PK Challenge Part 3

Kent's movements were so fast even Jacob's perception that of a Spiritual realm expert could only see a blurred image moving around.

"Isn't he so fast. He's presence is also so tin, if others in my position even noticing him would be closed to impossible"

"It's coming"

Swish! Jacob swung his sword deflecting Kent extreme speed strike.

But that didn't stopped Kent's assault like a heavy rifle Kent release dozens of strikes putting Jacob in great pressure.

Jacob can't stand the series of assault deciding to sacrifice the right arm Jacob ducked as he moved right rotating.

The left arm blow up receiving Kent's barrage of attacks.

Tilting his body back while evading Jacob was able to evade the residual attacks.

Tightening the grip in his Katana Jacob was prepared to counter attack. Unfortunately Kent immediately retreat stepping back distancing himself from Jacob.

See this Jacob can't help but had a bitter smile. He was about to take a gamble and counter Kent's attack with a attack as well but the latter's intuition was so sharp not giving him the chance to deliver a hit.

Meanwhile Kent was frowning at this development even do he managed to destroy one of Jacob's arm the doesn't really pose a thing. Jacob is right-handed and only used a single hand in combat and only used the other for casting magic but their fight didn't really involve mana they all been relying in combat technique and experience.

He been fighting undead's since earlier then Jacob appear to challenge him he was extremely exhausted. Now that Jacob was desperate to win this fight, Kent couldn't just ditch the guy knowing Jacob's personality the guy won't take a draw for an answer. Hell sure to chase him in the end of the earth just to have a duel.

The other side the latter Jacob had a brighten expression. He had never experience a injury these sever in his entire life it might be the game or outside never in his life he had experience a disadvantage or to be pushed back like this.

He's heartbeat quicken "so these is the feeling of being a inferior, even do I'm superior in realm the difference in combat standard, technique's and experience were massive" he had long since knew that their were monster like people much stronger than him in other places but never one's he thought that he would be at a disadvantage against a Grandmaster on he's 20's. he didn't feel humiliated like what others would usually thought he felt Joy, Joy of experiencing the unknown joy of being able to grow much stronger the feeling of boundless possibilities ahead.

Kent stared at Jacob preparing to attack at moment's notice. However out of all he had expected Jacob raise his arm his remaining arm.

"I surrender you win" Jacob said.

Kent could not comprehend the situation confuse "is this really my stubborn master that never back down? When did the world turned upside down!"

Seeing Kent's confused expression Jacob spoke.

"ehem! It's my mistake for attacking you out of nowhere you win this match so I'll do a single favor you desire" Jacob stated wanting to befriend such a young monster with endless potential.

Snapping from his daze Kent looked at the guy double checking if this was the same person in his past life.

But realizing that he might be the reason for this kind of change in Jacob's behavior… Kent accepted the surrender… it be a lie if he said that he didn't enjoy the win. He had long wished to defeat his master in the past. If it weren't for their gap in tier he might had a chance.

A tier 7 fighting a tier 15 would be like a egg being thrown to a mountain size diamond. Even if the latter suppress their strength on the same status as the other party the gap wouldn't change that much.

"then I'll be greedy then!"

"so long as you didn't request me to kill myself in real life you can request for anything, if you want to dispose of someone in real life just ask! But I think you doesn't need that kind of request as how powerful you are"

"your praising me to much it's just that my level is high nothing else"

"don't be humble you little monster being a monster enough is already terrifying but to think your also a schemer your something else really, I can't go head or tails on you I have never seen or heard of someone like you"

"enough with the flattery old men you talk like your innocent your were the same"

"ah that's, that's more like it"

"Join the group I'm about to create in the future"

"you mean you want me to fight something together with you?"

"no don't misunderstood it I want to recruit you on the group I'm about to create in the near future it's not a guild or a adventure group I want to create something else!"

"…" Jacob was flabbergasted at Kent's request.

Jacob stared at the young man's eye. He could see the determination on the young man's dignified expression. He had leave he's entire life all alone he's interaction with other were closed to none. The most interaction he got with a person was from he's deceased master.

"Hang on a minute…"

Jacob thought as he those determined eyes somewhere before. Before realizing when it reminds him of his young days beginning an old man to teach him martial arts.

"I would accept your proposal but I'll don't want to be tied or something, you also need to defeat me in an all out battle before you could order me around" Jacob stated his condition's

"that's not a problem. The group I'm planning to create is where everyone is free to do whatever they want. But had a home to return to once they exhaust themselves, a group that would stand toe to toe against do giants above a group that isn't coward" Kent reply smiling as he celebrate in his mind.

If people from he's past life where to knew that the Tier 15 Arcane Saint that was sought of by everyone, was tamed by a Tier 7 kid they would sure to chocked him to death.

"is this kid for real" Jacob thought at Kent delusional thoughts. "visualizing Kent's claim Jason was overwhelmed with excitement" Challenging powerful guild was everyone's dream moving tie to toe with such giants that had established themselves for centuries is like a fairytale.

"if that were the case I'm in. However I'm not available for the meantime I had accepted a request from someone so we should add each other first"

"I'm Sky Fall a swordsman"

"I'm Void Phoenix a swordsman as well"

The two greeted each other departing in separate ways. Sky Fall or to be precise Jacob still had something to do and that also apply for Kent. Jacob went straight to the east towards the Dark Swamp area that is infested with Level 20-30 monster's and beast living in the same land.

If he was right a hidden dungeon for solo players was hidden under the swamp waters. Kent didn't plan on touching the dungeon not having the concrete location where it at and the key to open the dungeon. He would only get himself killed by the monster's and beast within the swamps. As he thought of this Jacob might have the key and exact location on the whereabouts of the dungeon.

Hidden solo dungeons is also called the dungeon of opportunity only a single player and the player that had cleared a chain quest that was related to the dungeon can access the area. Even if the player died multiple times the key he held for opening the dungeon won't drop no matter what, there is also the special function the dungeon offers. It's set it's difficulty based on the player's combat power and didn't take account the player's level. The place is a natural training ground and treasure trove for solo players.

Kent wasn't worried about Jacob ditching him as he had long knew the man's attitude and habit's doing something like escaping or ditching isn't on the man's dictionary.