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I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Akemi just hang in there. I let them take me.

They drugged me and I passed out.

When I opened my eyes, my vision was blurry, 'Akemi...please wait, I'll come back to you just hang in there.'

I was in a pitch-black room and I heard a voice, "Ace, it's been a while...." a voice said.

That voice was way too familiar, I don't know where, but I have heard the same voice calling my name. "Remembering me?" The voice asked, suddenly the pitch-black room was illuminated with light.

I saw a vase filled with black roses kept on a table and behind the roses....there was a throne, a large throne made out of gold and diamonds, the throne was decorated with rubies, emeralds, sapphire and topaz jewels.

I saw a girl sitting on the throne...but she looked exactly like me, she looked like she was my age, she had my midnight black hair, milky white skin, and blackish-greyish eyes, she looked like a feminine copy of me. She was wearing a long white dress.

"You've grown...I hope Xander and dad took good care of you," she said, "Xander and dad....." 'Oh wait, you won't be able to remember me but I can try to trigger your memories,' she thought.

"Ava...." she said, I tilted my head in confusion, "My name.....is Ava," Ava.....that name sounds so familiar. I know I saw this girl somewhere, her name, voice and features all of them are oddly familiar...just who is this girl. How does she know about Xander and dad....unless...no wait if I had one then Xander would've told me....what is going on?

"Do you....want me to show you?" "Show me what?" I asked, she chuckled and winked.

She took a disc out of her dress and threw it on the cold marble floor, a hologram appeared, I saw a girl who looked like a younger version of Ava she was playing with...…me. Ava and I were fighting over a ball and then Xander came in and separated us. "Xander! Ava stole my controller!" I yelled, Xander sighed, "These two, they'll never get along even if it's the end of the world," he muttered. A woman approached us.

The woman had brown hair and green eyes, she had a frown on her face and was wearing a white sweater with black tights and heels, her hair was tied up in a bun. Her facial features and hair matched my brother's.

Ava paused the hologram, "Is that.....mom?" I asked, "Yeah, so you remember?" "I don't...but her face matches Xander's so I'm assuming that that's mom," "Well played...that's our mom," "So.....I was right, you're my sister," I said.

Ava smirked, "I am your twin sister but your memories were erased also mom and dad got divorced as soon we were born," "Why?" "They wanted two children but ended up with three, I went with mom and you were-" "Unwanted?" I said while cutting her off.....a long silence followed.

"Ace, do you know why I called you here?" "Call? You drugged me and kidnapped me," I said, "Oh! I didn't kidnap you I saved you," "Last thing I remember...… I was drugged and passed out," "Two men were carrying you and one nine-tailed fox-" "Wait! Where's the fox?" "I've kept him in a separate room, a few of my servants are trying to wake him up," she said. I let out a sigh of relief.

Ava glared at me, "May I continue?" I nodded, "Actually, how did you even end up in this game," "Dad....gave me the game and I played it and now I'm here," I said, Ava had a cold look in her eyes, "You do realize that in the real world everyone has forgotten you," she said.

I looked at the cold marble floor and smiled, "It's okay.....there isn't anyone who cared for me...Felix was the only one who did and is also trapped in this game." Her cold eyes softened, they were full of concern, "Just what did you go through when I wasn't there..."

I couldn't hold my tears, I cried.....I cried my eyes out. I didn't say anything but Ava could already tell what I was thinking, "Hell....it must've been hell," she said while embracing me.

After thirty minutes of me crying and Ava comforting me, I rubbed my eyes and she got up. "Ava, how do you get out of this game also how did you get here?" "To get out of this game you just need to find the controller and kill them," Ava said. Oh, "I got in here because I yelled at mom-" "So she put you in a video game, called it a day and never got you back?" I said while cutting her off.

"Um yes..." Ava replied, "Well, she's in the game as we speak," she continued, "Mom's in here?!" I exclaimed, "Yeah she wants us to join hands with her and destroy the real world," "Us?" "She's looking for you and I guess the old geezer finally realised she has a daughter," "Why me?" "YOU HAVE THE BLADE OF THE FUCKING SHADOWS WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHY YOU?!" Ava yelled.

"Damn chill, I'm just asking," "So basically her servants came to get you but I saved you and that fox and got you guys here," she said, "The servants were the guys who supposedly tried to kidnap me?" Yes," "But then you also kidnapped me and then I don't know what you did with me because I'm pretty sure I passed out," "Yes," she said while keeping a straight face.


"So how do I get out of here?" "Simple, we both get out of here by killing mom. I want you to join hands with me, Ace, I want freedom just as much as you do and yes I want to see him again." Ava said.