
'Ok now while that group begin tracking down and killing the enemy our job is to improve. We gained enough to create a fourth floor as well as needing to begin building up our new village attachment. I want Eustace, Gratin, Fraz, and Grabba to begin work on the village. Lets get some actual greenery growing as well as some homes and other needs taken care of. All mobs not being used head to the third floor and wait until the fourth is made to begin creating its style. We're also going to revamp the third.' I say as my dungeon force gets to work and begin moving to their assigned area's.

'Also bring by Myra and one of the Hammer Spores, whichever one is strongest.' I ask politely as several nods are seen in the crowd and creatures rush to find the two.

"So what's the plan? A village isn't going to help defense and without the bosses we sent we have a lot of empty spaces in the dungeon right now. If anyone attacks or challenges us its gonna be a mess, please tell me you have a plan." Tilly says with worry as I just smile and rub my neck, the smooth stone of my new body feeling strange and unyielding.

"Lady Myra and the shroom my lord!" Shouts a random adventurer as Myra walks forward in confusion and the Hammer Spore waddles to me, a look of happy bliss on its face while a notice a small splash of blood on its mallet.

'Ok first of Myra, Slax told me your an artist or something like that. I would like to request your help in designing both the village outside and then my own dungeon. I have done alright but I'm not very creative I think and help would be appreciated.' I say and watch as the scalekin smiles and begins nodding frantically as small gasps of excitement escape her mouth. Scanning the woman's info I'm saddened to see that she's only recovered about 3% of the damage she was subjected to under Bertram.

Turning to the Hammer Spore I study in in depth for the first time since the battle. It only stands about two feet tall, its a chalk white color with random tan shades spread around its form. A bulbous mushroom head sits above the glassy black eyes on its stalk, the eyes reminding me of a teddy bears or some other toys from my world. It smiles at me with a thin mouth under its eyes and i notice there aren't any teeth as its pudgy arms wave happily at me due to the attention. its feet are just strange pads under the base of its stalk, no joints to allow it to walk it literally has to waddle around for movement. Overall I can't help smiling at the creature because its adorably goofy, but I clear my throat before speaking.

'Fraz made you little guys to help with the battle and you did well. But Fraz told me that you guys like to build as well as fight. We need you to become a builder, but also a strong builder warrior. Would you like to become a boss little guy?' I ask gently as the Hammer Spore vibrates with a huge smile on its pudgy face. It begins jumping up and down as a chirping sound comes from it and I smile before activating the Hammer Time! skill and focus on the small mob.

As the skill hits the small mushroom creature he lets out a gurgle of excitement before glowing brightly. As the glow fades a completely new creature stands in its place, standing around four feet tall its body is still pudgy but it now has chubby legs and arms with four fingers on each hand. It's mushroom cap has expanded and now has several beige spots dotting it along with a small buckle around the middle with a glowing gemstone. His eyes have gone from black and glassy to a deep ethereal white which I'm now thinking all mushroom creatures have as well as a mouth filled with spongy flat teeth. Inspecting the new boss I smile as I notice a large fungal hammer strapped to its back as well as a belt filled with crafting tools.

{Name- Wompa The Builder Boss Class-E Profession- Architect Description- Wompa was once a thoughtless spore servant to a legendary hero, created for a war effort in the hopes to save its dungeons core. This creature survived and happily wandered the dungeons corridor spreading happiness and cheer wherever it stepped for it knew not sorrow or fear, its empty head filled only with thoughts of walloping baddies and building neat stuff. When it was brought before the core it thought the stone man was pretty but it said it wanted him, HIM, to be a boss like his spawn father! Excited and overjoyed Wompa grew to fit his new heights, his mind now large enough to make even neater stuff! And if someone does try to break his toys.....he feels a womping from his hammer will teach those baddies a lesson.}

"Kyle! Wompa happy to build big stuff! Make fancy castles, or underground village, oh or a house made of cake! Wait...what is cake.....don't know but sounds fun! Wompa start now?" The newly evolved sporeling says in a squeaky childlike voice as his pudgy body bounces in place waiting for an answer. Nodding towards the still small creature I watch as it waddle runs out of the core room, the last thing I hear it say is about a bone throne made of meats.

'So...he was interesting....' I chuckle as Tilly giggles and points towards a small picture of Wompa and an overview of his new status.

{Wompa the Builder was made into a boss creature using a skill before he was fully developed and as such although a boss creature is still of a child's mindset. To help the young sporeling fully develop into a myconid he must be put into a colony and allowed to commune with other sentient plant and fungal creatures. Although young his building and construction skills affiliated with his class will be unhindered although combat will increase stress and fear levels.}

"So pretty much you put a little kid into a grown creatures body and gave it a job.....Kyle....this is why you ask first....if you had I might have had a damn pop up thing warning me of this." Sighs Tilly after reading the new information before glancing at a screen and seeing Wompa begin attempting to build the castyr a home using mud and twigs.

'I mean....at least he's excited?' I say as Wompa falls into the mud hole before letting out a laugh and splashing around.