Vindictive Spook

As the group arrive before Spooky's room they pause as they stare at the sleeping beast at the far end of the room, its slightly rounded wolf like body curled into a ball as it snores gently.

"Shame you can't tame a boss creature in dungeons or that thing would be a great choice. Looks canine but is obviously still a damn castyr considering it's to round and its face looks like more of a rodent than a wolf. Notes say its a speed and ambush fighter, has a berserk effect when its weak, and has bleed and poison attacks so be on your guard. And remember with speed type attackers always stay moving! A standing target is as good as a corpse to a speed ambusher so try not to rest on your laurels without a plan now lets move!" Whispers Dusk as she walks forward into the room and positions her shield in front of her, followed closely by the rest of her team.

As soon as the shield using twins foot lands inside of the room Spooky moves in a whirlwind and is on his feet, a rumbling growl coming from his throat as his eyes glare at the approaching party. The boss has spent the several hours since the group entered the dungeon plotting his revenge, the shame of failing in protecting his master fresh in his mind as pure fury runs through his veins. glancing at the incoming party he takes count of their group and begins creating a plan as he has an internal monologue.

'Front woman strong, skip her. Monster in back strong too skip. Boy weak but to close skip. Short man and cloth thing weak, together but weak! Prey! Rend them! Protect Master!' the beastial boss creature thinks as it focuses on the two back line fighters without realizing it overlooked the rapier twin hiding in her sisters shadow.

The plate sister Dusk charges forwards and screams at Spooky as she slams her shield on the ground with a thunderous crash as several spikes of light shoot from it towards Spooky as the boss monster darts to the side, avoiding the damage before diving into the surrounding brush and disappearing from view.

"Looks like it has taunt resist or immunity now too! I have no aggro so be extra careful!!" Shouts Dusk as she turns in circles with her shield close to her chest looking for the boss creature. As the group keeps looking for the boss hiding inside its room, several spikes shoot from the brush and plant themselves in the crossbowman's chest. A gurgling shout is heard as he falls to his back and begins convulsing as the cloth wrapped person, Stein, begins frantically healing him in an attempt to keep him alive. Trying to take advantage of the distraction Spooky rushes from the brush and leaps towards Stein's back with his jaws open, a feral look of happiness on his face before a larger mass of gray rushes into him and sends him flying in the opposite direction with a yelp.

"Stein watch your back! He's targeting the weak links first damnit! Its a damn thinker guys be careful!!!" Shouts the boy Tommy as the render shakes its arms and roars towards the area Spooky was thrown. A low growl emanates from the surroundings, the rumble sounding like its coming from every direction as the group put their backs to each other as Stein continues treating the dwarf.

Spooky watches its prey as it stalks around them while staying stealthed within the brush. The plate woman and monster are alert while the boy is scared. The scent of his fear reaches the boss and ignites its need to hunt as it slinks further through the brush. Stopping quickly it lashes its tail to the side and hears the shink of metal on metal as a small woman wearing darkened leather and wielding a rapier appears out of the shadows as she parries the tail. The girl smiles sadistically at the boss monster as it backs away cautiously, a chill running down its spine as it feels something off about the woman that just appeared.

"Such an adorable little puppy! Oh let momma Dawn help put you to sleep little one, I promise you won't feel a thing!" The woman says gently as a manic giggle escapes her throat and she covers her mouth with her hand to block it. Spooky, sensing something extremly off, darts into the nearby brush and stealths itself while watching the giggling woman stand still while staring at the ground smiling.

'Danger! Prey but like me, must careful hunt. Kill first other later!' Thinks Spooky quietly as he slinks behind the girl and pounces towards her with his claws outstretched, venom dripping from the dagger sharp digits. Landing on the girl, Spooky yelps as the body dissipates into mist and he lands on the ground in a tangle of limbs before regaining his feet. Quickly slashing forward his claws meet with the rapier once again as sparks fly off and both combatants are pushed from each other while glaring each other down.

With a giggle and a growl both rush at each other once again with a clash as the rapier leaves a slash on Spooky's shoulder, his fangs find purchase and draw blood against the girls side as each jumps away from each other while smiling.

"For a beast your smart and strong. You have speed and the poison is a nice touch but I'm covered honey. It's nice to find a challenge so lets keep playing! Entertain me pup!" Screams the girl as she rushes towards the boss giggling maniacally.

"Prey....Strong.....Spooky.....Devour!" Spooky growls out meeting her charge as he activates several skills allowing him gain more speed and power instantly. Both warriors clash back and forth against the other, steel against claw, woman against beast. For every piercing stab of the sword received, the beast returns two with tis claws, tail, and jaw.

Spooky lunges into the woman with his jaws wide as he snaps them towards her arm holding the rapier, the jagged fangs closing onto of several of her fingers and rending the digits as she screams in pain while dropping her weapon. Spooky smiles savagely at the weaponless woman before noticing a terrifying smile on her face while her other hand is held in front of her and strange words come from her mouth.

"..upon thy might. Bless this servant with your dark love and torment this pathetic insect before me. I beseech thee! Spell of the dark god Blath-Void Rend!" she finishes as she slashes her hand down and a strange shadowy mist appears in front of her and abruptly slashing towards Spooky.

Dodging to the side Spooky smiles as he prepares to leap towards the wounded prey but as he leaps he can feel extreme pain in his legs. Turning his head he watches in horror as the mist makes the entire area near his back half twist and turn in extreme confusion, pieces of trees fuse with the ground, bushes are half inside of rocks or tree's, and the lower half of his body is twitching as several pieces are no longer connected, spread over several area's and sticking out of various objects in the area. Trying to move forward and finish the prey quickly he feels his body disconnect as the sounds of organs and blood splashing on the ground follows behind him as his eyes finally turn glassy and he collapses on the ground.

"Dawn! I told you to not use your blessing spell in this dungeon damnit! Do you realize how dangerous that fucking thing is, it warps your damn mind!!!" Screams Dusk as she approaches with the complete team, the dwarf being carried by the render as the rest look at the boss in fear as they glance between the woman and its corpse.

"Relax sis! The puppy was dangerous and see it actually bit me! Use of extreme force was required! Now lets grab its looties and head back to camp, I got myself a hunger for some pie and that cute server girl at the food zone!" Giggles the rapier sister Dawn as she crouches towards Spooky and grabs several items that appeared near him on death before walking away happily. Her sister sighs in frustration as she nods at everyone and they follow her out, the plate wearer having a sad face as she mumbles about another new body to hide as they make their way to the entrance.