Sleepless Night

The world suddenly trembled with countless lightning storms suddenly popped everywhere like the doomsday is coming to judge the mortals.

The phenomenon ended in a flash like it never happened.

The world turned silent for a few good seconds before erupting with comments from the masses. Everyone stopped what they were doing and glanced at the sky with fear clearly written in their eyes. They were panicking and some religious people even prostate to the ground trying to appease the enraged Gods.

Ban had a frown on his face as he sensed what was happening in the camp. He was shocked deep inside from the massive amount of Profound Energies that suddenly covered maybe even the world within a breath of time.

"It's fine. Go call Sophia and tell her that everthing is alright. I'm going to check the camp real quick." Ban told Sally and the Little Girl to calm down.

"What is happening, hubby?" Sally asked Ban with worry on her face.

"It's Clara. Don't worry, I will go and talk to her about it." Ban kissed their forehead and he disappeared in sight.

"Clara? Did somebody pissed her off?" Sally commented in shock.


"Clara, what's the meaning of your action?" Ban used his maximum speed and arrived at the camp within seconds.

"Hmph! If not for my uncle and aunty, I might already tore this planet into bits. What I hate the most is being scolded by a nobody." Clara pouted. She turned to the shivering crowd with indifference.

Ban was clearly displeased by her actions, but he couldn't control her that much. He scanned the whole city if someone caught a misfortune and died, but surprisingly no one was hurt.

"What? I can control my power, unlike you." Clara squinted her eyes as she felt offended by his stare. She continued "I am tired. I'm going to have a rest first, master." She disappeared in a flash.

Ban was helpless, but also amazed by her prowess. He was clearly far behind of her league.

"Ahem!* I am sorry for what my disciple did to you guys. I hope no one talks about it outside. You should know her temper, a little mischievous. Anyways- Uhh Hello? You guys still there?" Ban waved his hand to snapped the group out of their stupor.

"K-Kid. Who- Who is that woman?" Vernard asked in fear.

Ban shook his head. This group clearly felt the terror Clara brought to the world. Everyone outside were only shocked and confused, but only for a few seconds before returning to normal. However, this will be the sleepless night for everyone.

"Of course she's my disciple. Ha ha ha" Ban let out an awkward and shameless laugh.

"That's..." Vernard was speechless.

Ban could hear the commotion in the camp. He thought about Eliza.

"Anyways grandpa, I'll go and check for Eliza first. Don't sweat over it. I'll punish my disciple for her mischievous action so that she won't do the same in the future." Ban waved his hand as he disappeared from the crowd's vision.

Vernard turned at Tom's group as he made a wry chuckle. He said "That was the guy that you are looking for. He's my grandson-in-law. Want me to call him again?"

Tom was the first to calm down. He didn't expect the woman was a real deal. He might even think that she was a God. When he heard Vernard, he rolled his eyes and cursed in his mind 'Are you trying to sell me to a devil? His disciple was a God. So what about him? An almighty being? What the heck! I don't want to die yet you old bastard!'

"N-No. We are good. I'll visit again tomorrow to send you gifts. I kind of in a rushed today so.." Tom replied with an ugly smile on his face. He continued "We should get going. There are a lot of matters to attend to."

"Are you sure you don't want to meet with him? I think he's still in the camp right now." Vernard found a way to vent his uneasiness earlier to Tom and his group.

"Haha! Let's not disturb him since he was busy with his wife." Tom didn't want to linger in this danger zone. He turned to his group said "Carry Travis, Let's go."


"Hubby! You're back! How is it? Did you meet with Clara?" Sally approached Ban when she sensed him at the house.

"Mm. We didn't talk much." Ban shook his head. He continued "Let's sleep together with the Little Girl. I bet she was frightened by what happened earlier."


After the couple layed down on the bed, the Little Girl was already been asleep.

Ban suddenly called Sally "Wifey."

Sally raised her brow and asked "What is it?"

"Do you feel something odd in the surroundings?"

Sally dazed for a second and shook her head "No. Why?"

Ban also shook his head and replied "I feel the energies in the surroundings became twice as dense as before. Or maybe it's just my hallucination."

"Really? But I don't feel the difference though. Maybe it's just your imagination." Sally smiled and continued "This is the first time we're sleeping together with no activities. I also like it. Hehe"

Ban raised his brow and smirked "What? You want to do something naughty tonight? You know, everone outside will have a sleepless night. Do you want to join them?" His claws slowly crept inside her sexy night dress.

Sally moaned amd replied "Nnn~ But I want to have a quality night with you by sleeping together with Judith."

Ban chuckled and gave her cherry a one last pinch before letting go. He said "Okay. Whatever my wife wishes."

"Right. I already called Little Sis and she's doing fine with her parents."

"Mm. I can sensed they began to sleep again." Ban nodded.

"Your Detection is so powerful, hubby. How far can you sense?"

"20 plus kilometers. Why? Isnt it normal?"

"2-20." Sally gawked in surprise. She asked "That far? What is your current level now?"

"I just reached 7th Order earlier."

"*Sigh!* I'm far behind you. I initially wanted to increase my level to lessen your burden on protecting us like what happened earlier."

"Don't pressure yourself too much. I can handle well on protecting all of you." Ban caressed her cheek lovingly and continued "Right. I am preparing a magical array that can absorb energies in a few days from now. This should help you improve your level by leaps and bounds when the time comes."

"Really? That's good to hear then." Sally brightened her eyes as she heard the news from Ban.

"Oh and don't go to work for tomorrow. That guy from earlier might roam around in the area. Or better, we can move to the new house near the school. What do you think?" Ban suggested a plan to Sally. He didn't want to get rid of the guy earlier since he only followed his superior's orders. Plus he looked honest with his job.

"Hmm. What do you think? I personally don't mind about moving to another house, but what about Little Sis? She might feel lonely if we're a little far from her." Sally returned the question.

Ban put a pondering expression and said "I only have two solutions at the moment for that. I will turn her parents into Profound Practitioners as soon as possible and let Sophia live with us." He paused and continued "The second is to buy the neiboring house and let Little Sis' parents move near us. Which one do you think?"

"I think the second choice is good, but unlikely to happen since you gave them a house out of nowhere. Hehe They might find it unbelievable." Sally chuckled as she continued "The first choice is the same, but they might accept the fact that they became strong after the result. So I think the first choice is the better one. Anyways, you are already planning to let them be reborn just like us."

Ban nodded and said "Okay. Let's do that tonight. I'm going to turn them into Profound Practitioners and give them the skills they needed for protection. After that, it will be easy task to get Sophia into our house."

"Let's call your Little Sis. We're going to sleep together. Hehe"