A Sudden Discovery

After successfully trying to move his body, he began to roam around. He tried using his techniques after getting bored and dazing around. Surprisingly, he can use all of his skills inside the strange space.

"I don't have a sword to use for this Space Rending slash. Also, this Basic Fighting Fundamentals isn't mastered yet but I don't have any sparring partner to practice."


Ban widen his eyes finding a purple sword in his right hand. He only imagine himself having a sword and he subconsciously felt a thing in his hand. The sword look like the one he imagined earlier. Indeed, having a nice dream, he can imagine anything. He tried to wave the sword for a test.

"Does that mean I can imagine a sparring partner then?" He concentrated on his mind and a purple light forming a person suddenly manifest in front of him. Not a minute later, the purple light suddenly faded and a tangible purple person floated in front that look like George.

"Oh... Since I can do anything to this place then, let there be a stage."


A purple stage similar to that of the one he used when he sparred with Major Rogers not far from him.

Ban smirk and jump on the stage.

"Hoh.. I can move freely now that there is a surface." He jump and dash freely in the ring.

Ban laugh loudly in delight. He was like a master of this space. He can do anything just by imagining something in his mind.

"Since I am bored, time to practice my skills then. Maybe if I use the techniques later, I might find them easy to understand for the practice."

After who knows how many hours have past, maybe even days, he mastered all of the skills in his mind.

"*Sigh*... If this is not a dream.. All of these wonderful skill should have been mastered on me by now." Ban shook his head with pity.

He suddenly felt a jolt hearing someone was trying to call him. Ban recall that the voice was from Sally.

"Ehhh? Why is it that I can hear her voice from here? Oh f*ck! Since I have been here for quite a while now, I should be sleeping for quite some time! Errr.... How shall I get out of this place then?"

"Open sesame?" Ban spread his hands wide imagining a door might be open somewhere.

"Stewpid! This is a dream! How can a door open all of a sudden here?!" Ban scratch his head.

"Out!" Ban tried once again.


The space in front of him suddenly produced a blinding light trying to swallow him inside.

"Oh no!"

A few seconds after, he disappeared in the space.


5 in the morning...

"Wake up Ban.."

Ban open his eyes feeling a tug from his body. He only wear shorts since he didn't have time to wear shirt last night. He didn't feel cold instead he felt refresh after sleeping.

"Are you alright? I saw you lying on the floor unconscious."

Sally look at him worriedly. She saw him lying on the floor in the living room. She call for him for a few minutes but he didn't respond still unconscious.

Ban felt confused for a moment but he suddenly recovered upon hearing Sally's words 'So I am indeed dreaming huh? What a strange dream though.'

"I am fine. I am just exhausted last night and fell asleep on the floor, nothing serious."

Ban hug and give her a morning kiss and smiled gently.

"Even if you have a strong body, you should atleast sleep on the sofa and cover yourself a blanket." Sally said reproaching him.

"Okay.. I'll remember that in the future my love." Ban replied as he pinch her bubbly cheeks.

Sophia was still sleeping after days of not able to rest properly. When Sally woke up earlier, she notice herself hugging Sophia in her embrace. She became flustered and dress herself of Ban clothes before running out of the room. What welcome her was Ban lying on the floor.


Ban check his body and exclaim in his mind '6th Order! I never imagine I've leveled up twice in a row last night. A freaking truck-kun cannot even enter in my eyes now even if I close my eyes facing it rushing towards me with full speed. My strength become 10 times, no... I think it's more than that than my previous strength. Amazing! I feel so light right now." He grip his fist feeling the tremendous power within.

There are another set of skills he gained from last night. The only difference is that those skills were already mastered by him. He found it strange but he didn't delve further into that matter.

After being trapped from that dream, he felt like he was trap for days without waking up.


Sally suddenly become joyful seeing Ban was okay.

"Right Ban, when I wake up earlier, I feel so good like my body is full of energy than the usual. Does that mean I am now just like what you told me then? Did I became a superhuman?" Her eyes glittered recalling she would never age forever even if she dies from old age.

Ban raise his brow while staring at her for a few seconds without blinking 'Indeed she leveled up and enter the 1st Order'

"Oh? Let me check.."

He put his devil claw in her ripe melon and squeeze it while pondering seriously.


Sally moan subconsciously not expecting Ban would do such a thing to her so suddenly. She redden her face with a pout "I didn't recall you doing this kind of check up on me back then. Hmph! Scoundrel.." Sally didn't evade him as she felt good from his touches.

Ban smirk cheekily and said "This is only exclusive to my wife." He pinch her cherry for a few good seconds making her yelp in pain and pleasure. Seeing her like this, he fear the others might wake up if they do it now so he stop his action and hug her gently. He continue to speak.

"Although I can sense that you have indeed leveled up, we need to make sure and test your power with the device I have in my room later." Ban kiss her lips lovingly.

"Congratulations, my love."

Sally felt happy of Ban spoiling her. She kiss him back while hugging him tightly. She furrow her brow recalling her daughter. She look at Ban worriedly.

Ban fix her messy hair and said seeing her worried expression "Don't worry, I have some ways to make your daughter just like us." He already guess her trouble because she only do that expression when it comes to her daughter.


Sally become delighted hearing his claim.

Ban nodded his head in assurance.

Sally jump on his embrace locking her legs into his waist kissing him passionately.

Ban was affected by her happy mood so he happily kiss her back.

The couple enjoy their moment when Sophia greet them after they kissed.

"G-Good morning..."

Sophia cover her blushing face outside the door.

When Sophia wake up, she found in a unfamiliar room. She remember everthing what she did last night and her expression change. She felt her body was naked so she immediately find her dress but seeing the black lingerie on the floor, she blush furiously. She grab the blanket and dash out of the room. She saw outisde the intimate action of Ban and Sally. Sophia went still, standing like a statue fearing she might dusturb the fervent kissing of the couple. After a moment of hesitation, she greeted them shyly after they have done the deed.

Sally tried to break the embrace but she can't overpower Ban whose tightly holding her waist and bottom. She bury her face in his embrace in embarrassment.

Ban laugh and approach Sophia while carrying Sally.

"Good morning, my dear." He pull Sally into his embrace for a morning kiss.

"Mmmnn.." Sophia smile in bliss.

"Ahem.. Good morning, Little Sis.." The blushing Sally greeted Sophia back after gaining her calm but she was still carried by Ban.

Ban patted Sally's bottom after squeezing it for some time before letting her down and said to avoid the awkward atmosphere "Okay ladies. Go to your room first. I'll prepare the breakfast now. We'll talk later about some of my secrets." He wink at Sophia who has a confused expression. Ban only patted her bottom while squeezing it firmly making her yelp and dash to her room in shyness.

Ban shook his head seeing her cute reaction.

"I'll help you honey after I prepare myself." Sally kiss him on his cheek and walk to her room.

Ban smiled and stretch his body when he felt something was amiss. His smile immediately went stiff.


Ban can see inside of the room of Sally like there was no wall obstructing it.

"This...Isn't this my Heaven Seeking Detection skill? Wha-.. How?..."

He change his expression in surprise.

(A/N : Next chapter will be the update of his skills or techniques.

- There is a small difference between the 'Spirit Detection' and 'Heaven Seeking Detection' skills.

- Spirit Detection skill is a kind of scanning technique like a echolocation radar of a bat. However, this skill of course uses energy instead of sound. Not detailed enough compared to Heaven Seeking detection.

- Heaven Seeking Detection is like an x-ray type of skill. The skill can see through a living or none living things. Scanning a person's inner organ is an example of this skill. There's still more to this skill but we'll wait for now and not spoiling anything.)