Genesis Era

Holding the quantum watch she grew ecstatic.

"Brother this!"

"your graduation is on the next Friday am I right this is a gift a prepaid for you"

Saying so Alice was overjoyed. She immediately unlocked the box and equipped the quantum watch.

"your so happy for just quantum watch, what would your reaction be if you used this" saying so Kent pull off the curtain that's blocking the VR capsules.

Seeing the VR capsules Alice almost stumble at the floor. VR capsules is every one's wish and desire even people age above a hundred used them.

One could enter a virtual reality by using a VR helmet but compare to a VR capsule that had a 100% synchronization is equivalent to a bike and a car. Unfortunately VR capsules was extremely expensive in millions, normal people could only afford VR helmets that cost 10,000 credits. those helmets had a synchronization level of 88% the difference between the two is heaven's apart.

Kent move beside the VR capsule and inserted a couple Nutrition Drive. Nutrition Drive is potions that function together with the VR capsules providing nutrients for it's user, moreover when one is amerce inside the VR capsule they could gain nutrients and strengthen themselves while still log in. More importantly they could last for a month or two inside the VR capsule if there had sufficient Nutritional Drive.

Alice was overjoyed at this discovery.

"After your graduation is when you can used this VR capsule" Kent said in a strict manner.

Alice just nodded even do she really want to experience the VR world so badly, she still followed her brothers orders. She only had her brother all her life, she never disobeyed her brother and she'll do everything for her brother, that is how deep her love towards Kent.

She was consider a genius in school. She gain a scholarship lessening the tuition fee her brother had to pay. However their so called genius can't even be compared to her brother. Her brother would do anything for her as long as it was accomplishable.

Note: (Brother Con)

Kent examine the devices for a few minutes reading instructions and manuals. As it was still an hour before the Genesis Era begun it's launch.

Kent and Alice share a meal. The time Alice discover the ton of ingredients and food within the large fridge, she created a commotion within the house. Being that she was major in culinary and love cooking badly.

In this current world were technology and strength is everything cooking is one of the most popular jobs. Alice prepared a spectacular meal displaying her talents and profession.

Finishing their meal Kent head straight to the VR room, while on the other hand Alice head straight to her room and begun studying as her exam was tomorrow.

Kent enter the capsule relaxing himself as he closed the capsule and his eyes.

"Genesis Era, here I come"


To accommodate the players were a sleep when they entering a Virtual World. In Genesis Era the time dilation were on a different level, as a single day in real life were equivalent in four days in game.

Making people grew crazy about the game even do the game developer is unknown and mysterious.

However the discovery of this time dilation was still hidden, it would still need a few days before the news come out. Thanks to this new player had the advantages in the early stages. Leaving the new one's in a large margin.

After a few days the games popularity would surely rise beyond one's imaginations, moreover the game were so realistic where NPC's had their own consciousness and emotions.

Other players even married NPC's and was able to had a offspring within the game. The funny part about it was when the game turned into a reality a complete mess follow suite.

Kent found himself inside a multicolor cube radiating a beautiful radiance replicating a starry space.

A game console appear indicating a system.

Their were five types of job that could be used as a main class type.

[Fighter] [Support] [Tank] [Assassin] [Mage]

Their is also a extra job called

[Life Style]

FIGHTER: (Swordsman) (Samurai) (Brawler) (Berserker)

SUPPORT: (Cleric) (Druid) (Healer) (Enchanter)

TANK: (Guardian) (Shield Warrior) (Dark Guard) (Holy Guard)

ASSASSIN: (Assassin) (Hunter) (Ranger) (Scout)

MAGE: (Elementalist) (Summoner) (Sorcerer) (Shaman)

All classes had their own points and weak points. One could pick a single main class and two sub classes. Main classes meant, that when ones level up the free additional attribute points would automatically be inserted on the attribute were the class was focused to. While the sub class would only get a small amount of half the attribute the main class receives.

In he's previous life Kent was pick swordsman as it was a versatile type fighter and for his sub classes he pick assassin and elementalist.

The extra class he take was Alchemist and Blacksmith these two extra classes help him greatly before so this time he would still pick those life style classes one's more. Moreover extra classes didn't have any restrictions on how many one have it also didn't appear on one's status screen. As long as you had the knowledge about the class you would gain it in no time.

He already mastered this classes so it only natural that he picked the classes one's again.

[Please enter a name you desire]

"Void Phoenix"

Kent discarded his past name and formed a new one, he chose Void Phoenix as it resemble his return in time and his rebirth.

[New name successfully generated]

[Player can adjust one's appearance by 30%]

Kent then adjust he appearance he had a above average look in real life. He change he's looks a bit he made it look more mature but still in a handsome side, while he also change his hair color to that of blue silver. He turned his eyes into golden closely resembles his real eyes that were golden bonze. He change his appearance to hide he's identity and not to attract any attention.

[Please pick where to be summoned]

A map then appear representing the whole world of Genesis Era. The world were ten times larger than earth, within this world were large numbers of kingdom's and Empire's.

"Ancient Chao's Kingdom"

Kent pick the kingdom he knew the most. The a map then was displayed representing the entire Kingdom. The kingdom was one's a powerful empire but because of it's decline in power the kingdom was demoted from it's rank as an empire.

Then a display of cities and towns were showed. Looking at the lands Kent decided to pick a small town closed to a border. One could only pick a town in the beginning as one needed to reach level 15 before being able to enter a city. Ad for the capital one needed to be level 20 before once could have the authority to enter the capital.

"Beginning town of the Fallen"

Kent pick one of the most desolated towns in the kingdom, as he had plans for this special town.

[Destination confirm player would be summon in the Beginning town of the Fallen in a second]

Kent's sight immediately blurred as he was being summoned to the Beginning town of the Fallen.

Kent arrive inside the summoning cathedral. He had a common appearance for a new player, he was currently penniless only having a couple of bread and a trainee sword with him. He doesn't even had a single equipment for defense or anything only having a common shirt and shorts.

Kent excited the cathedral after exiting it a dozen players emerge from within. NPC'S roam the streets talking anything, children play on the streets with smiles plastered within there faces. NPC guards patrol as the issue order for the town. Player that just teleported immediately rush out and started moving everywhere. The players were gathering information for them to easily move within the game, some of them started requesting quest to the NPC. Seeing this scene Kent could clearly distinct that these players were guild players.

Each of these players were carrying their own task like their lives depends on it. A few seconds passed a pair of beautiful women arrive from the summoning cathedral. The two exude a calm and cold aura, with Kent long years of temperament within the Genesis Era he's senses had reach a completely different level. He could tell that the two weren't ordinary player, just as he suspect. Some player that were gathering information immediately head straight to hear and handed the information they gather.

"Guild Leader, we only gather a small amount of information for the time being. Other were still on their task gathering more information and searching for places that could offer quests" said by a middle age looking man.

The women leading the group nodded in agreement. She then join the group in their task.

Looking at the group Kent search through his deepest memories. When a sudden realization struck him.

"its look like the Destroyer Pavilion emergence was here in the Beginning town of the fallen"