6. Your Royal Ass Is Drunk

(WARNINGS: Sexual context, mentions of r@pe.)

Miles POV:

On a daily basis my life is simple, my main job is to watch after Prince James, wich in itself is making sure he isn't hurt while training and in form him of incoming company or ceremonies. Unlike his sister, who he for some reason still protects, who bosses people around all day. Ordering this and that. Making most of the female staff work tirelessly, she has five different maids. The Queen has four, along with the king. I am the only one taking care of James.

When I started this job I was fourteen and my Mother had grown ill, My father needed help paying for her medication so I got a job. As a cloth designers assistant. He made clothes for the royal family at the time and my job was to hold pins , right down numbers and sizes, and get whatever he needed. Whether it be new gold lace triming for her majesty's new dress or a puffy design for the young lady Mara. He talked rarely about the family, what they where like in such.

James was a quite kid focused on books. He went hunting and most of the time his clothes came back dirty or not to rarely with blood. On one occasion I saw a latter fall out of his pocket. It said , "To whoever reads this please help me, I don't know how to speak out but my personal guard keeps touching me in a manner I don't like. He wants to give me a gift on my birthday. But So far his, gifts, involve me getting a new purple mark on my skin from him sucking there. I really don't like it. Can someone help me."

I knew what he meant. And it disgusts me, that a grown man is taking advantage Of a child! I decided to go there myself out of rage and impulse to help him. I asked the royal fitter if I could help him with today's delivery. It had been a year since I began work and he trusted me so he agreed. Today was James birthday so I quickly asked the king and Queen to follow me, they where both confused but did all the same. I got help from a maid to

Show me where his room was and ran to it. I opened the door to find prince James screaming into a cloth tears rolling down his pained face, as a man behind him, the sight was horrid.

I quickly jumped on the man and pulled him away from James, the king and Queen had just came in to see them before I attacked. The king pulled me of and grabbed his sowrd. In one quick slash that man was gone. I untied James while his mother ran to him, he was a sobbing shaking mess, his father was infuriated.

He looked to me tears still rushing down his face as he said in a croaked horse voice. "Thank you." And that broke me, seeing a thirteen year old sobbing in his mother's dress. Not because he was spoiled or bratty, but because he was taken advantage of, and used as a toy. I helped with clean up, but by the end of the day, Miles refused to let anyone touch him, he was still scared. His father I heard is a mean ruthless person, takes what he wants. But after seeing his son like that, he didn't question him one bit. I over heard them talking and they took all staff members into the hall, i was about to leave when one of them called for me to join the hall. I walked there and the king grabbed my hand, "How did you know about this." I grabbed the letter from my bag and handed it to him. He read it over his face dropping. The mother still had tear stained cheeks, she took both my hands and smiled. "It seems that, J-James needs someone l-like you, w-watching after him."

At first I didn't even dare to touch him, nor go into his room other than the door way. He was still scared, and flinched every time someone touched him. It's not an easy thing to get over. I also learned that he has insomnia. I went into his room one night because he had a nightmare, ever since he began to put more trust into me.

When he turned sixteen I made him a flower crown, mostly red and yellow roses. I thought he would think it as stupid but he loved it, he asked me how I made it and I should him. Then he asked about my birthday, I didnt tell him but somehow he still found out. On my eighteenth birthday he made me a lopsided flower crown. And he also said that he trusted me more than anyone in the Palace. So his declined gift was a sceret. He came out to me and only me as Gay.

So did I. After that we both just stood there a bit pink and very, unsure.

We don't bring that day up often.

And now here I am, with someone who when no ones around calls me his friend and 'orders' me to sit and read with him. Three days after the whole disgusting ceremony. I know what he did, I am not stupid.

But now I am being summoned to the dinning hall. That's odd. I walk down there and see James face a little pink and talking rather slowly his family bursting with laughter, his sister has a bottle of very powerful wine in her hand and said. "See, he can be lose, just give him a little strong wine hahhah." I hate that girl.

"Take him back to his room, let him dress before these two die of laughter." The Queen said a little less amused. I help James up and walk him up the stairs to his room all the while he is mumbling something about dancing trees and a giant butterfly. "You ok James?" He looks to me and his face goes pinker, "Your my favorite person." I sigh and thank him, he then latch's his hand to my waist and leans his face over to my shoulder.

Once we reach his room he pulls me inside as the door closes, he grabs the back of my head and kisses me, I am completely shocked. His lips are warm and soft, and I feel his other hand travel around my waist and pull on my shirt lifting it up. He bites the bottom of my lip making me gasp, he slides in his tounge and I practically melt at the feeling. I reacrch my hand up his shirt and to his nipples, I slightly pinch them making him groan softly, I love it. Then I remember, this is Prince fucking James.... I WORK HERE!

I pull back and can't help the quite moan from seeing his face pink and lips swollen. Pull yourself together Miles! "P-prince James. Your drunk." He laughs at that and pushes me closer, out body's touching as he goes to attack my neck, it feels so good. But he is drunk, and the prince, and I can get worse than fired.

I push back and he falls on the bed, "Go to sleep." He pouts at me, to all the power in striker please help me. But all the same I help him in to bed and in less than a second he's out.


I wake up the next morning to find myself asleep on a large comfy chair, right I am in James room still. I hear a loud groan and look up to see James rubbing his eyes and then looking to me, his whole face turns pink and I believe he remembers last night, lucky me. "Good morning Prince James, I will go and fetch your morning tea now,-" I sit up and fold the blanket I used. I was about to speak again when two hands grab my waist and pulled me back down onto a bed, James slides over my lap and burrows his head into my neck. "Please don't go." My face burns and I sigh, "Prince James I Mu-" he tights his grip around my stomach and says. "Cut It with the prince shit, Miles it's me."

"James what are you doing." He looks up at me and has a slight adorable pout on his face, "Well, i thought that mabey, mabey, listen I-I really like you... I thought that, mabey you did too." He was right about the get of my lap when I pulled him back, "I never said I didn't, I just wanted to hear you say it." This is probably the second time in my life I've seen him this vulnerable. His father says that someone seeing your vulnerability is like lossing your life, it should only happen once.

I hope I get to see more of it, for now I do have to be careful, he's really scared. He's been used before by people who he thought where his friends. I don't want to be another one of those people. But that means we really have to be careful. I kiss his forehead and I feel his smile on my neck. "I meant It Miles, your My favorite person." We have half an hour before breakfast , fuck it. And before I could stop myself I attacked his neck and collarbone loving every noise. I flipped us around so now he way lying on the bed hands up and eyes glossy, "Miles, all my life I was told that I could take whatever I wanted. Own whatever or whoever I please. But right now, I want to feel Like I belong to someone. I want you to mark me."

He really means this, I took his shirt off and kissed and sucked all over his stomach and lower regions. Until breakfast.


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