8. Different kind of proposal

Hope POV:

After the girls left back to Vixens house I walked over to the house I was staying in for the time being, it was large and rather fancy with what looked like marble floors and painted with sliver trimmings. It was a three story and it actually belongs to my Grandparents. My Dad dosent like his parents to much, especially scnce my grandmother and grandfather got into a divorce twenty years ago. Because their gay.

This is where my Grandma And her Wife live. I call her Gram Lucy, she is so nice and sweet and having lesbian grandparents is all I know. My Grandpa in the other hand married a Man, I call him Papa Jorge. You see they where put into an arranged marriage and weren't able to break it until they where no longer the kingdoms rulers, they had to retire early because of my Grandfathers heart condition. To much stress, and my Dad began his rule at twenty four.

Their are other kingdoms, they just live much much further away and are a lot smaller than Strikers and Angelic. Our population goes over sixty thousand. The closest kingdom is called the Aqua Kingdom where most of the Water and earth Sages live. It only has a few hundred but it thrives and is to far away from the strikers for war. My mother comes from the Aqua Kingdom, she is actually a water Sage with blue stripes in her hair.

When she first came to Angelic it was because her father had sent her away to live her own life out of the palace. And live she did. She became a teacher for water students and non-Sages. She did that for six years before my father and her meet, the marriage was only patrialy arranged but my mother actually feel in love with my Father. I didn't get any of her powers. I still don't understand why to this day but I guess It just skipped a generation.

But the most important thing is the history of it all, the history of Angelic. They say back then that people like me, people of darker skin color where treated differently until Angelic. Angelic had always been a very sappy place filled with love. It hurts to see that war is put in to it even through we caused them no harm. But fight we must.

Now to read my Dads messages. Here we go.

"Dear Hope,

My lovely daughter I wish I could be there with you but I am very sorry to inform you that our situation with the strikers is worse. And we may need alliances, to help us. We live near the Aqua Kingdom but there is a village not to far from Angelic, one that As it seems. Is based on the new medication methods. So We are trying to gain their trust to help us. But they want a trade.

In marriage."- wait what?

"It seems they have a son not much older than you, and they want to expand our kingdom to join their village so that we gain more land away from the strikers and! More people to help us in our attacks. They said the marriage would be wonderful. And their son is quite the poet. He even filled out these questions just for you!"

Hold up..... I need like three days to process the fact that my Father Just set up and arranged MARRIAGE! For the love of Sages I am A Lesbian!

I slam my hands down on the table and feel like screaming. Calm down Hope, calm down.

I open up the next lawyer wich I assume is from this stupid prince I have to marry.


Ñame: Carlos Mello

Age: 22

Height: 6,0

Sage: Light sage, spellizues in healing

Hobbies: Information gathering, bird calling and drawing.

Likes: You."

Oh that sly little basterd.

"Dislikes: Chocolate, swords and fire."

Ok, so what I am hearing from. All this information is that this guy and I will not work out. Yup that's what I am hearing. Well time to start my letter, wich will not be as nice as dear old dads. Hmmmm how do I also say You absolute b*cth how dare u set up an arranged marriage.

"Dear Father.

Don't except me to come home anytime soon. People hear need my help and it would be selfish of me to leave them in their time if need.

Also tell Mr.Mello that I am not looking for anyone at this moment and I am extremely busy myself helping Angelic that courting me would be very inappropriate in a time like this, marriage completely out of the question. Best regards.

-Hope, Angelic."

I think I got the point across. Now back that I am done it's time to send my fianle message.

"Dear Mom.

I hear that Dad has set up a marriage for me without my knowing and I refuse to return home until it's called of and until my duties have been fulfilled here. If I remember correct an arranged marriage is what began the separation between the Angelics and the Strikers, If Father wants an alliance he has to work it out another way. My attraction to men has been blank scence birth. I am afraid that any hopes of marriage to a man will always end up in failure in the future. I know you'll understand. I miss you dearly.

- Love Hope. "



Updates have been switched to every Saturday, and once in a while wensday.

Thanks for reading.