Unknown Feeling

A day before..

At the street where Ban got hit by a truck-kun. 10 minutes after the accident.

" Emily, Here you are. I have searched for you everywhere. I told you not to let yourself wander without me in your side. " The young woman quickly approached the little girl and hugged her.

" Mommy! I.. I just liked to look at the view of crowd. I never wander that far. " The little girl Emily tried to reason with the young woman. The little girl's expression was that of like getting caught stealing candies and her look was so cute.

" Also mom, that big brother over there can see me. He tried to save me or something and and he was hit by that moving thing.(truck-kun) " Emily continued and raise her little hand to pointed at the young boy who carried by the rescuer to the ambulance.

" Oh my. " The young woman saw the truck then glance at Ban who was then directed to the hospital. " Wait, he saw you? "

The young woman was not worried about the little girl getting hurt as she knew her daughters ability. So she directed her attention to little Emily's former claim.

She looked her daughter doubtfully.

" Emily never lied to mommy. " The little girl protested cutely. Her pouty expression looked so adorable.

The young woman carried her daughter into her arms and said warmly.

" Okay mommy believes you. Here let me kiss my charming angel. Muah Muah " The young woman kissed the little Emily in the face while the little girl was giggled nonstop.

' Interesting, Not anybody can see our existence especially a mortal. I might as well check him out before returning home. ' The young woman muttered silently as she played with little Emily. She was having an unknown feeling that this kid might have some secrets on his body.

After the mother and daughter left, following the ambulance leading to the hospital, people around the street were gossiping.

" Hey. What happened here? Theres so much blood on the road. "

" Someone died in here? "

" Probably. I saw the scene, a kid was hit by that truck. "

" Yes I saw it too. The kid was a Junior student nearby school seeing his clothes. "

" Poor kid. His parents must be felt sad about this. "

" That kid just entered the road at that time while the traffic light was still in go signals for cars. "

" Yeah yeah. He was shouting at that moment before he got blown away by the truck. "

" I think I saw someone kicked him back in before he got hit by the truck. Maybe I was just distracted by how fast that happened. "

" So where's the driver of that truck? "

" That dude ran away after that. His face was covered by black clothes. We dont recognize the person. "

" Yeah he must be guilty by running away avoiding the law. "

The people were conversing incessantly about the accident. They were curious of what really happened.


In the alley nearby, there was two shadows of man leaning on street walls. One person was fiddling on his phone while trying to call someone. After a few seconds, the call got through. He said " Boss, the deed has been done perfectly. "

" Alright come over to the HQ and get your reward together with your partner. You need a vacation in case someone might recognized you. " The other side replied in a hoarse voice.

" Got it Boss. We're heading back now. " The person replied naturally. ' Ez Money ' he added on his mind. He then keep his phone away.

If Ban was here, he would've recognized him as the one who kicked him back to the road and meet his maker. Sadly not for now.

The person's other partner was the driver of truck-kun who was also grinning upon hearing the rewards mentioned by their boss.

" Alright! Let's go f*ck sum b*ches bro. I'ts been a while since Boss has given us a task. I'm out of money these days. Boss said that the employer was so generous of the bounty. " The truck driver said while grinning from ear to ear.

" Yeah. Even though it is not necessary for me to take action. However Boss insisted for me to do the job for the guarantee and promised to give us big bonus. " The person was named Chuck. He was a retired military soldier. His fighting capacity can hold 10 mature person with ease. He was the right hand man of the so called Boss.

" I know right? The time Boss informed us to make the move, I knew it will be an overkill. " The drivers name was Bruno. A member of their Boss' gang.

Chuck glanced at his partner who was now licking lewdly while thinking something, he waved his hand and said " Lets go back. "

" Ho ho ho. " Bruno laughed merrily while following Chuck back to the gang HQ.


Back to the scene where Ban was lying on the hospital bed while covered by gauze. His figure right was now was like a mummy from the movie Transalvana.

Ban felt like he was having 5 headaches combined and his body runs 100 miles without rest. His mind was still clear and can talk a little. His four limbs were paralyzed, but he can still feel and move his fingers.

' Oh god why dont you just let my misery end right now. I feel so horrible. ' Ban was praying silently while feeling the aches on his body.

He then glanced at the duo while they were also staring at him.

" My name is Emma and this is my daughter Emily. " The young woman Emma spoke first to break the silence. Ban was slightly startled hearing she was the little girl's mother. His face was like of disbelief.

When Emma saw his expression, she chuckled. She drew closer and patted him on his head and said " Thank you for saving my daughter yesterday. " There was a white and purple lights emerged on Emma's forefinger and middle finger respectively entering Ban's top head.

Ban blushed a little when he was seen through by the young woman.

He was still dazing while looking at the young woman slowly stretching her hand and patting him on his head.

After a moment of dazing, he replied with a hint of hoarse in his voice " It's nothing to mention ma'am. I just do what I naturally do. I cannot just watch someone in danger especially to a little kid. "

Ban was having a strange feeling at the duo as if the accident was like a normal thing and treat it as if it was just a normal breeze. He was staring at them strangely.

Emily on the side was having a pouty face. She thought to herself ' This big brother is so dum dum. He keeps calling me a kid. I am 4 years old now and and grown taller and and think like adults. '

She wants to tell that to Ban however, she was with her mom so she stayed silent obediently the whole time.

" I already settled your hospital bills so you can feel relax. You can stay here as long as you want. " Emma said while smiling to Ban. She thought ' Using other means to settle but not affecting mortals that much. '

She used an illusion to influence the head of the hospital to take good care of Ban so that the latter can recuperate peacefully. She also provided a reward for the Head of the hospital.

Ban was surprised once again and hurriedly said " Theres no need for you to do that ma'am. I still have money to pay the bills. It was also my negligence and resulted to my current state. "

A/N: He's broke.

" What's done is done. And I insist on doing this so be good and rest. This is also my way on thanking you for saving my child. " Upon recalling her daughter, she said warmly to him.

" Okay. Thank you ma'am. " Said to Emma. While they were having conversation, Ban suddenly felt his hand gripping an object. ' This stone looks expensive. '

Ban was about to return the stone when he saw the young woman smiling at him creepily as if he would reject the thing, he would be in big trouble. Her face was of ' I'll pinch your balls if you reject the gift ' expression.

" Anyways, your things are in the front desk. This morning, they were fiddling on that black rectangular thing on your bag and fiddling on to it. I can feel that they will return it to you soon after they finished using it. " Emma then picked her daughter and bid her goodbyes to Ban.

' Maybe we'll not meet in the future, so I'll let you have a gift in order to survive this little world living a good life. ' Emma thought to herself as she remembered the white light entering Ban's head earlier.

' Did she just mean my phone? ' Ban looked at her weirdly again.

Ban once again thank her also told the little girl. He said " Safe journey ma'am. Also little kid be careful next time not to wander alone. Always listen to your mama. "

The little girl was pouting cutely but still replied her goodbyes while sticking her tongue out to him. She made sure Emma is not watching.


After the mother and daughter pair was out. The room returned its silence. He only had one thing on his mind and muttering over and over again.

' My browsing history. '

' My browsing history. '

' My freaking browsing history. '


After a while the room opened and a person was walking calmly inside while carrying some things.

She was a nurse at the hospital and was assigned to help every Ban's needs. Her name was Sienna. A beauty with green long hair. Natural green eyes matching her hair and had a perfect face. She has an indifferent look while not cold and she was still approachable. She wore eye-glasses making her look smart.

Her figure was so sexy with her nurse uniform.

She saw ban was awake and said " You are awake. My name is Sienna, your attending nurse. Let me call the doctor for you. "

" Wwait.. wait miss Sienna. " Ban was calling her when she was about to walk outside and look for the doctor.

Sienna raised her eyebrow and look at him.

" I just talked to someone after waking up so I need to rest a little more. " Ban said to her.

" Oh you have a visitor? Just now? " Sienna look at him strangely as the time was 11 in the evening. The hospital's visiting hour was closed at 10.

Ban was about to reply however his body was feeling hot at the moment like he was having a jacuzzi. His droopy eyelids were about to fall.

Seeing his silent reply, Sienna thinks that the truck-kun must have implied a serious damage to his head so she hurriedly walk out of the room and call the doctor.