Scanning the whole Capital

"Son, you rented this room?" Flora asked in surprise after seeing how luxurious the penthouse suite was.

"Wow.." Lucy marveled the view of the Capital from the suite.

"Mm." Ban nodded and continued, "I've rented this for a week."

"A week?!" Even the other ladies reacted so much.

"That's too wasteful, son." Flora commented as she glanced at Ban. For all she knew, only top brass in the society can enjoy this kind of service. "You should've rented the regular rooms."

Ban didn't argue much about his mother and nodded, "Okay, I will keep mother's advice in the future."

Flora pursed her lips as Ban already surrendered. Still, she was a bit curious on how rich her son was. Even her husband back in the days would only rent luxury suite at most.

"Mother." Ban turned to his mother. He continued, "I will be borrowing Ms. Alice for a moment about some matters. Choose any room you want to rest."

"Okay." Flora didn't pry about her son's matter much.


Ban went to the rooftop and found a seat and sat down while facing Alice. He then gave her a pen and a blank sheet of paper.

"Draw the delivery man for me."

Alice was startled before shaking her head, "I'm sorry, young master. I'm bad at drawing."

"Then describe the man for me. I will be in charge of the drawing." Ban then placed the paper on his lap as he waited for Alice to describe the delivery man.

Alice knew Ban was having suspicions about the cameras and wanted to investigate the matter. His solution is feasible, but it will take time to locate the person even using the authorities. The best solution is to locate Mr. Hexar and get the answer right from his mouth. However, she noticed that Ban wasn't planning about meeting his father, even giving him a call. Instead, he wanted to investigate the matters privately.

Alice then described the facial features of the delivery man.

Ban carefully listened and began sketching the face on the man.

It didn't take long as Ban finished the drawing.

"Is it him?" Ban presented the drawing which surprised Alice greatly.

Alice' decription of the delivery man was perfectly copied by Ban. She then tried to recall if she missed something.

"Right, he has a black horizontal line on his left neck. I guess he has a tattoo on his back that connected to the left side of his neck." Alice pointed at the neck of the man.

Ban then followed her instruction.

"That's him." Alice nodded in confirmation.

Ban also nodded and do the finishing touches to make the drawing more realistic.

Alice got even more surprised when she look at the drawing. She felt as if the delivery man in the drawing was alive. She thought Ban's drawing was much better than taking a picture of any high quality cameras.

"Right." Ban raised his hand and asked while squinting his eyes, "I want you to only obey my or my mother's orders and not my father's. What's your answer?"

Alice was startled as her body went stiff. She glanced at Ban with hesitation. She knew Ban was asking her to choose a side at the moment. Even though she was protecting Flora all her life, her action came from the orders of Hexar. After all, she was trained to be with Hexar and to protect him all the time. However, there's one factor that she remained loyal to Flora. And that's because of the guilt of an 'accident'.

Ban narrowed his eyes and waved his hand, "I knew you were loyal to my father too and I won't pry any further on that matter. I will only think what's good for my mother and I am questioning your existence around her." He paused and continued, "Go back to the mansion. I will give you time to think about it. You can find me after you made a choice."

Alice gritted her teeth. She remained in position while bowing her head.

Ban knew she was having a conflicted thought in her mind.

"Are you the woman of my father?" Ban suddenly asked a random question.

Alice was dumbfounded and glanced at Ban with a weird expression. She shook her head calmly and said, "I am 86 years old. I don't think Mr. Hexar will find me attractive as my age almost twice of his. I was trained by the old master, father of Mr. Hexar."

"Huh?" Ban examined Alice once again. He guessed she was at her early 40's in terms of appearance. He wouldn't find it too odd since Vernard was just like her. Looks can really deceive a person, especially on Divergents or Profound Practitioners. The more you grow in power, the longer you live and your appearance will return back into young.

"My grand father, huh..." Ban wanted to know more about his relatives, but his priority at the moment is to locate the delivery man. He said as he waved his hand, "Go back to the mansion."

After a couple of seconds, Alice still didn't move and remained in place.

"I will only serve the young master from today henceforth." Alice bowed respectfully to Ban.

"Are you sure?" Ban asked.

"Yes." Alice replied seriously.

"Well. Let's talk about that later. Theres a test that you need to pass first before I accept you to protect my family." Ban stood up and surveyed the whole Capital.

Alice nodded and remained in position.

"This is a bit troublesome." Ban rubbed his forehead as he muttered in a low voice.

The Capital is a very wide place. Searching for a single person will take a few hours to accomplish.

Ban checked the time and it was 2 in the afternoon. He then used his telepathy on Eliza and Elena to postpone Sienna's house transfer for tomorrow as he needed to do an important business for the day. He also requested to the ladies about accompanying his mother today.

The ladies nodded as a form of response. They already learned the Spirit Detection so they can sense Ban was in the rooftop with Alice.

Ban then scanned the Capital starting from the north which is a hundred plus kilometers from his position.


It took him more than 2 hours for Ban to locate the person. The description of Alice perfectly matched the delivery man in his detection and the target is nearby his position.

Ban also detected some anomalies in the Capital. Even though the matter regarding the cameras is urgent, he detect another important cases in the Capital.

'Kidnapped kids?'

Ban glanced at the west side on the Capital and narrowed his eyes. He have quite a few solutions on how to solve the problem, but he decided call for some assistance.

"Hello gramps?" Ban dialed Vernard on his phone.

"Oh, kid. You have a good news for me?" Vernard's expectant voice resounded on the other side.

"Yes. However, my solution will be impliment a week from now." Ban nodded. He recalled the materials he requested from Clara.

"That's the news I want to hear. Haha!" Vernard laughed out loud.

"Right, gramps. I need to consult Tom about some matters. Can you send me his contact number?"

"Tom? Sure. What a second, kid." Vernard immediately forwarded Tom's number.

Ban then contacted Tom after receving the latter's contact number.

"Who is this? I'm busy right now." Tom's impatient voice made Ban raised his brow.

"It's me, Whiss." Ban's calm voice made Tom paused for a while.

"M-Mr. Whiss. What can I do for you?" Tom's voice became mild as he replied.

"I thought you are busy. Maybe I'll contact you later then."

"N-No. I'm not busy at all." Tom immeditely denied. He continued, "There's my subordinates constantly bugging me evertime about some simple matters so..."

"Alright. I'll get straight to my business." Ban paused and continued, "I want to borrow some men from you to assist me in a case here in Capital."

"Oh. That's simple." Tom nodded. "How many agents do you need?"

"Not many. I want those team members of Jason James. They're quite familiar with me so it will be easy for me to give them a task." Ban then sent the address of his hotel.

"Alright. They will arrive in a few minutes." Tom agreed.

After ending the call, Ban turned to Alice, "Let's go."

Ban and Alice directly went to the hotel lobby and waited to the agents to come.

Not long after, Samantha, Cassi, Frank and a familiar face of a woman greeted Ban.

"Hello, Mr. Soldier. We meet again. I am Michelle Willis." The woman smiled and greeted Ban elegantly.

Ban raised his brow and ignored the woman. He glanced at Samantha and asked, "Where's that other guy?" He was referring to Travis.

Michelle didn't mind being ignored as her goal was to investigate the man in front of her out of curiosity.

"He was still recuperating on his injuries. Michelle here will be his substitute." Samantha replied respectfully.

Ban nodded and said, "Let's go."