WebNovelCODE X41.67%

Level: 1

I blacked out.

When I opened my eyes, I was staring at the bright blue sky, it looked so beautiful. The clouds looked so fluffy, the whole scenery was so calming. I couldn't move, my body felt weak and I could hear some panting and growling around me. When I turned my head I saw a nine-tailed fox.

It had a beautiful cream colored skin, big black eyes, the tips of its tail were light red in color, it had two cute triangular ears and on the fox's forehead there was a symbol of an...…ace which was light red in color.

"AHHHHHHH!!!" I shrieked, "Just stop screaming, it's annoying," the fox said, "Then how do you expect me to react?!" "By...…not screaming?" the fox said, "Where am I?" I asked, "Somewhere?" "WAIT WHERE IS FELIX?!" I yelled, "Uh...somewhere?" The fox replied. I was about to lose it but I was too tired to argue, I slowly made an attempt to get up but I failed.

I noticed that I wasn't in my white shirt and black jeans...…I was wearing a black shirt, black pants, black grip gloves, black sneakers and I had a tattoo of a sword on my neck.

"What's your name?" I asked the fox, "My name...well...I don't have...one...people call me.....male fox" the fox stuttered. The fox looked sad, I felt sorry for him, "Well.....I could give you a name, how about Akemi?" I asked, "A-k-emi?" "Yeah Akemi," "I love it!!" Akemi exclaimed as he jumped with joy. 'This fox can really shift moods quickly huh...' I thought.

"So...what now?" I asked, "Well you fell from the sky-" I couldn't even let Akemi finish, "THE SKY?HOW AM I EVEN ALIVE?!!" I interrupted, "Well you should let me finish Ace...I protected you ." Akemi said, "The last thing I remember was I was in a room and then I saw someone who looked like.....my dad....." I said.

A long and awkward silence followed.

"Your father huh," "Yeah," the words 'I tried to avoid it all...…..I've tried everything but I can't deny the truth, too much ego satisfied my hunger and left me with no compassion and no one' kept replaying in my head 'The truth...' I thought, "Try getting up now," Akemi said.

I was easily able to stand up, I scanned my body for any injuries and there were none, "Pretty amazing isn't it?" Akemi said, "Yeah."

Suddenly I heard rumbling, the floor was splitting into two.

At this point I wasn't even surprised, I had fell from the sky, lost my best friend, discovered the fact that my brother is a fox so there are chances of me being one as well and I met a nine tailed fox who saved me, this game couldn't get any more crazy...or so I thought.

Akemi and I fell inside the floor, I didn't even scream.

When we landed we were inside a metal prison cell, there was a key hole on the inside of the prison, the bars were made of hot iron so if we touched them we got burned. A hologram appeared in front of us which said //Welcome to the game dear players, this game has one hundred levels.....in order to escape the game you must complete all the levels, if you die in game then you will die in reality...….play at your own risk.// and then another hologram appeared //LEVEL ONE: YOU HAVE TO ESCAPE THE PRISON CELL USING A KEY WHICH IS HIDDEN SOMEWHERE INSIDE THE CELL, YOU ONLY GET ONE HINT AND YOU ONLY HAVE FIVE MINUTES TO ESCAPE, IF YOU FAIL TO ESCAPE THEN YOU DIE. IF YOU TOUCH THE BARS OF THE CELL OR TRY TO BREAK THEM YOU WILL GET BURNT//

'Escaping this place will be a breeze,' I thought. I wish I was right. We both started looking inside the cell. We lifted up the floor tiles and there was nothing // FOUR MINUTES LEFT//, we were running out of time, we looked in every single nook and cranny of the cell but we couldn't find the key. We tried to use Akemi's magic to break free from the prison but it didn't work.

//TWO AND A HALF MINUTES LEFT//, I decided to use the hint "Hint!!" I exclaimed a hologram appeared in front of us //I'm so hot, I'm about to melt. Come find me I'm a divider// 'Divider?' I thought //ONE MINUTE LEFT// then it hit me, the bars on the cell!! They were a divider, but if the bars were hot then how could I possibly break them? We were running out of time and we had to act fast.

//FORTY SECONDS LEFT//then I suddenly remembered that I had powers, I didn't quite know how to use them so I just imagined a sword of ice. It appeared in my hands //TWENTY SECONDS LEFT// 'This better work,' I thought, I tried to break all the metal bars using my blade, the ice surprisingly never melted, I broke a bar which was near the keyhole and I found the key, I put my hand inside to retrieve the key.....I hissed in pain I'd forgotten I couldn't touch the bars with my hands.

//TEN SECONDS LEFT// I used the pointy edge of my blade to retrieve the key from inside the bar //FIVE SECONDS LEFT// I hurriedly opened the door of the cell.


Akemi and I sighed in relief as we walked out. We both were tired. Then a portal opened up and a small little gnome asked us to follow him. We went inside the portal when we came to the other side we were in a thick, dark and dense forest. The gnome vanished. "Well, looks like we are in the devil's woods," Akemi said "Wait THE DEVIL'S WHAT-" I couldn't even complete my sentence and a hologram appeared in front of us which said