Fanatics Fervor

Walking into the church the party stare in horrified awe at their surroundings, bodies hung from chains and rope like ornaments, a small blood filled fountain in the foyer, pictures that morph between stately men and women of the church to horrific monsters murdering the innocent in glee. Several statues depict creatures of various races mashed together into monstrosities. Finally on a raised dais in front of a small staircase is a massive statue of a woman, tall and severe looking. Her hair is short, angled, and layered to hover over one glaring eye as a look of entitled disgust stains the rocky face. A strange outfit adorns the statue, a suit like top mixed with an ankle length skirt wrapped around the legs giving an air of both money and professionalism as a large purse hangs from her hand. Inside the purse a small animal that looks like a mix between a canine and a rat pokes itself out, a feral look of rage on its oversized head.