The Great Race

Stepping toward the machine Slax nods once before stepping away from it, the creation platform slamming down almost instantly as a mechanical copy of Banshee scutters out of the chambers and lowers itself for the geckonian to take his place on her carapace.

"I be stickin' to what I be knowin'. You be up gemstone girl." Slax says kindly as he begins learning the commands for this new beast, Allana walking forward nervously as she concentrates on her racing golem.

After several minutes the machine begins to make new noises, glass shattering, the tinkle of shards on metal before completing with an outward rush of steam. Walking out of the machines place is a creature the size of a hummer, its body a cold grey but littered with spiked and sharpened crystals while its beady eyes stare straight ahead. Six legs like logs run under its body covered in leathery seeming metal while a long crystal horn sprouts from its extended nose.