7. The Wrong kinda Power

Vixen POV:

Daisy was nervous for seeing everyone again, she was scared to see what the wars damage had done. More importantly she wasn't ready to see all the graves. It's a painful sight and her nerves where getting the better of her, so much so that she had a Panic attack right before we left. Able was coming with us, Daisy said she didn't leave anywhere without her. Hope had to go write letters to her family telling them she was ok while Daisy went Of to go buy us some breakfast. When I got back to my house I saw a letter from my mom, and almost broke.

She had been sent out to go and help with nursing the people, in Halo Town, that's all the way across where we live, near the edge of the kingdom where most Of the casualties happend...

"Dear Vixen, do you remember that talk we had three days ago? About how more and more parents had to leave and go help out in the front. Well that's what I was called to do. I wanted to leave while you where out so that you couldn't stop me from serving our kingdom. I will be setting up hospital camps and traveling over supplies for the next two months. I am so sorry sweetheart, I really am. I love you so much and I know your going to do great things. Stay strong my little fox.

-Love Mom."

I crumbled up the letter and let myself fall to the ground. I felt hot tears spill over my face and down my cheek. This can't be happening, no no No!

I wobbled outside as I felt like the world was closing in on me, my lungs got tighter and my body grew stiff. Things looked more dizzy and I could feel myself wanting to go into a deep dark sleep, and never wake up. I fell on a tree and just began sobbing. And sobbing, laughing and sobbing.

"Vixen! Vixen where are. you." I felt two arms warp around me as I continued to cry, lying into whoever was holding me. "Shhhh shh, it's ok. I know how it feels, but she could still be alive. I saw the letter. She'll be ok Vix. I got you." It was Daisy.

After a while I felt myself grow tired, to tired to think. "I'll just take a quick nap."


Daisys PoV:

Vixen feel asleep into my arms, I felt so helpless. I now this feeling, except when I saw my Dads body I went mad. There's something called the wrong side of sage power, or, max power.

It's when only emotions control your power, and when you snap out of it, most of the time you only see a mess, sometimes even blood.

I rember feeling only pain and hatred, I remember my eyes going black and only feeling, When I woke up, all I could see was thorns and large vines everywhere. I was terrified I had killed Vixen or harmed her so I went through almost every tree looking for her, I used a spare vine to climb upwards and saw her limping back to the village. Just the thought that I hurt her made me so scared.

That's when I secluded myself, spent years using methods to calm myself down even while in max power so that I know just where I am diricting my hits.

But Vixen isn't a sage, and for her losing control is heavy weight panic attacks wich can be just as deadly as max power for Sages. Because just like max power, you loser all control over your body. I lifted vixen from the ground and walked her back to the hose. I laid her on the couch and pulled over a blanket for her. Might as well make some calming tea for when she wakes up. "Able, Five yellow morning flowers and two mint leaves." I walked to their Kicthen and pulled out these fire rocks I have. I flicked them together over the metal sheet with the small dip in it on their counter and the fire started. Apparently not many use a fire places to cook meals anymore. Just small dents where the fire goes and bowls over the dents. Interesting.

Able comes back with the flowers and the leaves and sets them on the kitchen counter. She really does live in a nice home. To the right I saw a very well drawn out picture of her father and brother. Right Vixen had a twin.

In the picture he was smiling brightly hair a long mess and eyes bright and wide. I can't imagine what it's like losing a twin, someone who is like a part of you.

Revenge is not the virtues of the Angelic people. But mark my word the strikers will pay.


I am so sorry for the late update!

Next chapter coming soon.