
What welcome Ban inside was a different structure. He didn't see any elemental energies lingered around the space, but a purple light that he suspected to be spirit energies. The light covered the whole space with spirit energies. Ban look around and saw the mysterious stone floating silently in the middle. He look closer at the stone that produced a colored lights like a disco ball and it beats like a human heart.

"Oh? What are these threads?"

Ban noticed at the top of the stone, there were multiple of colored lights that form into a shape of a funnel connecting to the mysterious stone.

"Hmmm. It seems the threads were not only connected but also the stone was like absorbing those threads inside."

Ban touched one of the threads and widen his eyes upon recognizing.

"Elemental energy. The stone are absorbing elemental energies and every beat it produced a purple fog that turned into a purple light or spirit energies. How can it be possible?"

"My Myriad Elements Divine Body technique absorbs the elements in the surroundings to store elemental energies as well as strengthening my body then the Elemental Manipulation Canon has the same properties but it mainly purify the elements but this time the two techniques were working together with the mysterious stone."

Ban didn't know if this is a good thing or not. His elemental energies turned into spirit energies. That's very unusual since he only used spirit energies to detect the surroundings and manipulate things. He didn't know if it can be used for attacks. But he read in novels that a spirit energies can be used for offensive. He thought 'Guess I'll try to create those types of skill someday.'


Ban opened his eyes and Sophia immediately asked worriedly "How is it, hubby? I-Is there something wrong in your body?" She noticed Ban's frowning expression after he opened his eyes.

Ban let out a heavy breath and gently look at the worried Sophia. He replied " I don't know. However, there is indeed something wrong in my body but I can't tell if this is a good thing or not. Let me think for a while." He hug her closer and placed his face into her bossom and put a pondering expression while closing his eyes.

Sophia nodded bashfully as she silently waited.

Ban actually didn't ponder the matter. He just needed a comfortable place to clear his thoughts. He smelled her body fragrance that was like a breeze of a flower garden and it immediately calmed his mind as he let out a peaceful smile.

After a few moments, Ban woke up from the beautiful but short dreamland and kissed Sophia's lips lovingly.

"Right. Did you practice the Myriad Elements Divine Body that I imparted to you last time?"

Sophia's dreamy eyes blink a few times and she nodded.

"Oh? You can now produce elemental energies now?"

"Mmm~. Check this out." Sophia smiled broadly and pointed her finger upwards and it suddenly emit a fire like a candle.

Ban's eyes brighten up seeing the lively fire on top of Sophia's finger. He joyfully exclaim "Haha! My wifey is genius!" He kissed her cheeks tenderly for the reward.

"That means your body is now immune to any elemental attacks after mastering the technique."

Ban thought for a second and he copied Sophia's move as he also produce a fire that's also a size of a candle fire.

However, Ban frowned upon noticing his fire was different from Sophia's. His fire was coated by a layer of purple lights all over it even mixing with the fire. He remembered the happenings in his body inside and thought the changes might have something to do with this.

"H-Hubby. Y-Your fire... It's hurting me.." Sophia's voice woke up Ban from dazing.


Ban hurriedly put out his fire while looking at Sophia in confusion. His fire was 3 to 4 inches away from her hand whose emitting a fire.

Ban check Sophia's body up close and worriedly asked "W-What is it baby? Where did you hurt? Let me see.."

Sophia also put out her fire and she also became confused.


Sophia blushed suddenly as she didn't know what to answer. She meekly said "I-I don't know but I felt like burning after hubby emits your fire. After you put out the fire, I didn't felt the heat anymore."

Ban was stump. He recall the fire he produced earlier.

"That means..."

Ban was muttering incessantly while pondering. A few seconds later, his eyes light up.

"What is it hubby?"

"My fire changed into a spirit fire. In fact, all of my elemental energies were mixed with spirit energies."

Sophia raise her brow in confusion. She can also use spirit energy but hers was limited that resulted in headache for hours if overused. She inquired "If there is a spirit energy in your elements, wouldn't that make your skills limited from the consumption?"

Ban frowned and replied while nodding "You're right. I guess I need to ask that woman about everything she knew."

Ban mentioned Clara to clear his thoughts about the world of Divergents.

"Meanwhile, I need a precise control of the elements to avoid hurting you."

Ban hugged Sophia again and placed his head into her bossom. This time, he really thought of how to control his elemental energies.

"Hehe. You're such a baby."

Sophia let out a rare giggle with a blushing face. She gently caress Ban's hair lovingly.

Ban also chuckled and bury his face even deeper into her mountain valleys.


3 in the after noon...

Clara was facing Ban in his room.

Ban was lying on his bed who silently staring at the former.

Ban finished his practice on elements together with Sophia. His practice became successful after few experiments. He can now control the elemental energies well using Elemental Manipulation Canon with a little concentration.

Ban initiated the talk with a calm face.

"Let's start the introduction properly. I am Ban Rocks."

"Mm. I'm Clara Walker."

Ban nodded. He said "I heard you were sent by Ms. Emma."

Clara replied "Yes. I believe we had a small misunderstandings back then. I apologize for that."

Ban nodded.

"I am also in the wrong for going extreme against you. I'm sorry about that."


Silence ensued the room.

"Well, since we cleared the misunderstandings and you send Ms. Emma's regards, you can go now. Tell her my thanks." Ban stated.

Clara dazed for a second and pouted "I was sorry okay? Why do you have to be so petty towards me?"

Ban frowned and replied "What are you talking about Ms. Walker? We already cleared our misunderstandings earlier. There's no need for a discussion anymore since you achieve your purpose."

"But I want to have a chat with you. Especially your skills" Clara's eyes light up recalling Ban's skills.

"What skills? I didn't remember I used a skill."

Clara pursed her lips and said "What do you want then?"

Ban raise his brow. He asked "What are you talking about Ms. Clara? I don't understand what you are saying right now."

"I was just testing your strength back then. Don't be such a crybaby."

Ban knit his brow and indifferently said "First of all, you came to me as a represent of Rising Era group that was clearly had a feud against me by killing one of their members. I knew back then that I cannot defeat you even if I gave it my all. Second, you said you are expecting more from me. Hmph! What can you expect from a 9 days old Divergent? I only became one a week ago. Also, I can feel that someone was trying to spy on me. It's a kind of a hunch and now I know that it was you after all. And lastly... you told me you hate liars. Indeed, I lied back then but that is to protect my secret from a dangerous individual like you. Now, you lied to my lovers that you are calling yourself to be my master? How shall I call you then? You're like an evil stalker tailing on my back trying to scare me with your hungry eyes."


Clara blushed while being speechless. Ban was right. She was wrong in the first place.

Ban sighed and continued "That is why I also blame myself from that accident. What if you really are trying to take away my life back then and worse, my lovers will also suffer under your hands? I cannot do a thing about that at all. Even my prided strongest skill was like a child's play in your eyes. I hate myself for being helpless while anxiety consumed me."

Clara bow her head from the embarrassment. She knew she hurt Ban's pride and that is unforgivable. She was a warrior herself so she knew what Ban felt inside, especially for a man who has a responsibility to protect his lovers.

Ban took a long breath and glance at Clara deeply. He suddenly thought of something and asked "You are asking about my skills? What about it? Is there something wrong with it?"

Clara's eyes brighten up and replied "Where did you get those skills? They were so complex that I can't understand their profoundities."

"Self-created." Ban calmly replied.

"Impossible." Clara shook her head in denial. She continued "Such high level of skills, it is impossible to create one just like that. It took years to create a very profound skills like that."

Ban smirk and replied "I lied. What are you going to do about it?"

Clara look at Ban in disbelief before stomping her foot in anger.

Ban suddenly said "You want to learn my skills?"

Clara's eyes brighten up once again and nodded "I do. Can you teach me those skills? I can trade your skills with my treasures, how is it?"

"Oh?" Ban raise his brow and smirk. He then said with a sly expression "I can teach you my skills. However, I don't need your treasures."

"Then what do you want? I warn you. If you try to do anything funny towards me, I will castrate your weeny." Clara threatened Ban with a chopping gesture.

Ban twitch his lips and replied "Why would I want your body? I have two lovely wives. Even though you are beautiful, I still have my limits."

Clara let out a sigh of relief and asked "Then what is it?"

Ban chuckled and said.

"I want you to accept me as your master."