
Ban walk in the shadows of the street nearby his house. He already activated his Spirit Detection to the fullest aimlessly searching for someone suspicious within his range. He meticulously scan every nook and cranny of every house and streets that even a small creature like mice don't escape his perception. Ban observe the people in their house one by one while casually walking. He tour around 1 km radius from his house in a circle twice but he didn't notice anything so he decided to proceed where he saw his cousin got kidnapped last time to find some clue.

It did not take much time as he already notice something was up a few hundred meters away from him as he detect a corpse of a mutilated person lying on its own blood and scattered flesh. Ban already blended in the shadows and dash to look at the scene up close.

'These f*cking cannibals!' Ban curse in his mind in rage. He confirmed that the guy did this brutal scene was the same guy from back then on underground floor of an abandoned building outside the city.

Ban observe the area and no one was nearby except the corpse. He guess that the guy was already gone a few hours ago judging from the dried blood on the floor. He plan to call Oscar, father of Sienna or George, Brother of Eliza to explain the situation but resisted since the culprit is still around killing innocent. If the authority interfere in this matter, the culprit might lay low for a while in this area.

Ban look for a trail to follow but found nothing. There is only few places he needed to confirm. The abandoned building outside of this city or some nearby inns. He left the scene and he continue to search until he reach the abandoned building.

During his search, he notice a very familiar person. This person was at a bar full of people enjoying themselves while drinking and dancing. The person drink quitely together with his buddies also enjoying his life. Ban narrow his eyes dangerously but he resisted again. His top priority right now was to find the murderer as soon as possible.

He remember the area and immediately left the place. He is already out of the city and he decided to dash faster towards his target location.

Five minutes later, he arrive nearby at the building and scan the surroundings. Sure enough, he notice a person inside sleeping quietly. Ban blended in the shadows and slowly approach the building. He notice the guy was defenseless and didn't even put a trap whatsoever. The guy was still wearing his blood stained black cloak but the noticeable thing is that his cloak was so dirty. Ban's nerve pop out upon realizing that his cloak wasn't really dirt but dried blood that's never been washed in days or maybe the moment the guy wear this cloak. He realized this guy have massacred or even eat his victims quite a lot. Ban felt like burning this guy's soul in torment watching this little detail. He was now a few meters closer to the man and he was ready for the kill.

Suddenly, the man open his eyes and look at Ban's direction in the shadows. He calmly said hoarsely "Come out." He slowly get up from the floor. He has the height of 160cm in estimation but his posture was of a hunchback man. He probably taller if the straight his body. He look middle aged with a savage looking face with a crimson red eyes like a vampire in the dark looking at it's prey for a delicious dinner.

Ban was surprised and stop his movement. He didn't know how he was discovered by this man. He vigilantly scan the surroundings once again and it is still the same as he found nothing abnormal.

The man showed his bloodied fangs and sneered. He directly look at Ban's face in the shadows like he can see him in daylight. He said "I can sense your intent to kill the moment you got closer to me." He put his hand on his pocket and brought a circular item size of a coin with a button in the middle and pressed it as he continued to speak "Who are you? And how do you know this place?"

Ban raise his eyebrow and look at the item. He was confused for a second and gauze the strength of this guy 'His level is higher than mine together with his aura. He is probably 7th or 8th Order Divergent.' He had a sudden impulse to kill this guy right now as he felt a foreboding inside.

The man sneered "I guess you're here to kill me the moment you enter in this building. Tell me, why do you want to kill me? I didn't do anything to offend you in some way." He didn't brought his device measuring levels but he felt the hooded Ban in front of him is dangerous judging from his experience from his battles.

Ban realized that this man was planning something as he talk very slowly. He narrow his eyes and thought 'He is stalling for some time. That device..' Ban immediately relax his body and he suddenly executed his movement skill to the max leaving shadows behind as he form a zigzag pattern approaching the man within a second.

The man's expression change drastically as his body burst with muscles preparing for the incoming attack. He exclaim on his mind 'He's so f*cking fast! I can't follow his movements.' He already crossed his arms up front protecting his vital spots.

Ban saw the chance immediately as he prepare the Mirage Smash right off the bat.

The man saw Ban stop in front of him forming a fist and ready for the impact when his vision suddenly went downward fast.



Ban's afterimage disappear in the front and appear at the top of the man as he smash the top head with great force.

The man groaned in pain while he was buried in the concrete floor by the sheer force of the punch. His body became straight from being hunch as his body submerged four meters to the ground.

Even the whole 10-floor building shook a little from the move of Ban.

Ban was surprised from the toughness of this guy as the latter groan in a muffled voice. He immediately calm himself down and prepare for another blow. He knew there were two people approaching this area in a very fast manner and already arrive at the underground floor.

"STOP!!" The man carrying a person shout loudly seeing Ban's action.

Ban turn deaf as his punch already smashed to the back of the head of the man on the ground.

*Thud!* *Boom!*

The groaning man's head on the ground blasted from the impact leaving scattered bloody brain parts and bones. The crater widened more and cracks were visible from the skill of Ban with dust blasted everywhere.

"1031!!!" The man nearby exclaim in disbelief. He utter this number while looking at Ban and the dead man with wide eyes.

A/N : 1031 is pronounce as 'Ten-Thirty one' same with the rest...

Ban disappeared from his spot and distance himself while vigilantly looking at the two new arrival. He narrow his eyes dangerously at them.

"F*ck! What have you done you b*stard! Do you really want to face our organization that much?!" The first person growled while glaring at Ban with his crimson eyes.

"Who are you? What is the name of your organization?" Ban inquired calmly to the man.

"1011, don't underestimate him. He can easily smash 1031 with ease. Let's go back for now. We can't handle this guy." The man beside suggested as he didn't know how Ban could easily kill their comrade. He thought in his mind '1031 was an Enchant Divergent but he was easily smashed by this hooded man in front of us.'

"Shut the f*ck up 1055! We can deal with this b*tch for killing 1031! From the looks of it, I guess he also killed 1088 a few days ago here judging from the identical crater not far from 1031!" The man called 1011 glowered. He was still blinded by rage looking at 1031's headless body.

The man called 1055 widen his eyes in realization. He suddenly curse loudly looking at Ban with menace "You bastard! You killed my Little Brother?! I'm going to f*cking burn you into ashes!" His hands suddenly emit red lights and fire burst out of his palm. The surroundings began to clear in an instant by the fire he emitted. He was usually calm headed but hearing his Little Brother died in the hands of Ban, he instantly enrage like an erupting volcano.

Ban was surprised seeing an Elemental Divergent for the first time but he quickly calm himself as the man named 1011 already dash towards him with the same speed he saw from General Vernard at the camp earlier.

*Boom!* *Swish!*

Ban parried the attack and blasted away from the force. Before Ban could recover, a fire ball 2 meters in diameter was incoming towards him. He immediately use Phantom Steps to dash to his right.

Ban was recovering his breath from the two Mirage Smash he released earlier so he was a little slower. He can cast once but twice was a little taxing for him as he needed to charge his elemental energies in a row.


The fire blasted the wall behind Ban. He was surprised 'Fast and Strong!' He thought in his mind. No wonder General Vernard said that Enchant Divergents weakness were Elementals and vice versa.