Change of Personality

"Ladies and Gentlemen, our last treasure for the night, the Protective Talisman!" The young lady excitedly announced.

"Woah! This! There are five!"

"Unbelievable... Is the auction going all out this year?"


"I think they must have found a person that can create these treasures."

"I think so too."

The young lady then explained the functions of the bracelet to the crowd.

"20 attacks of a level 10 Enchant can be easily blocked by it? Awesome!"

"Damn! Not only that, it can regenerate itself to be of use agàin. This means, this treasure is a divine item!"



"I know some of you have doubts about the treasure, but our auction house guaranteed a full refund if the treasure is defective." The lady paused and continued, "However, this treasure can save your life out of danger against stronger opponents. As you can see at the live feed earlier, you can escape from that outcome at least once a day. Isn't it amazing enough?" She smiled brightly to the crowd. She continued, "Now, without further ado, the starting bid is Zero. You can bid on the treasure to your hearts content."

The young lady then allowed everyone to bid on a single talisman bracelet.

"F*ck. I wish I could buy this treasure with one dollar."

"Hmph! You wish! I'm having this treasure tonight! I will make it our family heirloom in my home."

"Step aside kids. Go play your toys somewhere else. We old folks will handle this treasure."

"Damn you old man! Let's see if you can handle this bid."

10 Billion...

"Pft! Don't make me laugh, brats. A treasure like that only have this value in your little mind? Look again."

20 Billion...

Everyone was having an all out war on bidding for the talisman. Some even called their families at home for additional funds. They will not stop until getting this treasure for themselves.

40 Billion...

45 Billion...

50 Billion...

Ban stared at the screen with unhidden joy on his face. He muttered in a low voice, "Why did I join in that Arena when I can make this much money through stones I made here?"

"Hehe." Nana giggled and draw a circle on Ban's chest. She asked, "How about a partnership, handsome?"

"You mean, I will supply some talismans for your auction house to sell?" Ban inquired.

Nana shook her head. She said, "If you increase the quantity of this treasure, there will be a massive cut on it's price." She paused and continued, "You must have other treasures on you. After all, I feel that you are different from others."

Ban smiled a little and added, "Just like you?"

Nana blinked a few times and nodded with a sincere look on her face.

Ban faced her for a couple of breaths before shaking his head, "I can have money without your help. It's just that..." He paused and continued, "We'll continue about this topic later. This is not the right place to talk for serious business."

"You're right." Nana smiled brightly and raised her glass of wine.


The auction ended after an hour of bidding wars.

Ban received a whooping 833 Billion dollars from his talismans including the deduction of the treasures he won from bidding.

Nana arranged a private meeting on Ban for tomorrow night about the business talk. And after a small chat for a while, she left to attend some business matters.

Tina and Ban got out of the auction building.

"Do you want to meet your grandpa?" Ban inquired. He could still sense the presence of Max in the building.

Tina shook her head. Her doe eyes stared at Ban with gentleness. Her cheeks had a tint of blush from the wine she drunk.

"You okay? Want me to remove the effects of the wine?" He suggested seeing her like this.

"Don't." Tina rubbed her arms feeling the cold atmosphere of the night.

Ban removed her leather jacket and replaced it with a warm jacket from his spatial treasure.

"Huh? Where did you get this jacket?" She asked in confusion.

"Heh. A magician never tells his secrets." Ban chuckled as wrapped his arm on her shoulder. He continued, "Let's go. I'll drive."

"Mm." Tina smiled and nodded.

After entering the car, Ban said, "There's not much to see at this hour. Should we find a hotel? Or maybe we can head to your family's house."

"No. We can't disturb them at this time of hour." Tina shook her head. She pointed at the GPS on the car, "Head to that red dot. That's a hotel nearby."

"Alright." Ban nodded. However, he paused when he sensed someone was spying on him.

'Assassin?' Ban thought and stared at the shadows not far from him.

"What is it?" Tina asked. She knew Ban had found something.

Ban assured her with a smile, "Just a stalker." He then start the car. He already memorized how Tina rode this car so he got used to it after a while.


"We would like to book two regular rooms." Ban said to the hotel clerk.

"I'm sorry, Sir. The available rooms at the moment are luxury suite and the Penthouse suite." The female clerk apologetically replied. She continued, "These suites are a bit expensive, but I guarantee that you will find them very satisfactory. A suite have also many rooms in it."

"How much is this luxury suite?" Ban inquired after musing for a second.

"A night of the luxury suite is 10 thousand dollars. A day is 18 thousand dollars." The clerk's eyes light up as she replied immediately.

'18 thousand? That's 9 months of my labor in the restaurant back then.' Ban lamented. He laughed to himself, 'And here I am, a multi-billionaire bastard.'

"What do you think?" He then turned to Tina.

Tina shrugged and smiled. This little money is only a change for her and Ban.

"Alright." Ban turned to the clerk and nodded, "We'll take the Penthouse Suite for a week."

"Right away, Sir-" The female clerk paused when she heard Ban.

"P-Penthouse? F-For a week, Sir?" The female clerk was dumbfounded. She thought Ban was taking the luxury suite.

"Mm." Ban nodded and passed her a golden card.

"Y-Yes. A week on the Penhouse Suite is 315 thousand dollars." The female clerk gulped as she asked again, "Do you want to continue?"

"Mm." Ban nodded.


"Not bad." Ban glanced at the view of the Capital after arriving at the living room. He examined the spacious room and commented, "This is better than my living room."

Tina marveled the place as she also chimed in, "Beautiful."

Ban scanned the rooms and turned at her, "There are 5 rooms available. You can choose one for yourself."

"Mm." Tina stole a glimpse at Ban before choosing the nearest room.

Ban strecthed his body and slumped into the sofa. He initially wanted to call his lovers, but he might disturb their sleep so he cancelled the idea.

Ban found a wine in the kitchen through his senses and took the bottle for a sip.

'Eliza and Elena are also in the Capital. I should probably meet them tomorrow. Oh.. Theres also Ms. Sienna and my ....parents.'

He narrowed his eyes and noticed the stalking person was nearing on his suite.


Tina came out of her room with her naked body was wrapped in a towel.


Ban choked on his wine and coughed lightly. He guessed that she just finished her refreshing bath. He could see her glistening thighs that was like inviting him to take a bite. He then licked his lips a little without him knowing.

Tina blushed furiously when Ban focused on her lower part. She said in a bashful tone, "I-I forgot my things on the car."


Ban inwardly frowned. He felt like pouncing on Tina just now. That's not really possible on his mind since he has many lovers. However, there was a feeling of domination that crept on his soul the moment Tina appeared in his view.

'Am I just drunk? Or is it because of the change in my body brought by that mysterious man?'

Tina became puzzled seeing Ban wasn't responding to her. She then carefully asked, "Uhh. Is something the matter?"

Ban turned at Tina once again and stood up. He shook his head and smiled, "Nothing. I'll fetch your things at the car now."

"Mm." Tina felt a little disappointed when Ban didn't approached her. However, she shook her head afterwards and went back to her own room.


Ban was clutching his head along the hallway. When he arrived at the door where the stairs located, he suddenly disappeared.

'Where did he go?' The shadow of a person nearby became puzzled and looked at the whereabout of Ban.


A hand suddenly gripped the shadow person's neck.

When the person struggled to turn it's head to see the culprit, it only met with an icy glowing purple eyes that sent shiver down to it's soul.


They then disappeared in position and reappeared at the rooftop of the hotel.


Ban threw the person to the floor apathetically.

"Cough!* W-Who are you!?" The person tried to appear calm and glared at Ban.

"Why are you following me?" Ban already knew the shadow person was a woman.

"What are you talking about, you bastard!? You suddenly attacked me without reason, this is against the law!" The shadow woman retorted with an angry stare. However, her body didn't stopped from shivering from the gaze of Ban, especially his scary and unusual eyes.

Ban twitched his eyes and he suddenly grabbed the woman's black tight leather outfit forcefully ripping them apart in a flash.


The glow on Ban's eyes became stronger and he said in a bored tone,

"This is your last warning."

(A/N: I'm taking a break for now due to health reasons.

Still, Cheers! )