Mission Commencement [Pt 1]

 Upon seeing that Nathan hadn't gotten back, Talia left her area of thought and went out to search for him only to meet him behind the hut unconscious and doused in sweat.

 " I told him to get some rest. He's so stubborn!" Talia said to herself.

 She brought him up by his arm and took him inside, she laid him on her hammock.

 It was night now and Talia could hear approaches to her hut, she also could tell that it was her parents.

 She opened the door ready to embrace her parents but their physical condition deterred her. They looked like they had been siphoned every bit of their essence and energy.

 " Dad!Mum!" She cried and swooped him to hug them as she saw them crash.

 " What happened?" She asked, worry written all over her face.

 She got them in and gave them warm drinks. Some minutes later, Elem moved his lips to speak.