Dressed to Distress

'She'll be fine hun! We set her up with everything we could so she could succeed. We even got her a party around her own age so relax, bright side is at least her party aren't these guys.' I say happily as Tilly sniffle laughs again while we watch the trio of large men bash through the first grouping of castyr i the first room.

Each man is heavily built like a body builder but each is different as well. The lead man looks to be of Asian descent, tattoo's cover his shoulders and arms leading under his breastplate. The breastplate is a female plate that's connected to a short skirt tightly fitted to his muscled frame. Sandals that wind up to his knee's lash out into a castyr, the leather clapping loudly against the beasts fur before its thrown several feet away to twitch in a heap. Smiling the man blows his shaggy hair out of his eyes before pulling out a mirror and applying some form of makeup while the second man appears.

This man is shorter but still ripples as he pulls back on the string of a bow, the frame resting on the ground as the bow is slightly taller than the man. Releasing the string, what appears to be a harpoon zips through the air and impales several enemies before shattering against a tree. The mans alabaster skin contrasts with the black leather corset and leggings he wears, stiletto's gracing his large feet. Laughing buffoonishly the man turns behind him and motions the last man forward to deal with the last blighted castyr that's approaching the trio.

The last man is taller than both previous men, his hair reaching his hips as he wears a strange wispy black dress that puffs out at the bottom reminding me of Victorian era clothing. A serious frown is on his face as a scar runs from above his left eye to the right side of his chin. A two handed mace hangs from one hand as he stares angrily towards the approaching beast before he darts forward and swings the spiked head of the weapon into the poor creatures face, crunching noises following the beasts tumble to the ground.

"Kay ladies, lets loot these varmints and keep moving. Us lovelies will be the first to move into the second floor and reap the rewards so we can leave this god forsaken area and head towards more cultured locales." Says the mace wielder as the other two men smile and begin carefully going through the loot.

'See? These guys have to be perverts or something. I mean they're strong enough to blow through our mobs like paper but they're all dressed in women's clothing!' I say as the we watch the trio move through the first room quickly and turn into the ambushers area.

"These guys might dress and act weird but watch how they fight. The one in sandals is a monk or something since he doesn't use weapons. The pale guy is a sniper, an upgraded archer with more accuracy and specializing in one hit kills. Scarface though is the real trouble. His class is listed as a battle master, they're skilled combatants that specialize in being proficient in all weapons they get ahold of and being master strategists. The second floor might barely be a challenge to them sadly and our third floors almost finished but not quite." Tilly explains as I watch closer, hoping to learn something from the strange yet powerful warriors as the sniper instantly puts down the ambusher in a single shot.

As the group grab the satchel and head towards Spooky I can't help but feel excited that the group may be the first to witness Shanks's challenges as well as seeing the new mobs added to the second floor. Without hesitation or preparation the three beautifully dressed men stroll into Spooky's room and stand before the boss why making ridiculous poses while the savage boss turns its head in confusion.

"Smell strong....look strong....but...different....make feel.....scared..."growls Spooky as his hackles rise before the scarred man steps forward and pulls his mace from his back.

"Marvelous.....darlings would you look at that coat, those shining talons, that luscious tail! We MUST harvest this lovely creature! Think of the accessories and coats we could make of it! Chena you kill it, if we do the fur will get damaged." The scarred man says while fanning himself with his free hand.

The fist fighter walks past the scarred man and smiles before bowing before Spooky, the boss growling in confusion as it fades into the background and goes into stealth. As the monk finishes his bow he eases into a simple fighting stance and closes his eyes as his two comrades retreat to outside the room. Silence fills the room as both combatants wait for the other to make their first move but the patience of the alpha is lesser than that of the monk. Spooky leaps from the foliage with a snarl on his face, a roar caught in his throat before it turns to a whimper as the ankle of the monk smashes into the middle of his throat with a crunch. Spooky spasms and flounders on the ground, slowly becoming weaker as he attempts to breathe through his crushed throat until finally it all goes black.

"Honey your strong for a baby dungeon but against our trio of many madams your nothing. Thank you for the warm up." Chena says as he bows to the now cooling body of Spooky before he pulls a knife from an ankle holster hidden in his sandal and begins to skin the boss.

"Great job darling! You got the coat and all the good bits without damage, I knew you could do it! So shall we move towards floor two and get our escape money? I don't know about you but I want to be in a bar dancing to a decent bard by tomorrow and for that we need some baubles or cash." States the scarred man matter of factly as both comrades nod before the group head towards the second floor and its unknown dangers.