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Level 2: Welcome To The Devil's Forest Part-2

"Hey....keep your guard up," Akemi said, "Yeah"

Suddenly we saw a figure step out of the darkness, "Welcome to the devils forest...." the figure said with a sly smirk.

"Why, thank you," I said calmly, 'Has this guy gone crazy?' Akemi thought. The figure hissed, "How dare you! Do you even know who I am?!" He exclaimed, "A person who is too self absorbed, listen here buddy we don't have time to deal with you so I'll get to the point tell us where the Devil king is." I said while glaring at him sharply, 'Yup, he's definitely got a few screws loose,' Akemi thought.

The figure stood there for a few seconds trying to comprehend what had just happened, I saw him staring at the black sword tattoo on my neck, I tilted my neck in confusion.....his eyes widened with shock, "F-f-forgive m-m-me master," he stuttered, 'Master?' Akemi and I thought, 'This child...….he may possess a very bright gift, his strategic ability is extraordinary, the way he attacks it's just like him, but he died so then who is this? He didn't warn me about Ace...if Ace is his successor then that means...…this game, this world, it's all over...…..' Akemi thought.

Meanwhile, the figure was on his knees begging for my forgiveness. I was so confused. Still I used him to my advantage, "For god's sake you're forgiven," I said. The figure happily smiled at me, "Now tell me...…..where is the Devil King?" I gave him a sharp glare, "The devil king, lies inside the darkest area of the forest, I can teleport you there if you want."

I looked at Akemi and he gave me a nod of approval, "Ok" I said.

The figure suddenly made a giant portal surrounded by black flames. I don't know what triggered it but the tattoo on my neck started to glow, images flashed in my brain.

I saw...…a human figure and a nine-tailed...…..fox, both wearing a black cloak so I couldn't see their face, he stepped inside a similar looking portal and then he was standing in the middle of...…nowhere...…there were no trees, no creatures, there was thick red fog and the fox had disappeared, there were no stars in the sky, it was pitch black but there was one red moon. The next thing I saw was...….blood, human blood.

My thoughts were interrupted by Akemi constantly calling my name, "Ace?" "Yeah?" "Let's go," "Okay....." We both stepped inside the portal and everything looked exactly like that image I saw, Akemi was gone and it was just me and the thick red fog.

"So, you've finally shown up huh? Took you long enough!" A voice boomed, "Well are you just going to play hide-n-seek the whole time?" I asked, "Well...…depends," "On what?" I questioned, "How desperate you are..." "So if I say I'm desperate then what happens to me?" "You die...….." "And if I say I'm not desperate," "You die...." "So either way death awaits me huh?" "Took you long enough to figure that out," The voice said.

I smirked, "Let's see.....what to aim for?" The voice asked, suddenly I felt light pressure of a sharp blade on my neck, "The throat, the heart or the soul?" "Aim for any," I replied calmly, "You're not the only one with a blade," I said.

The shadow blade appeared in my hands and the tattoo started to glow and there were black marks on my right arm and my neck, 'Forgive me Akemi,' I thought. 'One figure, two blades and one shadow and a fifty-fifty chance of death.....' I thought. I saw a figure in front of me and the pressure on my neck increased, 'One of them is a clone and the other is the real one.....' I thought, 'Behind me lies the clone and in front of me lies the real devil, his clone's have a very small silver tip on their horns.....barely noticeable that's why the fog is there to hide it,' I thought.

(The orb was made by the sword and transferred to my hand)

I hit the clone with an orb of shadow magic, "How?" The clone asked in pain, "Simple, while you were busy rambling I made a orb of shadow magic," "Then how come it wasn't visible?" "Oh god, it's logic, an orb of shadow magic is black in color you're wearing a black cloak while the real you decided to come in front of me and try to distract me, I pretended I was distracted while making the orb very very very tiny so that you won't notice and then the minute everyone fell silent, you were about to slit my throat, so, I used this opportunity to attack." I said.

The clone vanished, "You're smart for a kid your age....however, you aren't enough to out-do me!" And with that he lunged forward to attack me.

I dodged all his attacks swiftly, however I couldn't detect a weak spot on his body. I sighed in frustration at this rate, my chances of coming out alive were forty percent.

Suddenly, my eyes closed themselves automatically, I tried to open them by force but it was no use.....there was a lot of pressure in my brain, all of my magic was focused in one place, my eyes shot open, I could see through the fog.

I could see through the devil king, there were images of silver points on the devils horns. His horns were his one and only weak spot.

The devil king's movements were much more predictable, I knew his next move.

I was suddenly pinned to the ground with the tip of the devil king's sword touching my neck, "Any last words?" He asked, "Think again," I said while smirking. The shadow blade appeared in my hands and I slit his horns off.

The devil king turned into a pool of blood but it was.....human blood, 'So he was human?' I thought.


The marks on my arm and neck were dissolving into my sword tattoo 'The devil king.....human blood and master?' these words kept replaying in my head, something didn't make any sense.