Ban Rocks

The sun shines and the birds were chirping cheerfully as another day opens for everybody. The cars engines were roaring as they entered the road making the streets starts to busy as people making their way for the work. This is the life of living in the city and usual routine for everybody. This City is named Angeles of Pamp Province.

Today is March 10 2099.

Krrrringgg! Krrrrrrringggg! Krrrrrrrrinnnnnng!

Alarm clock kept buzzing on a phone and the sun also hitting a persons head signalling the sun was up.


A hand reached out and turned the alarm off. A boy whose age was around 16 slowly opened his eyes. His body was lean and looked malnourished, short brown hair and the same with his brown eyes. His height is around 175 taller for his young age. He sat on his bed, dazing for a moment before he realized he was late for school.

He checked the time and it is 10 minutes before 7 in the morning.

"Sh*t!, I am late again!" Ban fully opened his eyes and hurriedly dressed himself a used school uniform. He then grabbed his bag and phone then rushed outside.

He run fast even though he look like a weak boy.

Ban was a Junior High student about to graduate this month. He was rushing today since this will be the last day of exam.

Instead of reviewing last night, he was reading web novels on his phone and immersed in it and slept late. He was a fan of fantasy stories and people with abilities like flying or power that can destroy mountains and overturn the seas. Ban also fantasized himself having such kind of ability. He was a typical kid like any other kids in his peers.

Arriving at school rushing to his classroom, he was welcomed by a fuming Teacher.

"Rocks, You are late again!" A voice akin to a melody of singing birds rang out as a beautiful face of the Teacher surfaced in Ban's view.

Ban was instantly mesmerized by his beautiful and mature Teacher.

"Oh I'm sorry teacher! I bumped into a traffic! I promise I'll go to class early and not be late again." Ban was panting and sweating profusely at the same time look like drooling like a perverted dog while staring at his Teacher with a mesmerized expression.

The Teacher's name was Elena. She was a beautiful and kind to everybody, she treats her students really well. She is now currently at 24 and looked mature.

Elena found his expression funny and was about to laugh however thinking today was an important day for the students, she regained her composure and scolded him sternly."What bump into traffic? You don't even ride a bus as far as I know and your bicycle was wrecked last week. Almost everyday for the last 4 years, you were late and I've heard this reason countless of times"

She was still angry thinking those tardiness made by this student of hers.

Even though she scolded him, she knew this student has a pitiful life so she immediately let him go. She has always been like this being merciful to her students especially to Ban.

"Teacher really knows me well, actually last night I was reviewing todays exam and slept late hehe." Ban laughed nervously as he knew what he really did last night. He really felt bad lying to his Teacher but this is also the way he can open up a conversation to his crush of a Teacher.

Elena look at him weirdly and want to scold him again but stop since this is not the time to waste time.

She then let him in and give him the test papers and said in a low voice "Fine, I believe you for now. However, I will expect a higher score this time" Then beckoned him to sit in his seat.

"Thank you Teacher!" Ban responded enthusiastically.

He hurriedly sat down and prepare his things.

"Really Bro? You reviewed last night? "

Ban heard a whisper on his right side and saw his buddy Mark looking at him with shining eyes. Mark then raised his brows repeatedly signalling 'Let me copy your answers' expression.

Ban rolled his eyes and said with a depressed tone "Like hell that would happen. I was busy reading novels last night and slept late"

The boys were whispering slowly and planning on how to earn high score this exam.

"Humph, like this trash knows how to review. I bet he is playing games all night"

Another sound rang out on Ban's far left side. The voice sound sarcastic and a hint of arrogance.

Ban immediately identified the person. He was Drago the class president.

Drago was a son of a business tycoon and has a lot of connection in Angeles City. They have a lot of malls here in Pamp Province.

Mark gestured Ban to ignore Drago and proceed with their plan. Ban turned silent and glance again at Drago then turn away his head muttering something on his mind. 'Bastard, I will let you have it someday'

"Hey Ban, I can let you copy my answers" A Female voice rang on his front. She was the most beauty chick in class in fact she is the number 1 school bell. Her name was Penelope. Long blond hair and attractive phoenix sapphire eyes. She has dimples making look cute when she smiles and a hint of playfulness. Kissable pink lips and perfect body proportion.

This girl has a secretly liked Ban as for why, no one knows except her.

This is also why Ban and Drago has feud with each other since Drago liked Penelope but ignored him and instead like to chat with Ban. Ban however treat Penelope as friend since she was out of his reached. Penelope was the beloved daughter of the City Mayor.

Drago scoffed while staring at the trio ignoring him.

At this time the Teacher , Elena's voice rang " Quiet! Focus on the exam!"

The classroom return it's silence and focus on their exam paper.


4 in the afternoon. It was time for Exam to end and mark as the end of the school year. Everbody was feeling mentally exhausted after taking the exam.

Outside the school gate. Ban and Mark was having a conversation while walking to their home.

"Bro, do you think we can pass this test?" Mark asked as he pass a snack to Ban.

Ban took the snack and ate it then said indifferently " Don't worry Bud, I can guarantee we will pass. My Father once told me in order to pass a whole curiculum, you only need to attend class everyday and show a little effort on class activities. And voila! Youve earn the pity of the teachers even if you earn low scores on exam."

"Really?" Mark asked doubtfully.

"Really really." Ban said while munching his snacks. He look around and saw Penelope waving her hand at him indicating for him to come over.

Ban then approach her together with Mark however when Mark noticed Penelope's menacing gaze, he suddenly backed out.

"Uhh Bro I suddenly remember today is my Grandma's birthday so I gotta hurry home. See ya later!" Mark then hurriedly ran away in the other direction. After he distance himself he suddenly stop and shouted to ban " Bro Goodluck! Bring the beauty home tonight! hahaha" then he continued to run faster than before fearing Penelope might caught him.

When Ban heard his buddy, he rolled his eyes and said to Penelope " See ya later bud. " He didn't comment about his friend's Grandma since he knew Mark told him his Granny died few years ago and knew Mark only made some random excuses.

Penelope blushed up to her ears and neck hearing those words of Mark. She was so gorgeous at this time. She took a peek at Ban from time to time.

There was an awkward silence between the two as Ban was also nervous facing this beauty alone.

" So, what do you want to talk about?" Ban said first as to break the silence.

" Ahem I-I just want to know if you did well about your exam. " Penelope asked about his exam. Her face was still blushing but this time only her cheeks making her look cute.

" Oh, I think I did well. Don't worry about it. I'm sure I'll be able to pass this last grading period " Ban said confidently while staring at her blushing cheeks.

Penelope gathered her courage and said while stuttering " T-that's good to hear. A-anyway, Ban.. I.. I t-t-think I l-l-l-lik-" Before she could finished her words, A car horn drew the attention to the both of them.

*Beep beep beep*

" Oh Uncle Jack is here now to fetch you. " Ban said to her while recalling about something and continued " By the way what did you said just now? I was suddenly distracted by the noise "

Although Ban knew she was about to confess to him. But he keeps a calm facade on his face. He didn't know how to respond to her feelings since he has inferiority complex and doesn't want to hinder her future and maybe her parents don't like that to happen either. This time he wish she would renege on her confession.

And that came true as she said " I-I will tell you at the graduation. See you later Ban!" Penelope regained her composure as she cheerfully bid her goodbye and run to the car. She waved her hand before entering.

Ban was disappointed inside however when she told him that matter will be on the graduation day, he suddenly felt excited and then feeling conflicted.

" Forget it. I will just turn her down when that time happens " He muttered silently. Loneliness filled his heart.

He also waved his hand as response then turn around heading home.


In the dark alley near Ban and Penelope stood earlier. A person was standing in the dark while taking a puff of smoke.

" Bastard! Do you really think I let you live? You got lucky last week, this time for sure I'll end your trashy little life. No one can take my woman away from me! "

The persons face was twisted with jealousy as he cursed silently. He picked up his phone and dialed a number.

" Proceed to the plan. "

A/N: This is my first novel.

- Hope you guys don't mind my grammar. English is not my 1st language.