
On the way to George's quarters, Ban pondered deeply 'Never thought that this world have something in the hidden. Many people have hidden elements in their body to be awakened but mine was different, I have Myriad Elements Divine Body technique to gather the elements in the surroundings instead of awakening what elements in my body. This technique is so magical, I can now vaguely see the elements within the surroundings even the aura of the people around me. They have a unique color in them. Sally has red even Little Judith was red, Sophia was green and her parents. If I give them my Myriad Elements Divine Body Technique, they might achieve a breakthrough. Sally is progressing her transformation at a fast pace. I'll talk to them if that skill is feasible in their bodies.'

He continued 'If I am neither Enchant nor Elemental then I shall categorized myself as a Divergent until I discover it from the Arena. Anyways, I prefer myself to be called a Super Sayan Heh! Quite catchy though.' He snickered in his mind until he arrived at the place.


George's quarters...

"I need a private place for my training brother. Will that be possible? Your grandpa assigned me as his assistant in the future so I need to prepare myself for the training plan. I now became a Military Instructor under your grandpa. I might also need your help for a sparring." Ban said to George whose expression was on disbelief.

George didn't expect things to progress this much. He only invited him in the camp for a sparring and now Ban was a higher rank than him in a blink of the eye. He stammer and ask "Grandpa did that? I-I only told him that you are different but I didn't think you're a powerful Divergent brother. As far as I know, you're a student right? How?" He was speechless.

Ban state in a matter of factly "We have a little exchange of strength on your grandpa. Turned out, we are the same level of strength so he proposed me to be his assistant and training you guys is my duty."

George stared gawkingly at Ban. He exclaim loudly "What?! You have the same level of strength of my grandpa? W-Wait, does that mean you are in 7th Order? Dear lord! How old are you again?? Dang! I'm 27 years old and I stuck on a bottleneck to 2nd Order, only a little push. And you? I-I want to die." George felt like crying hearing Ban was so strong at a young age.

Ban shrug his shoulder and said "I don't know. From what I know, I am a 4th Order Enchant Divergent."

George's eyes widened even more "Y-You, You say you have the same strength with my grandpa. How are you- " His eyes pop out when he suddenly understand. 'A genius! A monstrous genius!' He exclaimed in his mind while looking at Ban like he was looking at a monster.

George came closer to Ban and smiled brightly. He said fawningly "Hehe Brother in law is so awesome. Can you tell this brother your secret on training? You know, I have been stuck in this Order for years now."

Ban felt chill looking at the sissy attitude of George. He back off immediately while waving his hand "Stop! Even if you ask me, I don't know the answer. Come on. I want a private place to train now. Go Go! I'm your superior now so don't slack off." He hurriedly gestured George to lead him to the private ground.

George didn't mind Ban's refusal and think of sticking to this guy. Who knows he might get something that improve himself in training. He perform a salute and said "Yes Sir! This way please." George hurriedly led Ban to his private gym.

Ban rolled his eyes and said "Don't be so formal. Call me brother like you always do."

George laugh "Alright brother in law. This is my private gym. It's quite a large place. You can do workout here anytime you want."

Ban rolled his eyes once again and observe the place. He thought 'Perfect. A dojo and a gym. I can practice in here with ease.' He walk to a barbell with a weight of 2000kg, he lift it easily in one hand "Mmm. Good." He commented.

George slack his jaw seeing Ban lifted a weight that even him have a hard time lifting with two hands. Ban only lifted it with one hand with ease. A left hand at that.

Ban plan to practice the Basic Fighting Fundamentals, Mirage Smash and Dragon Transformation Kick in here. He look at George whose face was in awe, he beckoned him to come have a sparring match with him "Let's have a little sparring before we have lunch." He needed to mastered this skill before he train the soldiers for a new training plan.

George was hesitant. He knew Ban was far stronger than him.

Ban chuckle and said "Don't worry, I will hold back my strength. You can go all out."

George let out a sigh but thought somethings was amiss 'Is this young man mocking me? I'll show him my military boxing I learn in the past few years.' He nodded and said "Alright. Get ready brother. I will go all out then."

Ban smile inside seeing his reaction. He readied himself taking off the unnecessary things in his body even his shirt revealing his bare upper body. George was also the same and position themselves in the middle of the field.


Both of them shouted while charging at each other.


Lunch time...

"Hihihi. Big Brother, you look like a panda right now." Eliza was shock but at the same time amused. She never thought Ban would be that powerful. She look at ban with a shy and curious expression.


Earlier when she visit the place carrying their lunch, she saw the two have a sparring match. She was shocked at their exchange. Never did she thought that Ban could stand toe to toe with her Big Brother. The fight was intense as every attacks and blocks would cause tremor in the area. When she look at Ban, her expression was on lovestruck seeing him didn't wear any shirt on. She almost drop the food she carried if not for the tremor waking her in the stupor.

When George noticed that his sister arrived with a food in her hands, he momentarily lose focus and got punched in the eye.

"Oof!" George was thrown a few meters away with a bang.

Ban stop his attacks when sense something was amiss. There he noticed Eliza rushing to her brother with a worried face. He scratch his head and also help George getting up.


"You brat! You suddenly appear without notifying us. I was distracted by the scent of the food. Ouch!" George touch the black part of his eye while scolding his sister.

Ban laugh and said "It's your fault brother. If that was a real fight, you might be in trouble." He eat while also looking at George with an amused expression.

"True. You can't blame me for your carelessness Big Brother. Hah! I can't wait to tell this to grandpa! I wonder what will be the look of his face if I told him that." Eliza also chimed in while eating happily.

George grunted while proceeding to eat his meal "I would never thought you brother is so good at fighting. At first, I gain the upper hand while pushing you back with my skills. However, as time went by, you became unpredictable like you are an expert of thousands of battles in experience." He look at Ban curiously.

Ban shrug his shoulder "Maybe I get rusty after not having a fight in years." He made a random excuses. In fact after the sparring, he only mastered 10% of the Basic Fighting Fundamentals. He need more time to master it fully. But since he still have plenty of time this afternoon, he will continue to practice together with George. George is the best candidate to be his training dummy for the time being.

"What did you say brother?! You have been fighting for years? You're kidding me right?" George exclaim while spouting some rice in his mouth. Even Eliza look at him with full of curiosity.

Ban rolled his eyes "I said I did not fight for years. I have trained since young with a teacher." He made a lie again.

George calmed down and thought it is normal for a freak like Ban to have a master so he nodded his head. He ask "You have a master brother? May I know the name of your master?"

Ban thought for a while and said seriously "She is called Master Pikachu."

"Pffft!" Eliza burst out laughing while cluching her stomach. She didn't pay heed to her manners as she was occupied by the words of Ban.

George rolled his eyes at the two. Then he look at Ban and said "Fine. I get it. You don't have to be that serious though."

Ban chuckle and said while shrugging "She doesn't want to reveal herself on public so I respect her decision."

He continued "Right. We will continue our sparring later. This time, I'll add a little more pressure on the difficulty. You said that you are almost at the 2nd Order right? Perfect timing then." He smiled devilishly at George.

George saw this and almost choke. He replied "Sure."

Ban smiled and didn't say anything else. He thought 'Can he handle the might of Mirage Smash alone? Let's test that later then.'