Endless Root World Part 3 (Epic Boss)

If the mine's he's about to enter wasn't special Kent wouldn't waste a bottle of Clear God Potion just to see the surrounding. However the cave he aimed to enter is special in a way where it's previous owner provided it's workers a bottle of Clear God Potion.

A legendary potion that can be used in various things, a extremely expensive and precious item that the kingdoms and empire's back in the main world consider as a treasure.

After consuming the Clear God Potion, Kent entered the cave where the Soul Devouring Flame supposed to be found. Based on the information he had from his past life.

While on the way Kent could clearly see through anything on his path. Their were some insect monster's roaming the cave.

However for the insect's Kent used his concealment items and Vanishing Dragon Step to get past them.

He couldn't possibly faced such things, the level difference is to wide that a single insect could one shoot him.

The cave's crystal's illuminated the cave giving off a beautiful scenery for Kent. Combined with the effect of the Clear God Potion, Kent mined some of the crystal's that he could recognize as a valuable one's, using the pickax he brought from the nameless store.

Various gem stones of unknown origin was stored on his Spatial ring, as he move forward towards the innermost section of the cave. Kent didn't bother to appraise every single gem stones he come across,

The danger of being spotted is apparent. He had confidence when it comes to the combat technique's, he had been using even back then on, his past life.

However the same can not be told for the concealment item's. those were consumable one's and had a limited used, while the combat technique's only need him to control a part of his body to the fullest using his stamina and concentration.

Kent had great confidence on, his stamina consumption and towards he's mental strength and control over his entire body, to perform and execute combat technique's.

After a few minutes of journey.

Kent reach the innermost zone of the cave. He was welcome by ghost rushing towards his direction.

Kent immediately execute Flash Step, his speed increasing by a huge leap as he dashed towards a old tattered resting house.

The inner zone is large, it might fit a couple of mansions within. Different gem stones glitter the surrounding's shining.

The Level 32 Wraiths let out an ear-piercing screech. Immediately, more Cursed Evil Spirits, Wraiths, and ghost appear and dashed forward to Kent crowding the private house.

Under the command of the level 40 Wraith the incorporeal undead's begun their assault they all stormed into the house in a well-organized manner.

Destroying the tattered old house…

Kent throw a dozen of Holy Flame bomb's at the group of incorporeal ghost. Instantly fifty incorporeal undead's were slain.

In front of the tattered rundown house a couple of incorporeal undead's begun to fill in the gap's of the fallen one's.

With the incorporeal undead's m at the entrance rooted in place, the others who, unaffected, were unable to rush into the house. They were crumped as only a couple of them can attack Kent.

Taking advantage of the situation Kent begun to slowly dwindle the number of Incorporeal undead's little by little. The incorporeal undead's average level is between level 32-35.

Unlike the non undead's living outside the undead's within this cave had lower level. Being that they were ignored and suppressed by the Endless Root World.

Making so that undead's doesn't have a place they could belong in this world that full of life. Even the insect's on the way inside the cave can easily slaughter them.

Moreover the almost none existence death essence in the surrounding weakening them as time passed by.

The Holy Flame Bomb's was considered o be the undead's mortal enemy.

Kent took this chance to spread the Holy Flame Bomb's flame throughout the entire tattered rundown house. Engulfing a number of incorporeal undead's into nothingness.

Seeing it's subordinates being killed one after another the Level 40 Wraith made its move. Slashing its incorporeal claw's wanting to end Kent.

Anticipating the Wraiths move Kent execute Deflecting Orbit, deflecting the Wraiths attack, at the same time [Radiance of the Silent Sea] was used blue aura envelope the Elemental Beast Sword.

Striking the Wraith… boom!

A explosion followed suite, throwing the Wraith a couple meters. Kent used [Flash Step] moving in extreme speed towards the stunned Wraith.

This time Kent combined the combat technique's [Swift Strike] and the Skill [Horizontal Slash] cutting the Wraith in two.

After killing the Wraith a glittering light enveloped his body.

Sings that he had level up.

Even after killing dozens to hundreds of monsters and Undead's he had never level even one's. Being that the required experience points was far greater than before.

At this point Kent had reach Level 33. What's terrifying is that in the entire Genesis Era no one had yet to reach Level 30, their were other's that reach tier 1 already but none had even reach level 30.

Yet Kent already reach level 33 before anyone else could reach level 30.

Kent sat in the corner waiting for something, he was currently exhausted, using combat technique since he entered the Endless Root World.

He didn't have the leeway to just rest.

A few minutes later. Cold and death essence begun to take shape in the atmosphere.

"Finally here, eh?"

Kent spoke pointing at the nearing abomination.

Despite watching the rushing Wraiths and other incorporeal undead's nearing at him, Kent remained extremely calm, as his gaze locked upon a certain being radiating a strong pressure in the entire area.

Just as the incorporeal undead's rush forth wanting to devour and killed him.

Kent throw another Holy Flame Bomb instantly incinerating the low level incorporeal undead's.

The remaining one's that only had a bit of HP reaming die to his [Horizontal Slash]

Without a leader the incorporeal undead's were like starving beast unlike before.

In less than two hours, Kent g disposed another group of Incorporeal undead's.

However even how many undead's he slayed the abomination at the distance didn't make it's move. It looked at Kent with curiosity and longing for some reason.

Its like it had saw hope at the end of the tunnel.

Kent had long since grew a custom to the NPC's strange behavior's, the case with the abomination on the other side Kent suspect that it had to do something with a back story.

After a few minutes of battle, Kent beheaded the last incorporeal undead Wraith.

He didn't receive a level up.

At this moment the abomination that had a vague appearance being that it was too far, showed and revealed itself.

The abomination is covered in a full black set armor, with a long saber hanging on it's back.


Those were the first words Kent muttered after seeing the now visible boss.

[Hidden Special Boss]

Name: Specter Death Sword

Level: 40 (Epic Rank)

HP: 550,000/550,000

"A Epic rank Level 40 at that moreover a Hidden Special Boss, it's comparable in strength against the weaken Demon Lord Alzion"

"thankful this one doesn't possessed any Title"