Extravagant Request

'Can't you just help us for the sake of protecting this world?' Clara pouted as she complained on her mind.

"Of course a compensation is required." Old Tony nodded. He continued, "However, it depends if you really accomplished the task perfectly."

Ban shrugged his shoulder. He already prepared a specific array on his mind if it's only concealing a planet. However, he added more feature since the planet is his home after all.

"Would you mind if I check on your Conceal Array? I'd like to look for reference."

"Of course." Old Tony took a scroll that contained the Conceal Array he made a few hours ago. After passing the scroll to Ban, he said, "This array is a bit complicated since this is a part of a grand array."

Ban then examined the scroll and raised his brow. After checking the contents after a few minutes, he let out a small smile which was noticed by the trio.

"How is it?" Clara immediately asked if Ban can at least duplicate the array.

"Hmm. Not bad I guess." Ban nodded calmly like a teacher praising his student's simple work.

Old Tony twitched his mouth. He knew Ban wasn't impressed by his array after seeing his indifferent expression. However, he couldn't just lash out at the young man since he was favored by the current ruler of the Realm.

What Tony didn't know was that, the runes from the scroll were very simple and Ban could discern every details just by one look. And after a few minutes of studying the scroll, he lost interest in it.

Ban smiled at Old Tony and asked, "Did you have the materials in your array? I'd like to have it now. Also, I need more resources to complete my array. There are other materials I will request that don't belong to the array, but treat it as my payment for this task. Deal?"

Ariana gave Ban a profound stare while Old Tony and Clara glanced at one another.

"Deal." Clara nodded and handed a spatial bracelet treasure. She continued, "We already prepared three sets of materials in case the array wouldn't after the first and second trial."

Ban's eyes brightened in a second before returning to normal. He received the spatial bracelet treasure and examined the materials inside.

'I'm freaking rich! All are top quality materials. These materials don't even exist in this world as I remembered.' Ban's eyes brightened up once again as he let out a satisfied smirk.

"I'm going to write a set of materials needed for the array. After all, I am not only concealing the planet by it's aura. I will also make an illusion array to hide it's real appearance and replaced it with a normal small dead planet." Ban explained the details to the trio patiently.

"You can do that too?" Old Tony in surprise. Although making two features of an array is doable, the work becomes double since one needs to make a set of runes using a new set of materials.

"Mm." Ban nodded and he didn't talk much about his plan. He continued with a serious face, "The array can be done. However, if someone accidentally landed on the planet, the array will not affect the newly arrived outsider/s. When that happens, I will make a separate array in a form of device that can detect an incoming visitor outside the planet. Don't worry, this detection can cover quite a distance so you don't have to worry using your detection, but I need an excellent material for that to happen."

Old Tony's eyes became fervent as he stared at Ban like a juicy little lamb. He was itching to kidnap this young man right at this moment, but resisted. He knew he was protected and favored by the ruler of the Realm.

"I'd like to meet this master of yours, young man."

Old Tony said with a genial smile. Clara already told him that Ban had a master, but he denied the thought since he couldn't detect any strong individual that resided in this planet. One possible and most acceptable one is that, Ban received an inheritance from a powerhouse.

Ban squinted his eyes at Old Tony before shaking his head, "She's not available at the moment."

Clara's ears perked up. She gave Ban a doubtful expression as the latter evaded her stare.

"Is that so? That's unfortunate then." Old Tony shook his head.

"Right. I will make a list of materials now. I'll start preparing the array after I receive all the materials needed." Ban said as he stood up and looked for a pen and paper.

Ban listed ten materials which made the trio raised their brows.

What made them have a little heart attack is that the quantity of each materials.

'10 whiskers of a Nine-Tailed Fox, 10 feathers of a Immortal Elder White Crow, 10 Kilograms of a Veined Luminous Abyss Pearl, 10 seeds of a Shifting Star Ancient Tree...' Old Tony read the materials with widened eyes. These materials are enough to build a Medium-Scale Kingdom in his Realm. He almost had a heart attack upon seeing the materials.

"This.." Clara gulped mouthful of Saliva. She thew Ban a hateful glare.

'Can't you restrain your greed a little? This is a very extravagant materials you requested. This planet's resources cannot afford a whisker of that fox at all.'

She knew Ban liked to scam others with exorbitant price.

"Interesting." Ariana's cold but melodic voice resounded making everyone glanced at her. She continued, "I agree to your request. However, I will personally witness on how are you going to make these arrays."

Ban wanted to say something, but resisted. He shrugged his shoulder and nodded, "I personally don't like others see my work. However, I will make an exception this time and allow at most two person to view my work."

"All right. Deal. We will send the materials in a week's time." Ariana stood up and directly walked out of the door leaving Clara and Old Tony remained in place.

"Aunt agreed to it?" Clara covered her mouth as she let out a disbelief expression.

Even Old Tony gave Ban a look of envy before following Ariana out.

"Well that was fast." Ban smiled. He continued, "I should've requested more materials. What a waste."

"You..." Clara pointed at Ban while her brows were twitching. She hurrumped and stomped her foot before walking out of the room.

"Ahh What a cute disciple of mine." Ban commented making Clara almost stumble outside.

Clara reddened her face and immediately disappeared in sight.

*Brrrr!* *Brrrr!*

Ban raised his brow and took his phone as he checked the caller. He chuckled, "Oh? My other client- I mean friend."


"Yes, hello brother Whiss." John's anxious voice came from the other side.

"What's the matter? Also why did you hung up your call the other day?"

"Uhh. I'm sorry for that, brother. The phone has low battery at that time so it immediately shut down." John made a random excuse and continued, "Are you free right now, brother? Can you cure my little brother now?"

"What happened? Unfortunately, I am in the Capital right now. It will take time before I'll return to Angeles City." Ban already imagined how miserable Drago at the moment. However, he didn't sympathize for such a bastard so decided to delay and made him suffer more.

"Capital? Great timing! We are in the Capital now, brother. Don't worry, I can pay you the money. Just heal my little brother for me." John immediately replied.

"Oh? What a coincidence." Ban pondered for a moment before saying, "I have a tight schedule today and only available until noon. Where's your brother? I'll be there now."

"No no. I'll fetch you, brother. Give me your address. I will head there immediately."

"It's fine. However, I need a car that can fit 5 people. Send me one in this address." Ban then gave the address of his hotel.

"Sure. I'll be there right away."

Ban then hang up the call after a few chats.

'Nothing's wrong if I give him a life extension. Guess I'll play with this bastard for a while.'

Ban then called the sisters and will fetch them for lunch later. After that, he called for Tina and will be heading to the hospital to meet Drago.