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Level 2: Welcome To The Devils Forest Part-1

"Wait THE DEVIL'S WHAT-" I couldn't even complete my sentence and a hologram appeared in front of us which said


'Oh no....' I thought, "There are a ton of fire devils here,I just hope we don't get grilled no wait BURNT alive here," Akemi said, "Wait WHAT-" I shrieked "Hard of hearing?" "I-" "Look....Ace, I've been inside these woods many times and if there is one I learnt-"I couldn't even let Akemi complete his sentence as I saw a blob-like creature behind him,"Behind you!" I yelled "Wait what?!-" The creature had a sword of lightning and was aiming it right at Akemi's tails. I couldn't let Akemi die.

I hurriedly imagined a...shadow sword. The sword had a gold handle and a black sharp blade with silver carvings. The sword's blade was covered in black mist and the tattoo of the black sword on my neck started to glow.

The creature hissed as it pinned Akemi to the floor,while squirting some lava like liquid onto him, Akemi yelped. This is my chance. I crept behind the creature and just before I raised my blade...I heard a sound, it was the sound of handcuffs clicking. When I looked down I saw the creature looking so smug, I looked at my hands and noticed that they were cuffed, 'But how? How can it move so fast?' I thought, the creature then made spheres of lightning and implanted them, then lightning emerged from the clouds. The next thing I knew...I was dodging the spheres of lightning with cuffed hands. I noticed something about the lightning. Suddenly an idea popped into my head, I smirked. I knew exactly how I would defeat this creature but first I had to get rid of the handcuffs.

I didn't imagine a sword, instead I imagined Ice in my hands. I froze the metal handcuffs and they broke.

The creature was implanting more spheres at lightning speed, 'Well, here goes nothing,' I thought as I ran towards the creature, "Your lightening takes two and a half seconds to activate so that means that your opponent has an advantage against you, the opponent could just use that time to eliminate you.....clearly you're the one at an disadvantage here but you plant the spheres with so much speed its almost unnoticeable and then in those two and a half seconds the opponent is left thinking about their next move." I said while slicing through the creature's body, "You know...you are way stronger than you look...I mean yeah sure your strategy and timing is great and all but...sadly it wasn't enough to out-do me." I said and those were the last words the creature ever heard.

Akemi on the other hand wasn't doing that great, he passed out. "AKEMI GET UP THIS ISN'T FUNNY YA KNOW!!" I exclaimed, "Ace....." Akemi said weakly, "Yeah...." "HOW STUPID ARE YOU?! YOU NEARLY DIED AND NEARLY KILLED ME!!WHAT KIND OF PERSON JUST USES A SHADOW SWORD AGAINST A MINI FIRE IVANE?! YOU KNOW THE FACT THAT NOW YOU ARE IN GRAVE DANGER?!!" Akemi yelled, 'What?' I thought I was so confused. What was this fox talking about?

"What's an Ivane?" "ACE IT'S THAT CREATURE YOU JUST KILLED!!" "Ok....and how am I in danger?" "How stupid are you?" "For the record I have an IQ of 151," "Ok then Mr IQ 151, if you kill ONE Ivane with THE SWORD OF SHADOWS you ATTRACT THOUSANDS of Ivanes," "How? What's so special about this sword?" "They've been after it for centuries.....they want to hunt down the Shadow Slayer or should I say The Killer Of The Shadows….and lucky us...you just happened to be The Killer Of The Shadows..." Akemi said while looking dead serious.

'Wow, who knew I had such a cool title,' I thought.

"The sword.....it isn't an ordinary one, only the best of the best wield it," Akemi said, 'This kid.....could he be......him?' Akemi thought.

I sighed, "Now what? How do we pass this level? I asked, "We have to go to the king of devils and kill him," "Wow... and you make it sound so simple," I said sarcastically, "Why yes I do," he said.

It was getting dark, "I know a place nearby where we can rest for the night," Akemi said suddenly a hologram appeared in front of us //YOU HAVE TWO DAYS LEFT TO ESCAPE, IF YOU FAIL DEATH AWAITS YOU// "Wow that's......just GREAT," I said.

"We need a strategy and fast," I said, "Well, let's see our chances of coming out of this place ALIVE is forty percent......so if we attack now, we have a fifty-fifty chance of survival," "So the later we attack to lower our chances of survival are." "Yeah," "To get to the king we have to go to the other side of these woods which means we might have to fight more mini Ivane's on the way considering the fact you used the blade of shadows........this isn't good," Akemi said.

"Are the mini Ivane's the kings messengers?" I asked, "Yeah they are and I think when you slayed one of them there was someone watching you," "Right so that means I'm in danger," "Yes, you shouldn't use your shadow blade in front of anyone," "We should be careful and I'll not use that blade anymore," I said.

We decided we wouldn't take rest and we would directly go to the king of devils.

It was dark, crickets were chirping, Akemi and I were walking through a dense part of the forest. "We're almost there," Akemi said 'So far so good,' I thought, we reached the dense part of the forest and I found it strange we hadn't seen or even fought a single mini Ivane.

"We're here."

The view in front of me wasn't that welcoming, the trees were dead, the sky was blood-red, there was black mist everywhere and the moon was black. 'Black mist and a black moon?' I thought, something just didn't make sense why just why wasn't there a single creature in sight.

"Hey....keep your guard up," Akemi said, "Yeah"

Suddenly we saw a figure step out of the darkness, "Welcome to the devils forest...." the figure said with a sly smirk.