Tyr and the Iron

"Big Sis Tyr!!!" Screams a large woman standing at least eight feet tall, her body ripples with muscles as thin veins pop on her arms and legs as they move. Her head is shaved and she has a confident face of an attractive woman in her early thirties, small cheeks and a slightly large forehead with bright green eyes. Light mail armor covers various parts of her body giving her good movement while also providing flexibility.

"Shit I thought she was dead! Ok everyone just play it cool, follow my lead, and nobody say a damn word!" Tyr whispers angrily before smiling in excitement and rushing towards the massive woman and hugging her.

"Big sis! We were told you died to that oversized cow while out on an expedition for resources!! How are you here and where have you been, I've tried to keep our group together but I'm no good at leader stuff and everyone broke apart but with you we can remake everything!!!" The woman says excitedly as she lifts Tyr in a bear hug with tears streaming from her face.

"Iron...can't...breathe....losing....HP...." Gasps Tyr as the woman's face blushes in embarrassment as she drops Tyr and backs away while apologizing and putting her hands behind her back.

"Ok guys I think I found our guide. This is Iron, she's a strong tank and was my second in command of my gang back at the main base before I joined the dungeon. She's also a fanatical worshipper of strength and a battle junkie with the memory of a gnat but she's loyal and reliable in a fight. Iron I'm a dungeon monster pacted to the dungeon now, meaning we're no longer of the same race and can't be around to remake our group. But we need someone to come with us and help us bring live monsters for the dungeon to absorb as well as help the kid level. She is NOT a dungeon creature but human and is being looked after by the dungeon. If we are to fall we'll be relying on you to get her back here safely. Can we rely on you?" Tyr asks as the woman named Iron stands straight and slams her fist to her chest as she agrees immediately.

"If your looking for creatures I may know of some. New meat in the area actually and we've been getting attacked. We have some Scritchers nearby with a rather strong one leading the nest. Also a few wraiths in the area but the passive kind of old villagers and shit that just cry or moan. Pretty sure I saw a Lanyo as well a few days ago but I'm also sure I slept with a treant so it might've been the fire water talking. You make your choice and by the time I get back and we'll be off. Oh this is gonna be so much fun! Tyr and Iron back together and bashing in skulls like the old days!! Oh you said alive so I'll steal all the enchanted chains and the slave chambers from our supplies so we can transport!" Iron says excitedly as her eyes shine with bloodlust during the mention of each creature before she dashes off into the walled area, shoving anyone in her way to the ground.

Tyr leads the group to the outside entrance and chats with the various members until Iron finally reappears wearing a new outfit that actually looks fairly respectable. Her muscled body is now covered in heavy black plate mail armor with purple trim around its edges. Instead of pants she opts for a black and red chainmail skirt that reaches her knee's as her feet are covered in matching black and red greaves covered in spikes. Her arms have matching vambraces with small metal plates running from her wrist to her elbow and a large crescent moon shaped shield wrests in one hand while the other holds a double sided battle axe that has a vicious serrated blade on once side while a razor sharp blade is on the opposite, both dripping with a glowing green liquid. On her head instead of a helmet she sports a small circlet that's barely two fingers wide that wraps around the top of her head looking more like a crown instead of armor but the soft glow of magic is present in the armor piece.

"Ok sis I'm set. I found 5 of the slave chambers on wheels and about a dozen sets of enchanted chains that are hit with binding, shackling, sealing, and overall control abilities. If we can catch something in these it'll be helpless until their removed. Once they're in the slave chambers they won't be able to leave and have a slave mark thrown on them after a set amount of time so we should be good. Now have you decided on our target?" Iron explains as Tyr checks over the equipment in her bag of holding and nods happily.

"Targets Iron. We checked how long we have and with my current level and Slax's level ups we can stay outside the dungeon for about six hours. In that time we'll hit the easiest first which will be the wraiths. We'll try to nab one that looks like an actual combatant but in a pinch we can settle for a regular one. After getting that we'll check out the scritchers and try to get those as well. This leader sounds like it could be evolved and if that's the case Kyle will want it so that's our target followed by any of the others. The Lanyo is the big prize here, those things don't show up anywhere very often and are only drawn to area's of extreme evil. It'll be a struggle but if we can catch that thing it'd make a great new boss monster but I'm not willing to risk you or Sarah so if the Lanyo is to much we'll settle on our first prizes and head back. Maybe if we're lucky we'll run into a lower beast or monster instead. Now lets head out and find our first targets!" Tyr says as Iron Salutes her and leads the way through the entrance to the town, the group following closely behind as they look around at the new changes.

Where there once stood broken and rotted ancient buildings now stand rough built replacements that are much sturdier and meant for inhabiting. Several of the old structures still stand but are in the process of being repaired by several groups of gnomes and goblins wearing soft leather clothing with a large hammer patch on the back. Around each of of their necks sit a strange almost unseeable tattoo that glows every so often. Down the street a large building is still in the works but sounds of laughter and music drift through the still door less building before a fat man sails out of it and into a broken empty barrel, wooden shrapnel stabbing through his portly form as he shudders a few times before going still as a large muscled man stands in the doorway and smiles nastily before seeing the large form of banshee walk over and begin eating the fresh meal.

"Shit whats that thing doing in here!?!? Iron have you lost your fucking mind help me kill the damn thing!" He screams in panic before pulling a club from his waist and cautiously standing with it in front of him as Banshee slurps the last of the body and chitters happily as she walks away from the now mummified corpse.

"Relax Garotte, this is the group of pacted beings from the dungeon we have a deal with. I'm guiding them to a few area's for slave retrieval and salvage so the dungeon can give us better loot and challenges. Stronger we get the easier it'll be to defend against actual adventurers and the bounty hunters as well as the mutants wandering around." Iron says as the man finally relaxes slightly before nodding his head and backing his way back into the building.

I laugh and high light the screen as Tilly giggles while we watch Slax sneak to the mummified corpse and loot its pockets before grabbing the boots off its feet before sneaking back to the group as they exit the small enclosure from the opposite end of the wall and begin their trek to find mobs!