
 Guan laid down a brown parchment on the wooden table and as he unrolled it, they all could tell that it was a simple map that encompassed the fairy hometown.

 Simple drawings standing for places were about but the ones that stuck out the most were the tall royal castles, abodes of the powerful royal families that no one dared to speak off.

 " From our previous coup attempt, we discovered the families inhabiting each castle." Guan said as he struck out his fingers onto the tall drawings.

 " Here's the castle Solanaris, the Nightshade, Castle Synasi, Castle Targstyr and Castle Meln'gur. Now we don't know what abilities each house possesses but we do know this, they are powerful, much more powerful than probably anyone you ever faced."

 As Guan said that line, the proud part of Talia couldn't help but smirk in the certainty that she had fought stronger opponents.