Finding Ariana

"I really don't know anything about it." Nana felt her bottom turned hot as she expressed a wronged look.

"Nothing? Zero? Then why did you react like that when I mentioned that term?" Ban asked again as he became puzzled.

Nana pouted and replied, "My mother used to tell me when I was a child that we are Profound Practioners. I don't know what that means at that time until she died after a few years ago." She then let out a sad expression.

Ban caressed his chin and pondered for a while. He sipped the glass of wine and glanced at Nana if she was really telling the truth.

Fewer people knew about the term Profound Practitioners. They are either part of the Arena or they came from the outside of his planet.

Seeing her innocent expression, Ban somehow connected the dots as to why she gathered information on the Arena.

'She wanted to find a clue about Profound Practitioners from them. However, why would the Arena tried to reject her request? Was it because she's a Dark Profound Practitioner?'

"Profound Practitioners are indeed what we call us different ones. We are superior in terms of battle power and everything against Divergents." Ban explained the term briefly.

"I know that much." Nana nodded. She continued, "Tell me more."

Ban squinted his eyes and said, "However, you are a little different from me."

"How?" Nana became focused and leaned her body more.

Ban could clearly smell her scent and her melons were inching again to his arm.

"You are a Dark Profound Practitioner. I don't know why your mother was telling you that you are a Profound Practitioner, there are difference between the two." Ban paused and continued, "You are using Dark element. That means you are a Dark Profound Practitioner while a Profound Practitioner can use all of the elements except Dark element." He explained what he learned from Clara.

Although Ban can also use Dark element due to the secret of his Myriad Elements Divine Body, he still considered himself as a Profound Practitioner.

"Dark Profound Practitioner..." Nana muttered to herself and began to recall if her mother told her about that term before. She didn't recall her mother saying that term even once.

"Is this the reason why you wanted to gather information about the Arena?" Ban asked.

Nana woke up from her stupor and nodded before shaking her head. She look at Ban with seriousness and asked, "Can I trust you?"

Ban twitched his lips. A naked woman asking him if she could trust him. Probably any man would would say yes if she happens to ask this question.

"I'm serious." Nana bit her lips and asked again, "Can I trust you?"

Ban sipped a wine and mused for a second. He squinted his eyes and replied, "You can trust me, but I don't trust you that much. How's that for an answer?"

"That's good enough for me." Nana nodded and continued, "I need your help to find a person. She's very important to me."

"In the Arena I presume?" Ban asked.

Nana nodded, "She's the friend of my mother. I want to ask her about an important matter."

"Alright. You don't need to be so formal about this matter. After all, I came here to propose a business partnership with you. We will have more interaction in the future so helping one another is a natural thing." Ban nodded and asked, "Who is this friend of your mother?"

"Her name is Ariana and she came from the Arena. That's all I know about her." Nana replied.

"Ariana?" Ban frowned as if he heard that name before. Suddenly, he recalled the silent woman that visited him together with Clara and that old man at the hotel yesterday.

Ariana was introduced as Clara's aunt. Ban didn't saw her face, but she have the same hair color as Clara, long and silky maroon hair. Though Clara usually tied up her hair unlike Ariana.

"I have a question though." Ban cleared his throat and continued, "Why didn't personally go to the Arena and find the person yourself? Judging by your power, you can easily enter the Class S league."

Nana pursed her lips, "I tried. However for some reason, they rejected my entry to be a fighter or applying to be a staff. I even wore a disguise and tried again and again, but all of it came into nothing. It was as if they don't welcome me at all." She paused and continued, "I only know is that Ms. Ariana came from the Arena. I also know that she wasn't a fighter through my investigation so the only remains is that, she's an Arena staff member. I've sent many people to gather information there, but resulted to zero progress. However, I know she was there. I am certain about that one thing."

Ban nodded. He smell something odd about her matter.

'Why would the Arena denied her all the time? There's only one possible answer why she was always got detected... the Arena guards.'

Ban recalled those illusive guards that were staying still in every Arena entrance.

'Ariana should be holdind a high position in that Arena. We will meet again a few days from now. I should ask her first about Nana's matter before I do any action.'

"I will help you find her. However, I can't guarantee how long I can find her. After all, I am still a Class C Fighter."

"It's fine. You can take your time." Nana brightened up her eyes and hugged Ban.

Ban was startled and felt her naked body sticking to his. He wryly smiled and didn't do anything. The Dark element lingered in his body was cold and actually felt a nice sensation to it.

Nana didn't let go as she wrapped Ban's broad chest. She was searching for a comfortable spot of Ban as the warmness of his body.

"Ahem!* You can let go now." Ban patted her naked bottom.

"Just stay like this for a while. I like it warm." Nana closed her eyes as she smiled.

"You took off your dress so of course you will feel cold." Ban rolled his eyes. Actually, he didn't mind her action as he was caressing her juicy bottom in exchange.

Nana pinched Ban's claws making him stop. She said, "Let's talk about business."

"Alright." Ban nodded.

"What do you want to propose? Are selling those talismans you made again?"

Ban shook his head, "Make an announcement about having a new auction house in Angeles City. I will be responsible on what will be the treasure to be displayed there for auction. There are many valuable treasures that will be displayed at least every month."

"You have more treasures other than talismans?" Nana asked curiously.

Ban nodded, "A lot of treasures. We can earn trillions of dollars a year if it work."

Nana was shocked. She recalled how he gained hundreds of billions for just ten talismans and thought his proposal might be possible. She nodded, "Alright. I can easily arrange that. What else do you need?"

"I want you to gather rare materials just like usual. However, just directly buy the with the auction price. I also need a lot of herbs to create pills to sell." Ban replied.

"Pills? I don't remember selling those things in my auction though. Will it work?" Nana asked doubtfully. She only sells some rare elemental stones and various rare materials and herbs every year. She did take risk about selling those pills as it was common in public and it's effects cannot help Divergents improve their prowess.

"Trust me, these pills will be sought by Divergents or even normal humans all over the world." Ban chuckled as he resumed caressing her bottom.

Nana was shocked when Ban wasn't only targeting their country, but the world.

"Alright. Old luke will handle everything about the materials you needed." Nana nodded and asked, "Anything else?"

Ban shook his head, "That's basically everything. You have the staff, I have the treasures. And for splitting the money... I also don't care how much you want."

"How about a joint account? I also don't care about the money. I only used it when paying my employees and gathering information, nothing else. If I need money, I can ask you for that." Nana smiled.

"I can't do that." Ban shook his head. He continued, "I am not the only one that will be making these treasures."

Nana pondered for a while and asked, "How about I take 30% while you take 70% of the profit?"

"You sure? How about 50-50?" Ban asked.

Nana rolled her eyes. She shook her head, "You have no business mindset at all. In fact, I can take at most 15% and you want to make it 50-50? Sigh."

"Heh. You handle it. I'm not good in math. I only needed materials in order to improve my power and the people around me. Making money is just return of investment for gathering materials again." Ban laughed.

Nana shook her head, "We are the same. As you can see, I am here lazing around while my employees were busying themselves with the company. Aren't I awesome? Heh." She giggled proudly.

Ban nodded and patted her bottom, "Awesome indeed."

"You- Quit doing that on my back. It's ticklish!" Nana pouted coquetishly.

Ban coughed, "I can't help it. It's like a giant marshmallow. Very soft to touch." He shamelessly laughed.

Meanwhile, when Ban and Nana were flirting with each other, they didn't know a young lady was standing at the door while staring at them in great surprise.

"B-Big sis?..." The young lady called which made Nana jumped in her seat.

"L-Little sis?" Nana widened her eyes in shock and turned at her back. She continued, "How long have you been standing there?"

This young lady was the host of the auction that happened a day ago.

Ban was also shocked as he recognized the young lady. He was distracted earlier and didn't noticed her creeping in from outside.


Ban muttered in a low voice which was heard by the ladies.