Mist World Part 3

Under the guidance of the surrounding light Kent discarded the torch as he near the tomb. Kent went a few hundred meters deep in the cave before finally finding the mentioned Tomb. Kent found a couple of written words on the tombs exterior gazing upon the words Kent almost stumble.

"Deuz race Deuz characters?" The inscription on the tombs brought brought some sort of shock to Kent.

"how is this possible?" not believing what he had saw.

There would be no issue with the Deuz writing's being there if it was a newly built tomb after all. No wonder that guild rise in just a year, ten years after their would be multiple powerhouse people that time already reach tier 6-7.

This tomb was a tomb of the Deuz race. Deuz race was considered to be one of the God races a powerful race that excel in both magic and physical combat. They have the same life force to that of the dragons considering them to be a race of disaster. But that powerful race itself fall and was turned into undead who would believe such a thing.

If the Genesis Era was a normal game people would just ignore such thing but Genesis Era would became reality in the near future so such knowledge is terrifying even for Kent. The highest the players reach on his past time line was tier 16 but that isn't the limit based on Genesis Era's history. Deuz race itself is one of the examples a race that had reach tier 20, a monstrous and powerful race that was considered to be a god race.

But such god race fall into the hand of some unknown entity turning them into undead's ending the Deuz race long myth history.

Kent ponder for a few minutes at this revelation. The notes the players that own the tomb in he past didn't say that the tomb was a tomb of a Deuz empire.

"did they hide the fact to avoid panic? Or they keep the information themselves!" Kent can't fathom what those players in the past were thinking hiding such valuable information.

Players might be enemies if they weren't allies but a information that could threaten the entire mankind shouldn't be hidden on the dark.

Thinking about this. Kent was naturally looking forward to exploring this tomb however the information he gain still linger in his mind. Once he was done reading the inscription, Kent started carving all kinds of marks on the inside of the cave. Forming a magic array for safety measures, he created a alarm type array just be on the safe side.

Kent clearly remembered that beside being extremely proficient in magic knowledge the Deuz race possessed advance technological developments, they were also very good with biological Bloodline experimentation. So Kent looked forward on what he could gain from this tomb exploration.

Kent arrived at the outer site of the tomb. Usually the tomb's surroundings wouldn't have any items that were usually buried with the dead, however, it was also unlikely to be dangerous for the same reason. He was going to open up the tomb's first layer, but more importantly, he would make sure he could retreat anytime. Tombs is known to possessed incredible treasure and wealth but at the same time a land of danger and disaster.

This time Kent is currently a Tier 0 swordsman if he were to faced something inside the tomb the only respond he could make is to run for his life. Based on his current state, he could only roam the outer layers of the tomb forcing one's way inside is closed to suicide. Tombs entrances is usually guarded by Sentinels at type of boss. Each layer of a tomb is guarded by such bosses, the number of layer hold depends on how strong the previous owner before. While on the same time each layer one unlock the stronger the Sentinel will become.

The difficulty one needed to face just to excavate a tomb is massive that's yet to include the trap's one needed to disable. Traps that can instant kill someone is common on tombs.

Kent made his advance towards the outer layer.

Arriving Kent couldn't help shivering as he felt a gloomy cold wind blowing out of the passage. Suddenly, Kent heard some mournful scream, it felt as if a ghost would rush out from the passage as a gloomy aura filled the mountain.

Second later a group of ghost appear bearing their translucent fangs targeting Kent. The ghost had a similar appearance to beast men.

Name: Ghost

Level: 40 (One Star)

HP: 8,000/8,000

Unsheathing is sword Kent used a combat technique. [Radiance Of The Silent Sea] while on the same time pouring holy water on the swords.

Swish! -6,890 -6,780 -6,560

Kent deliver a damage at the three ghost in front. While on the side four ghost tried a sneak attack. Maneuvering his footsteps perfectly Kent was able to dodge the four different attacks, this time Kent move in a circle while executing [Swift Strike] and [Horizontal Slash] at the same time. Throwing back the four ghost that assaulted him, the three earlier die on that exchange.

But before Kent could celebrate eight ghost armed with a translucent spears circled him dashing forward. Seeing this Kent used [Wind Jump] dodging the spear attack. Unfortunately at the same time ten skeleton's release their arrows targeting Kent in mid air.

This time Kent draw another sword from the Spatial ring. The Crimson Disaster Blade using mana manipulation combat technique [Magic Weapon Fusion] Kent's Epic rank weapon Crimson Disaster Blade was envelope by a destructive power of Hell Flame.

Swish! In a single rotational motion Kent turned all the arrows into ashes. A item then appear on his hand A holy Flame Bomb.

Note: (Chapter 26 Kent purchase the Holy Flame Bomb from the Auction House using his authority)

Kent once again used a [Wind Jump] jumping higher as he threw a Holy Flame Bomb at the ghost the waited for him below their spears pointing at him.

Boom! Boom!

Kent throw two Holy Flame Bomb's instantly incinerating the 11 Ghost.

Another volley of arrow was shoot at Kent using the same move before Kent successful deflect all the arrows. The skeleton archer's only remained, realizing there attacks being useless the skeleton's change their weapon's dashing forward with their knives. Ten skeleton's strike on the same time in different angles. Kent execute [Deflecting Orbit] deflecting the team attack unlike the ghost Kent can used Physical type combat technique against Skeleton's. As their bodies wasn't incorporeal.

After deflecting the attack Kent used [Swift Strike] finishing of the undead archer's.

Kent admitted that the undead. Ghost and Skeleton's coordination is perfect and beautiful that kind of strategy could pin down a grandmaster easily even if the attack is only at Awaken Realm or below. Strength isn't everything in this world even if how high one's realm is it isn't impossible for a normal player to kill them. Just like before if Kent wasn't careful enough and possessed multiple combat technique's he might had already died from such coordinated attack.

This is also the terror the Mist World had. Undead's that already had infinite stamina and immune to fear possessing high intellect and good coordination in their attack's is as scary as hell. Thankful Kent was yet to face a undead with a combat technique. Facing a group of normal undead squad is already a headache for Kent how about facing a group of undead's that possessed good combat technique.

Just thinking about it gave him shivers.