PK Challenge Part 2

Within the dead of night the time seems to stood still making all movements ceaseless with a certain area. Kent was in relax not minding how much time had passed he could gasp even the slightest change in the surrounding. He could feel the movement of the air like it was he's own body the surrounding seem to be one with him a he spread his Domain covering almost 200 meters.

Then his Domain pick up something.

Noticing that he had been discovered the attacker showed himself.

"to be able to gasp Domain in such age what a monster can you be" the red haired man said in a condensing tone.

Seeing the man's appearance Kent was surprised.

The men in front of him is someone he been closed with in his past life or to be precise one of his masters. Jacob Santos, a old monster at the Spiritual realm.

Kent relax himself "what may I help you with?" in a domineering tone.

"may! May your something else kiddo, based on your voice and body structure your in your 20's"

"just as expected nothing can get past through a monster even do I equipped my self with a rare equipment to disguise myself" Kent thought not showing any weakness. "then may I know what's you point?"

"nothing really"

At those words Kent hastily tighten the grip in he's swords preparing to attack. But a moment later Kent leap back.


The ground he one's stood exploded…

Wasting no time Jacob rush forth with his Katana as it shoot forward gashing swiftly.

Kent didn't back down. Executing [Swift Strike] and [Horizontal Slash]

Boom! A loud explosion echoed throughout the silent forest.

Jacob was forced to take a single step back. Kent on the other side leap back for 10 meters away.

Shocked and amazement flashed on Jason's eyes at this development. He had never thought that a normal exchange of attack could make him step back.

Jacob had a wide smile tightening his grip. He dash fort like a cannon ball.

Kent that had long since ready to receive the attack formed a combat technique [Yin yang guidance] a shadow of light and darkness descend upon Kent protecting him from Jason's assault.

[Yin yang guidance] is a defensive type combat technique focusing one's energy and muscles strength in a single point the user could defend at any attack as long as he held off.

Seeing this phantoms surprised flashed on Jacob's expression. He then fall in a sudden realization, the attack he formed would be render useless against that technique. But even so Jason's didn't falter and continue to dash fort wanting to know how sturdy is that combat defensive technique Kent brought forth.

Boom! Clang!

At the moment of impact the force spread though his body paralyzing him for a millisecond. Kent follow up with a counter executing [Deflecting Orbit] combining it with [Double Swift Strike]

A moment of surprise Jacob stabilize his footing shielding himself at the unavoidable attack. But even so he was thrown back a couple meters bouncing around rolling before regaining he's balance. A red mark of -250 appear above his head.

He had never expect the normal looking attack to envelope itself with such force. Even do blurry he saw the sword slash being followed by another sword slash. A shadow that covered in glittering stars.

Jacob one's again dash fort however this time he didn't underestimate Kent as he begun to take the fight seriously. Striking Jacob Executing a multitude of sword strikes.

Kent on the other hand didn't falter and do the same.

The two exchange attack as time passed some zombies and skeleton's nearby was attracted by this exchange. However the poor undead's became collateral damage for the two. Their sword strikes reached the extreme point where a sonic boom! Could be hear time to time.

Kent executed his [Chaotic Sword Rampage] increasing the attack power of the strikes as time passed by but on the same time exhausting his stamina.

Jacob used some kind of technique that Kent himself didn't see in his past life. But he concluded that the technique were closed to that of the [Chaotic Sword Rampage]

"This is it this is a real fight" even do Jacob had a passive and serious expression in their battle he's thought were in chaos. Be had never experience a true battle against humans the time he breakthrough the spiritual realm. Only the monsters in the game would be able to put a fight on but the downside is he couldn't display his best against such beings. He needed to resort in schemes and ploys to defeat such monsters. If he were to reply in his combat prowess alone chances of losing against those monsters was huge.

However now he had stumble upon a youngster that could able to receive his brutal assault and even counter now they were in a still mate. None of them planned to used mana or magic as it would destroy the essence of a warrior's duel.

Kent himself was in a same though. He had long since knew his masters attitude, the moron want a real fight between men and nothing else. In his past life this master of his was a Tier 15 solo player such achievement was amazing only 3 people on the same category as him were the same. These people was consider monsters among monsters being able to reach tier 15 while being a solo player was as hard as to face a tier 16 beast solo.

That's the reason why Kent respected the men. However for sometime in his last the moron master of his disappear without a trace of sort, brewing a storm in the entire Genesis Era. The guy was a tier 15 player even if he died he would sure to be revive inside the temples. As the world consider them as it's child it won't let them died whatever happen, they would only suffer a couple of level lost, reduction in their synchronization to combat technique's, suffer form a weaken state and some other restrictions and reductions. Even so they would never die!

Jacob's disappearance made other god-like existence fear the unknown. Kent also intended to search for Jacob in this life of his. But who would thought that he would encounter the man this fast.

As how large the world of Genesis Era was the thought of seeing people he knew and consider as friends was extremely low closing the impossible marked.

This time Kent placed all his strength to the grip of the sword executing a dangerous combat technique.

Jacob felt the danger quickly back off.

However Kent didn't give the men a chance to escape his attack using [Flash Step] Kent appear above Jason while executing [Shattering Dragon Strike] a combat technique that held so much destructive power.

Kent didn't intend to used this combat technique before he reach tier 1 but the current situation wasn't in his advantage.

Seeing this Jacob was momentarily stunned but as a Spiritual realm being he quickly snap out of it. Regaining his calm Jacob rotated the katana forming a crescent like formation. Gray light envelope the weapon's body hiving off a aura saying that it could cut anything.

At this development Kent had a grin looking at his serious master.

The [Shattering Dragon Strike] collided with Jacob's [Crescent Severing Slash]


The collision made a loud explosion that echoed throughout the entire Crimson Silent Forest. The monster within was alarmed at this event as they begun to flee afar from where the explosion came.

Jacob was pushed back by the force of the explosion.

The same goes for Kent… stabilizing himself Kent used [Flash Step] one's more and combined it with [Vanishing Dragon Step] erasing he's existence.