Meating a Monster

Walking outside of the emporium the group is loaded down with new information on the perils of the future floors. Following Allana they trek through the streets until they get to a town square, several avenues ending in the large gathering place with a large set of stocks in the center. Leaning against the stockades is a rotund man, bald headed and covered in gore. His face is piggish with small eyes, several flabby chins, and a mostly brown and rotted apron. In one hand is a serrated cleaver large than a normal wood axe, in the other a rusted meat hook rests against his shoulder as thick chains wrap around his arm and continue onto and through his body.

"Allana....who the hell is that..." Dusk whispers nervously as Tobias and Lafey step forward, each staring at the man with barely contained hatred.

"The butcher...Baskin....we need to run..." The velter girl whispers in horror before Tyr inspects the man.