Endless Root World Part 1 (Legend Beast)

The entire tomb was like a huge palace. Kent begun to searched the surroundings for 20 minutes. He explored a small area, and just as He thought, there was no harvest nor any danger. Apart from several group's of undead's attacking him time to time. Some undead's prefer a frontal attack while there's also those that attack sneakily.

The tomb is already large at the outside, but what's more is that this is only a portion of the tomb, as Kent is yet to step inside. Tombs outside appearance is like that of a castle, while on the inside is like a upside-down pyramid. The deeper one descended the smaller the floor chambers become.

Kent didn't plan to enter the tomb at the moment. The current strength he own is quite insignificant for the tomb to be challenged, moreover this tomb was owned by a Deuz, who knows what kind of traps and guardians guarded the tomb's insides.

Moreover his goal wasn't inside the tomb but at the outer layer based on the information he gained from he's previous life.

After a few minutes of walk Kent stumble upon a large rock in graved with mysterious runes. Studying the runes Kent was astonished.

"Dimensional Space"

Kent touch the rock's surface. A bright light immediately envelope his whole body, disappearing from the place he one's stood.

"Wow! What beautiful scenery" the moment Kent gaze upon the new world he came across amazement shown in his expression. The land was covered in lush greenery, life essence that wasn't supposed to exist on Mist World was so abundant that it take form like that a water droplet.

"Endless Root World?"

Something suddenly flashed in Lin Yun's mind, 'This place… It couldn't be one of the legendary Endless Root World?'

He had seen the words Endless Root World in the notes of a powerful NPC before when searching through a ancient library. That NPC was named Laikan, he was one of the three existences during the Bronze Era of the Ancient Titan World who managed to conquer the a Abyssal Floor.

A living legend even at this day. People Gave him the title Celestial Life Conqueror

That Celestial Life Conqueror once wrote about his youth in his notes, how he mistakenly entered a Dimensional Space and set foot on the path of a Druid. fortunately that Conqueror of Life describe the Endless Root World in detailed. He mentioned that the Endless Root World was a treasury left aside by a Ancient Supreme God for the inhabitants of Genesis Era. It was a place full of endless opportunities and dangers a world far valuable than the Mist World.

Remembering the information written from Laikan's notes, Kent grew excited. If that place was really a Endless Root World just by staying here would improve his physics to a different level.

Unlike status that players was accumulated to their were still other ways to increase one's strength and increase one's level is just one of those. One of the methods is to strengthen one's bodily essence, the higher the essence of one's body possessed the greater their life force would become. This applies on all types of essence even death essence is the same.

Being able to gain a high life force increase one's resistance and power at the same time.

Thinking about it, Kent look at the surroundings, but his expression turned grim he couldn't help smiling bitterly. Immediately Kent pullout a concealment scroll and used it to himself at the same time he activate all the item's he held that possessed a concealment ability. He also used the combat technique [Vanishing Dragon Step] concealing himself while using the Elemental Beast Sword's skill [Blink] leaving the area immediately.

Just as Kent left the area a loud explosion echoed throughout the surrounding. large amount of smoke covered a large portion of the teleportation zone.

A large black silhouette take shape of that a large car it's long deadly black tail waving brushing off the dust the covered the area.

Name: Azure Black Sabretooth (Ruler Of Life) (Azure Beast)

Level: 200 (Legend Rank)

HP: 4,000,000,000/4,000,000,000

"Fuck! How am I supposed to faced such monster?" Seeing the newly appeared Azure Black Sabretooth. Kent can't help but cursed out loud. As he fled to the distance using instantaneous scroll and blink scrolls time to time leaving the Azure Black Sabretooth's perception range.

Even with the multiple activation of concealment skills, combined with his Vanishing Dragon Step Kent didn't take the risk and run off as fast as possible.

The Azure Black Sabretooth isn't something he could dream on facing in his lifetime. The Beast isn't only level 200 Legendary Beast it's also have the two terrifying titles that could make player's on his past life despair.

Ruler of Life is a title given to anyone that able to fully comprehend the Law of Life. Law's is power's that revolved around the truth of the universe only a couple of beings is able to gaze such mysteries.

On his past life Kent was able to comprehend both Law of Light and Death but wasn't able to gain the Title of a Ruler of Law. He didn't even get to past the 50% boundary ,other's were also the same it is said that there's only a single person that was able to fully comprehend a law and that person is the strongest player of all of Genesis Era.

However compare to a player just how terrifying a boss that fully comprehend a Law. Some monsters and beast that had such titles was know for being invincible even Nexus the worlds strongest player wouldn't dare to faced such monsters and beast. Saying that it was impossible, so such beast and monsters was consider to be invincible and to be avoided at all cost.

It's not like no one tried to hunt such monster's and beast but. All the results were the same a complete annihilation of the group, many genius strategies come up with dozens of plans and arrangements to face such monster's and beast however no matter what they do the results would still the same defeat. It isn't because of stats different or anything it's just for some reason the monsters and beast that fully comprehend such laws radiated a Aura of a absolute being.

The Azure Beast title however is a Bloodline Title stating that the Azure Black Sabretooth had the bloodline of a Azure race. Azure race's is a extremely special race in terms of magic combined with their powerful bodies. They could face a Deuz on the same level in a one on one fight.

Such race is well known treasure boss and a living disaster at the same time. In his past a Guild called Guilty Crown hunted a boss with a title (Azure Beast) that boss was only at level 80 that time, the Guild called Guilty Crown had its players at level 100 to 110. However they lost 90% of the 250 players they had to a single field boss before they were able defeating it. In return they gain a astronomical fortune 2 legendary equipment and dozens of high grade epic equipment's for just a single boss fight, compared to their losses that could be recover in a matter of time the rewards was astronomical making other's jealous.

Legendary equipment are item's far valuable than materials and tools.