A Womping Good Time

I can't help but watch in fascination as a mud drenched Wompa waddles out of the puddle with a smile on his face before taking hold of his hammer and smashing the mud three times with it. As the hammer leaves the mud the third time the mess begins hardening before a simple brickwork flooring etches itself out with a hole in the center. Several branches begin to pull themselves towards the newly built floor before standing straight as leather bindings and thatch rooftiles appear overtop turning the once muddy puddle into a roofed underground den. As the little builder finishes he pulls out a pad from his satchel and begins writing in it before yawning and dropping his work on the ground as a prompt appears.

{New Room Blueprint Received! Basic Underground Burrow Rarity- Common Description- The blueprints to build underground dwellings for burrowing beasts. Allows inhabitants to recover health quickly, create species specific loot, and raise improved versions/stronger versions of their current species.}

'Holy crap! Tilly, Wompa can create room blueprints!!' I shout as the pixie dance excitedly and Emi nods in approval.

"Yo Boss man! Dig the new bod my dude. Very strong yet imposing. So I saw you promote one of my little guys to a boss. How's he doing?" Fraz says as he wanders into the room and glances at the screen with a smile as he watches Wompa dance around excitedly as a castyr wanders into the burrow with a happy chuffing sound.

'Just learned that he can make blueprints! But I promoted him to early, apparently he's a boss but also still a kid and needs a colony to help him mature.. Know anything about that?' I ask as Fraz shakes his head with a smile and watches the pudgy sporeling wander to the entrance and look around in wonder.

"Yea most plant folk and fungaloids are raised in colonies. We share our memories and experiences of skills and abilities as well as wisdom and guidance to the young to help them make decisions. For him to grow to maturity mind wise I can take him into the starting circle we have. Eustace and Gratin have already begun turning a new room area into a grove for all our types and once its done all plant and fungaloid creatures will get a buff and our creations will be stronger and even have chances of being different. Don't worry about him to much though dude, we also grow through experiences and looks like the little man is having fun finding those." Fraz says with a tilt of his cap as we watch Wompa start smacking the entrance to the dungeon, small bricks slowly taking shape before the pudgy sporeling falls on his backside with a yawn and looks up proudly at the several stone bricks above the cave entrance.

'So no worrying about him getting hurt or anything?' I ask as a small bird lands near Wompa and the newly created boss watches it intently as he pulls out his pad and begins drawing.

"I mean the little man can get hurt like all of us but since he's a boss and a dungeon creature he'll be up and waddling around in no time. If he's a builder class that makes blueprints I think he can scan buildings too and add their prints to your stuff too. Worked a fire core for a hot minute and they had an imp who just flew around gathering stuff up." Fraz mentions as Wompa holds his new drawing up before smiling and letting the picture drop to the dungeon floor.

{New Gear Blueprint Acquired! Featherhold Backpack Rarity-Garbage Description- A blueprint that can be dropped by a dungeon mob or used to create gear. This BP teaches the user to create a backpack made out of feathers with faux wings attached. Sadly the creator of this BP did not realize wings need more to fly than just feathers and this pack is incredibly fragile.}

'Ok so not all his stuff will be winners.' I say as we all chuckle and watch as Grabba and Narghal approach Wompa, each having a look of curiosity on their faces.


"First Wompa make house for funny dogs, then Wompa make cool flying backpack! Next Wompa want to make front door shiny and cool!" Wompa says excitedly as he imagines a huge door in front of the dungeon with skulls and weapons and candy and snacks. As Wompa plays in the dirt in front of the dungeon he hears footsteps and turns around to see a skinny smart looking creature walking towards him with a short craggy man with boney fire arms. Standing up Wompa dusts off his pudgy legs and smiles while waving at the two new friends coming to see him, their connection to the dungeon instantly telling him he doesn't have to give the duo a good womping.

"Ho there friend! Ye be a new face round here I take it? What be yer info and do ye be a friend of Fraz?" Yells the short man with a wave as the thin one nods with a gentle smile.

"My name Wompa! I used to be small spore but big boss say 'You do good and hit things nice! But we need buildings and houses and a castle with a dragon!' So Wompa says yes! I build and create and make cool stuff! Then I got big and now I can talks and Fraz is...um....not master but he made Wompa and my brother...hmm.." Wompa says excitedly before reaching the end of the sentence then falling onto his backside as he becomes lost in thought trying to puzzle out the answer to the question.

"He's a new Boss and seems to be very young. Hello small one I am Narghal The Weaver. I'm the masters Runemaker and this crass fiend is Grabba The Abyssal Smith. He's a Demonic Smith and makes weapons and armor. Your name is Wompa I take it?" Narghal asks gently as Wompa looks up at the thin scritcher and smiles while nodding.

"Yup yup name is Wompa! I build things. Pictures pop into my head and I hafta draw what I see and once I'm done I can make it! And big boss gets picture to make it too! Big boss told me that I can help make town and dungeon look cool so thats what Wompa does! Already made hole house for dog things and made flying backpack! Gonna make door look cool next but very hard." Wompa says as he looks at the entranceway with a perturbed frown before turning back to the two bosses with a nod.

"Well ye wee one, why don't we take a look at yer pictures and maybe we can help make'm a mite bit cooler. If ye be needing metal bits I'm yer dwarf and I'm sure skinny can help with any magical doodads." Grabba says with a smile and Narghal nods as Wompa lets out a shriek of happiness and pulls out a new book and shows the few blueprints to his new friends.