kyle and your currently inside me....wait no that sounds wrong. I am the dungeon core that controls this dungeon! Yea that's better! I know you can hear me but I don't know why so if you could please maybe not say stuff about me until I figure it out? That'd be great thanks bye bye!' I say happily as the bather woman looks rather confused and a little frightened but nods her head as she faces towards the archway leading to Slax. As I look towards Tilly I see her making some weird hand gestures before a soft black glow surrounds her before fading.

"Done! Sorry Kyle I really didn't expect for that to happen! Normally only adventurers of different races explore dungeons so there's no real need for that spell but monsters and creatures are different. In order to communicate a pact with a dungeon they basically gain the ability to hear you so that they can communicate. Wild monsters and creatures have no need to clear us so the only reason to enter would be to hunt for food or join us. Other monsters from enemy dungeons or tamed creatures of adventurers are blocked due to being already pacted to something or someone else. The spell I used is something to block our conversations between wild monsters and the dungeon, usually its used if a creature is after your core and we have full authority to kill it off with extreme prejudice. Now less talking they're about to fight Slax!" Tilly explains as I watch the full group enter the room and stare down the cocky shaman and his steed.

"Oy Scaleface what the hell you doing riding the nightmares mount. Get back here and maybe the boss won't roast you for a snack!" hollers Jogur as Slax looks down upon him while still smiling.

"My name be Slax not scaleface. And I found me a new master to serve, and compared to you folk at least he be having some soul. Now let us commence this battle." Slax says pridefully as Banshee begins darting between the building while shooting her ethereal webs towards the group. Snaring two of the bathers, the last of the mindless humans charges behind a build where a scream is heart before his body flies through the air with a large hole in his chest. Banshee creeps from behind the building riderless as Slax can be heard chanting from behind the build before a soft glow shines on the spiders legs and she zips off.

"Damnit! Jogur defense now! Ro we need debuffs and hit that thing with everything you've got! The lizards a damn support as long as it stands that spider probably won't go down! Tyr just smash it go!" Shouts Anissa as she darts towards a shadow and disappears. Jogur charges towards Banshee with a shot as he swing his axe towards her front leg and actually manages to damage it due to the enchanted blade. Ro chants overtop the sounds of battle before several flaming balls dart towards banshee lighting her aflame as she continues to attack viscously and attempt to take someone with her. Suddenly a scream is heard as Anissa stumbles from behind a building holding her head, Slax walking confidently behind her as he chants under his breath and a healing glow begins to help Banshee recover.

"This dungeon be my home now, and I not be letting you scum ruin it. Now begone!" He yells as he raises his hand and one of the rings he brought back begins shining before a ghostlike creature emerges and rushes towards Jogur and Ro. Curious of the creature I inspect it and find out its temporary but a game changer.

{Species-Ethereal Hermitaur Raider(Temporary) Description-The captured soul of a hermitaur raider from long ago, its eight legged body carries a large shell on its back as it charges forth on its armored legs and lower half, while its upper body is a mix of merman and human. These creatures were once renowned as the most dangerous pirates and coastal raiders. This creature is temporary summon and cannot be pacted or converted to a blueprint.}

As the ghost raider charges towards Jogur and Ro, Tyr appears behind Slax and with a thrust of her spear she skewers the shocked geckonian through the chest before throwing him to the side. With Slax out of the way the raider soon dissipates into dust and Anissa shakes herself out of her stupor and begins whittling away at Banshee until the poor spider eventually falls to the ground, dropping several pieces of loot as both Slax and herself respawn back in the core room next to Spooky.

"You guys did good but Slax you shouldn't have separated from Banshee, it left you open to be taken out and without your support you know she's under equipped to solo fight. Plus you got cocky and forgot about the other bather. Just because most of them are occupied doesn't mean they all are, you need more awareness! But your first shot wasn't the worst and you killed another of the bathers so that's a good turnout. And Spooky! You did so well but we didn't expect them to have a poison immunity as well as someone with your fighting style but more experience with it. We can only train and hope that Shank and the rest of the mobs give them a challenge now." Tilly says as we watch the group approach the smithy and carefully enter.

"A damn workshop, broken down, kinda crummy. Hey found me a few silver here! Found a little bag of stuff too!" Yells Jogur before he screeches in fear and falls backwards as he scrabbles backwards while staring at the trapped castyr staring at him with watery eyes.

"What in the hell are you screeching for....aww poor thing! Its so cute we have to help the poor baby!!" Anissa says as she slowly approaches the castyr, sighing in adoration as it chuffs pathetically at her.

"Ani that's a damn dungeon mob, it'll just attack anyways, we should kill it and be done." Says Jogur as he makes his way back to his feet and glances over and wincing as he see's the castyr already freed from the debris pinning it down. Instead of attacking the woman instead the castyr nuzzles its head into her leg and lets out a chuffing purr before gently biting her leg and attempting to pull her away.

"Wants us to follow it and it doesn't seem like a normal mob. I've heard of this from one of the veterans back at base, that dungeons aren't just supposed to challenge out fighting abilities but also morality, intelligence, cunning, and many other factors. Stay on guard but we're following this little one." Anissa says as Ro follows along behind her, Jogur staying in the smithy and continuing to loot as the remaining bather's and Tyr wait patiently to move on.

Following the castyr the duo finally end up in the empty area that I created and are led to where the satchel sets, several rough jewels sitting outside the bag. Approaching cautiously Anissa pulls the large scythe out of her pocket again and begins poking the bag as it opens and a small pile of coins, jewels, and an enchanted ring falls out. The ring was my best idea and is a new item I made yesterday as a reward for showing castyr mercy.

{Ring of the Merciful Castyr Quality-Rare Description-This silver ring is embedded with a small castyr bone as well as a rough emerald. Although it looks clunky it allows the wearer to be seen as a friendly party to castyr of the dungeon, opening new possibilities with the creatures in the future.

"Lets head back Ro, this baby dungeon is interesting. I'm curious to see what else it has hidden away here." Anissa says as the silent Ro nods and makes his way back behind her.