Swift Day Billionaire

Red Dragon City

County: True Dragon Alliance

News of the incident begun to spread causing a commotion to all the big shots, making them worried about their safety.

While at the same time the parents of the victims released a bounty for Kent.

Their actions were obvious as three well known noble figures died in the same place and time, without a single witness the accident severely damage their reputation shacking their families foundation greatly.

Kent receive the 1,900,000,000 Credits, 20 bottle's of life Potion, 10 Phantom bottles and 5 bottle Miracle Potions.

He receive the payment privately in the city by a online transfer, not wanting to expose any detail about him Kent didn't carelessly made the transactions.

Kent destroy any path that might lead to him a clean and perfect action.

After receiving the payment Kent disposed the quantum watch, before transferring the money into the bank not being careless.

Kent return to the bar and received a new quantum watch renewing his identity.

Kent head straight to the mall.

Arriving at a store were quantum watches were being sold, He head straight to a receptionist, seeing Kent's plane attire the receptionist had a not caring attitude towards Kent.

"What may be of service to you sir" the receptionist ask wanting to finish this transaction immediately.

Kent knowing what the receptionist was thinking didn't give it much though, as it was common sense of someone wearing a plane looking attire to be a poor one.

Moreover Kent is wearing a mask to hide his identity. The receptionist think that Kent is wearing a mask to hide his embarrassment for being poor.

"I want to buy three quantum watch of the highest quality" Kent said giving it some thought.

The receptionist nodded she and moved, but before she could reached the shelf where quantum watches that being placed at, she stooped realizing something.

"Sir could you repeat what you said" the receptionist were in dazes and ask Kent one's again.

"I want to buy three quantum watch of the highest quality" Kent said not minding the receptionist blunder.

"ah" the receptionist was dumbfounded.

How could a plane looking person afford three of the highest quality quantum watches.

Many thoughts clouded her mind but before she could reach a conclusion Kent interrupted her.

"Excuse me!"

"Ah I'm sorry sir, could I ask what type of color do you prefer of" the receptionist ask recovering from her stupor.

"two black and one red" Kent reply thinking on what color his sister would like.

The receptionist then handed over three high quality quantum watches, that incase in a bullet proof cube glass.

"accounting everything would be 1,800,000 credits" the receptionist gasp at the price.

Kent transfer 1,800,000 credits to the receptionist. Seeing the transfer completely the receptionist froze in dazes, she had thought Kent would return the item after realizing the price.

But who would thought that Kent will pay it up front without a second thought.

"That was 1,800,000 you knew accounted to my job pay, I would only earn that much after three years. If your rich you should wear a proper attire so people wouldn't misjudged you" the receptionist thought as he look at the departing figure of Kent.

Regretting that she misjudged Kent because of his plane attire.

Following such, Kent venture though the whole mall buying stuff their and their, He purchased dozens of food supply and clothes for her sister and himself.

He also buy the highest quality VR capsule.

The capsule cost him 60 million, but if one accounted the capsules effects it's worth it.

He then head straight to a real estate company similar to the receptionist at the quantum store the people inside the real estate were similarly surprised.

Being that even with Kent's plane looking attire he had a equip high end quality quantum watch. Moreover Kent purchase one of the most luxurious mansions on their disposal.

The mansion cost him 500,000,000.

The mansion was equipped with a advance AI support and super security, located on the outer area of the core middle district of Red Dragon City.

Kent didn't mind the cost money would be thrown useless in the future anyway.

Kent gave order to the mall's people to send all of the items, he purchased to the mansions address.

The malls people was guided to the address together with the people assigned for Kent's new estate.

Before leaving the mall he purchased a good car for 160,000,000 the price was a bit huge for a car but the safety and advance system it provide were on another level compare to basic cars.

The car can be consider one of the most luxurious car's in the world.

The money he own was thanks to the three noble head's Kent was grateful for their sacrifice.

Finishing all preparations. Finishing all the paperwork's and stuff accepting the new mansion.

Kent head straight back to their old tattered rented house situated on the outer most district of the city closed to the slums.

He stopped and park the car at a safe area before riding to a taxi.

Kent pay for this months rent and thank the house owner, informing them that they'll move out tomorrow.

The house owner was a bit regretful, Kent and Alice had lived in this house for years, they grew accustomed to the residents and the people nearby.

The night arrive the moon was bright, the stars were glittering up above the black sky, a peaceful night arrive.

Arriving home Kent was welcome by Alice.

"brother what take you so long the soup was about to turned cold" Alice said while pouting.

He hadn't knew how long he had spent at the mall.

"shopping is scary" Kent thought.

Kent pinch his sisters face making it red "you rascal why were you so cute?"

"what can I do about it I'm just to cute" Alice reply straightening her body with pride.

The night passed by the two were having fun playing on a game console, Alice's exam is closed but the childs self esteem is quite high her confidence is something else.

"Right prepare all the things you needed, were moving out for a permanent house tomorrow"

Hearing this sudden declaration Alice was shocked.

"Huh brother, did I hear it right! were moving to a permanent house"

Alice anticipation can be seen in her eyes wanting to confirm her brother's words.

"I'm serious were moving in a permanent house tomorrow"

Kent reply not giving it much though.

"Were did you get the money to buy a house brother, your hiding so many things from me"

Alice looked at Kent as she was pouting wanting to know more about Kent's secrets.

Kent caressed her head making the latter give up.

Alice immediately pack her belongings and their parents heirloom that reminded them of their parents.

Kent himself prepare discarding unnecessary things.

Morning arrive the night sky vanish replace by the bright light the sun provided.

Alice pack up so much staff forgetting to take a nap black eye bugs can be seen.

"Why did you bring to much stuff, is that what you call cute, your like a gorilla how can you even carry a whole sofa?"

"Brother why didn't you bring your things?" Alice reply in a counter question.

"We don't need that stuff we already have furniture's and appliances in their"

Kent reply scratching he's head for not informing his sister.

Hearing Kent's notion Alice was a bit stunned, she then immediately throw the stuffs she bring and minimize the things she carry.

Prioritizing the things that could bring memories about their parents and some important stuff.

After a hour of preparing and waiting a luxurious car arrived in front of the apartment.

The car didn't have any driver, as it drive on it's own, It didn't attract much attention being that it was still early morning, only a few people that was passing by was attracted to it and nothing more.

But seeing the car Alice was stunned.

"brother did you just rob a bank" Alice ask seriously" Isn't this the Razor Phantom X20?"

Kent ignore Alice's word and opened the car's back.

"How can I rob a bank? and about the car that's a trade secret" Kent reply smiling.

A few minutes on ride Kent and Alice was amaze as how comfortable the car really was.

They arrived in front of the Mansion Kent brought. It had a exquisite and luxurious theme, following up it has a three story space with a huge poll at the back combined to the glorious garden giving off a peaceful feeling.

Existing the car Alice was dumbfounded, her eyes popping out from their sockets.

"brobrobrother! Is this the housed you mentioned? did we arrive in a wrong destination?"

Alice ask her still eyes bulging.

Kent just reply with a nod, receiving Kent's reply Alice was stunned.

They then moved in front the door, a scanning laser then scanned Alice, followed up by a cold mechanical voice.

[Welcome Master Kent greetings lady Alice]

Alice was one's again surprise, suppressing her feelings she followed Kent inside.

The inside were extremely luxurious it had a clear crystal floor, there were also the sweet scents in the air the inside is like a castle in a fairy tale.

"Go and pick a room you like prepare everything I have another surprise" finishing his words Kent immediately head straight towards a room he designated for the VR capsules.

Alice run off with a big smile.

The room was lit up by multi color lighting designed for gaming, six computers were stationed at the side, together with two high end gaming station's.

The room was wide it could fit a hundred people their were transparent glass walls at the left side, situating a small kitchen. On the right side situated a small gym room were strengthening equipment's were stationed.

Kent open a special fridge were bottle's of potions and drugs were placed. He pick up two life potions and put it a top the table.

A few seconds later Alice arrived at the room were Kent was. Seeing the place Alice was one's again surprised beyond.

Her imaginations were in chaos being surprised again and again by her brother.

However when she saw what her brother was drinking is when the time she grew passive.

Kent move beside her and handed a bottle of life potion.

Seeing the potions Alice couldn't help but became shudder she had a great knowledge about such stuff being a student information flow to school very fast.

She calculated the amount of things she saw and couldn't imagine how could her brother gain such amount of money.

putting her thoughts aside.

She drink the life potion, she could feel a warmed feeling within her, it was comfortable and refreshing.

Kent pull a small box and handed it to Alice.

Seeing the box her Joy flash in her eyes.