Mist World Part 1

The two move in separate ways.

Kent had know that Jacob lied to him accepting a request from someone. In his past life the guy wouldn't accept such a request even how much the other party pay.

"Jacob sure is cautious as ever" Kent thought as he gaze upon the route Jacob went through.

Kent head straight to the inner most part of the Crimson Silent Forest where the fog is the densest.

Thanks to Jacob his schedule was change one's again. Kent need a change of plans.

Kent venture to the dense fog. He wasn't hinder by the fog as the experience of a Apex Expert was embedded within his very soul. Even after reincarnation the experience and instinctive strength didn't disappear it became stronger instead.

He spotted some undead's and beast roaming around some even tried to ambush him. Using his weapon Kent advance through the core zone without being hindered.

Screams of beast echoed throughout the tick mist.

He cut all the wandering undead's and beast that lived in the dense mist, he gain a large amount of experience points at this venture on the other side not even a single item was drop. He didn't really mind it as he already knew this.

After a few minutes of journey a gigantic tree. The tree's height can't be measured as the mist covered the entire tree.


Looking at the gigantic tree Kent was satisfied, It took him 20 minutes to reach the area. These tree is called the heart of mist, all the mist within the entire forest came from these tree. This is one of the most hardest places to reach even after the later stage's of the game. As one needed to fulfil some requirements to be able to reach the tree.

First is for the player to defeat 50 mist beast inside the mist bordering the core region territory of the tree, moreover these beast level defer based on the challengers combat power even grandmasters might die. Unfortunately for the beast's Kent had long accustom himself facing them.

Second and the most hardest is to find the tree's location. Only those that reach grandmasters and above could accomplished such feat or people that was lucky enough. If one had a weak mental strength they would be weaken by the mist that had a properties of mental confusion. Only those with clear and strong minds could resist the environmental attack. As such Grandmasters and above that had trained their mental strength surpassing human capabilities can achieve such feat.

If one needed to reach the stage of grandmaster from a master they should need to improve and breakthrough their mental strength. But their were also those that possessed some kind of ability for example Kent's {Sage} trait. The {Sage} trait isn't the only one as their were other types of abilities that similar to such. People called them Ability Holders unlike {Sage} that was gain thanks to practicing Martial Art's and breakthrough one's limit's Ability Holders where those that was born with a special abilities.

[Congratulations for being the first to discovered the Heart of the Mist]

Privilege: (25% Discount) Inside the mist world.

"Nice as expected" anticipating the development Kent was overjoyed. 25% discount is a extremely huge benefit if other's were to knew of these they would die in jealousy.

Inside the Heart of the Mist is another world called Mist World existed. The mist tree is used to connect Genesis Era and Mist world with one another.

Mist world is a world of endless possibilities and opportunities one could gain reward points just from surviving inside the mist world or completing quest within to gain more reward points.

The points can be used to exchange for valuable things.

A completely new world with endless possibilities, in the past people tend to fight Just to enter the mist world other superpowers even pay large amount of money just to request a grandmaster or above to help them reach the Heart of the Mist.

Their were also those greedy morons that tried to monopolize the area. Being idiots it cause their guilds to be destroyed by the superpowers and transcendental, forcing them to disband for good. The mist world is a world of endless possibilities trying to monopolize such thing would be the same as suicide it's like declaring war to everyone.

As the existence of the Mist World is public.

Moreover not anyone can had the chance to enter the mist world as even if they entered it, they had to face great difficulties inside.

Each player that enter the mist world is given an entire day. however only a few could used the entire day before dying inside.

The difficulty within is based on one's fighting prowess. After exiting the mist world one need to wait another month to be able to challenge the world one's again.

In his past life Kent challenge the mist world again and again. He had die multiple times inside so he had a clear understanding about the world than anyone else's at this time period.

Not wasting a time Kent immediately activate the teleportation gate inside the tree. Each used of the teleportation gate cost 75 gold and this was Kent that had a privilege of 25% if he doesn't have the privilege the teleportation cost would amount to 100 gold.

But before he could teleport himself a series of notification's appear on his system panel.

Notifying him about the auctions results.

[222,930,000 Has been added to Credit Account]

"Huh?" Kent stared at the display in day's

Opening the transaction history…

[Magic Scroll Category]

1. {Tier 4 Wide Scale Destruction Spell} 600,000 (Jade Lotus)

2. {Tier 4 Wide Scale Destruction Spell} 500,000 (Jade Lotus)

3. {Tier 4 Wide Scale Destruction Spell} 500,000 (Jade Lotus)

4. {Tier 4 Wide Scale Destruction Spell} 500,000 (Fire Dragon)

5. {Tier 4 Wide Scale Destruction Spell} 400,000 (Dark General)

6. {Tier 3 Wide Scale Destruction Spell} 350,000 (Jade Lotus)

7. {Tier 3 Wide Scale Destruction Spell} 350,000 (Jade Lotus)

8. {Tier 3 Wide Scale Destruction Spell} 350,000 (Fire Dragon)

9. {Tier 3 Wide Scale Destruction Spell} 350,000 (Fire Dragon)

10. {Tier 3 Wide Scale Destruction Spell} 350,000 (Jade Lotus)

11. {Tier 3 Wide Scale Destruction Spell} 350,000 (Fierce Blade)

[Equipment Category]

1. {Jade Beast Set} 1 Set for 18 Million (Jade Lotus)

2. {Lightweight Demonic Set} 50 Set's for 8 Million (Jade Lotus)

3. {Lightweight Demonic Set} 35 Set's for 6 Million (Fire Dragon)

4. {Lightweight Demonic Set} 10 Set's for 3 Million (Fierce Blade)

5. {Lightweight Demonic Set} 3 Set's for 340,000 (Dark General)

6. {Armor Deer Set} 40 Set's for 330,000 (Dark General)

[Consumables Category]

1. {Holy Flame Bomb's} 300× for 45 Million {Fire Dragon}

2. {Holy Water} 2,000× for 38 million (Fire Dragon)

3. {Explosion Bead's} 1,000× for 20 Million (Jade Lotus)

4. {Explosion Bead's} 800× for 19 Million (Fire Dragon)

5. {Stamina potion} 800× for 18 Million (Jade Lotus)

6. {Stamina potion} 400× for 15 Million (Fire Dragon)

7. {Stamina potion} 300× for 14 Million (Dark General)

8. {Stamina potion} 280× for 14 Million (Fierce Blade)

Reading the Auctions transaction history Kent was dumbfounded.

"Did those guy's gone mad?" Kent can't help but gave a question. As the prices were heaven's apart from the original price it supposed to be.

"Those morons provided me 222,930,000 just for items that amounted to 15 Million"

Kent calculate the profits he could gain but never in his wildest dreams he had imagine such a thing. Putting aside what happen at the auction house Kent proceed on activating the teleportation array.

Then a ray of light enveloped Kent's entire body teleporting him to the mist world.


The news about the astronomical auction event quickly spread throughout the world creating a storm in both Genesis Era and the real world.