Demon Beast encounter

The next day...

Ban and the others bade farewell to Sienna. Today, they will be heading back to Angeles City.

Ban spent his night granting the ladies new skills. He also turned Tina into a Profound Practitioner.

Tina didn't join the trip since she will be visiting her parents in the Capital.

Elena and Eliza joined the ride as they already visited their parents at the Capital the moment they arrived a few days back.


Along the way...

Flora was worried leaving the Capital. After all, she didn't informed her husband and her sister Holly about her depature. However, her worries wasn't to be mentioned as she will living together with her son.

'It's not like I am leaving them forever. I just move to my son's home, that's all.'

Ban shook his head. He won't let her go back in the Capital now that she was being disregarded by his father. Even his step-mother was scheming against her.

They are now at the border of Fern City when Ban noticed that there are traffic ahead. He furrowed his brow when he detect that something was unusual.

Militaries were barricading the highway with many authorities involved.

Ban's eyes shined a little when he figured out what was going on.

A huge Demon Beast double the size of a dump truck is rampaging to their direction 3 kilometers away from the west. The Beast looked like a giant boar with it's two giant tusks swaying side by side to clear his path. One thing that made Ban curious was that, the giant boar has a blood red diamond on it's forehead that was glowing from time to time.

Behind the boar were many Divergents hunting it down. Even Tom and his team were included.

Ban shook his head. The boar was much stronger than these Divergents. He probably guess it's level was at least 5th level of Mortal Profound Realm which is equivalent to 10th level of Divergent or even stronger.

"What is it, son?" Flora noticed that Ban was gazing from the west with focus.

"It's just some minor trouble." Ban turned to Eliza and Elena with a knowing glance.

The sisters nodded and became alert.

"I'll be back after I solve this issue. It'll be over in a few moments." Ban told his mother to sit back and relax. He the took a mask in his spatial treasure and wore it.

"You like pikachu, big brother?" Lucy thew Ban a weird glance. She didn't know her brother was into that kind of stuff.

Eliza giggled from the side.

"Pikachu's are cute and squishy, don't you think?." Ban turned to the sisters and chuckled. He then disappeared in a flash.

The sisters blushed from embarrassment. How could they not know what Ban was referring to.

*Bam!* *Bam!* *Bam!*

The Demon Beast was like an unstoppable train as it smashed everything on it's path.

"How could this damn beast be so tough? Modern weapons couldn't even scratched it's thick skin. We're like fighting a godzilla in real life!" An agent cursed.

"It even escaped our entrapment. This is the first time in my life encountering this monster. The public might already recorded this situation." Another agent chimed in.

"Silence!" Tom was annoyed and commanded in a stern voice, "We must block it's path. There are civilians ahead. We need to divert it's direction."


The agents got choked. Blocking this monster was akin to a suicide task. However, they need to follow the instruction as this is their duty after all.

Suddenly, the beast halted its step. It was as if it met with an invisible wall.

*Rumble!* *Crash!*


The beast let out an ear-piercing roar before it's body got split in half.

All of the Divergents jaw dropped. Blood splashed everywhere like a fountain as they glanced at the beast in disbelief. Its tought skin was cleanly cut just like that.

Tom recovered from his shock and noticed a shadow of a man holding a long sword that was floating in the air.

Ban stored the sword back into his spatial storage and floated down to the giant boar. He was examining the blood red diamond the size of a fist that was stucked on it's forehead.

'It's filled with Profound Energies with no impurities...'

Ban's eyes shined and collected the thing. The blood diamond was easily detached from the boar's forehead as if it was not a part of its body.

"Hey! What are you doing?! That's our monster core!" A Divergent shouted as he glare at Ban with anger.

Ban turned to the crowd. There were more than fifty Divergents around and they came from various organizations and authorities.

"You have failed this mission, Mr. Tom. This beast destroyed more than 5 villages already and was heading to the Fern City to do a massacre."

Ban squinted his eyes at Tom as he already saw how the beast destroyed those villages and the casualty it gave to them.

Tom changed his expression when he recognized Ban's voice.

"M-Mr. Whiss!" Tom hurriedly approached and bowed. He continued, "I'm very sorry. This was a negligence on my part. I didn't know that this monster was much stronger than the other monsters I faced a few days back."

The Divergents got shocked when Tom showed respect to Ban. They knew Tom quite well and his reputation. However, he acted lofty and indifferent towards them as if treating them as a nobody. Now, he was bowing with reverence to an unknown masked man.

Ban was silent for a second and found Tom's reason was true. This Demon Beast was indeed not on their league.

"Be careful next time. Call for back up if necessary."

Tom hurried bowed, "Yes. I will keep that in mind."

Ban nodded and turned to the crowd. He smirked and asked, "Anyone wants to claim this thing will have to defeat me first."


Nobody replied. Even the Divergent who chided him earlier became timid. If they go against this masked man, they will face Tom's retaliation. Plus, the masked man killed the beast in one breath. Clearly he was far superior than them in terms of power.

"Let's go."

One by one, Divergent turned and prepared to return when Ban's voice suddenly echoed.

"Did I say you can go back?"

Their bodies went stiff and became alerted. They gaze at Ban with wary in their eyes. Even Tom was also at a loss.

'Does Mr. Whiss wants to kill us all?'

Ban pointed at a group of black cloaked men that was ten in total and said, "You guys remain. I have an unfinished business with you."

The Divergents stared at the peculiar group and was puzzled. They wondered how these men offended such a powerful man.

The group of black cloaked was startled and stared at one another. They eventually nodded began to dash in every direction to split up.

*Rummmble!* *Argh!*

However, before they could even take a step, their bodies felt a heavy pressure that made them winced in pain.

"D*mn you! I'll tear you into pieces!"

A black cloaked man suddenly ripped his clothes and his body became three times in size. His skin turned red as well. His blood red eyes stared at Ban with killing intent as he struggled to move forward.

The Divergents became startled at what they witnessed. First they saw the masked man restrained these black cloaked men using an unknown method. Now, they saw a human turned into a savage red hulk and was struggling for his life just to fight at the masked man.

Even Tom gazed at the man with trepidation. If he fight this man, he won't even last in the first exchange.



Ban smirked and clicked his fingers. He used his Soul Catcher skill to make a show.

The red hulk's body became stiff. He then turned to his companions whose restricted by Ban's supression.


The other black cloaked man stared nervously at the red hulk. The latter's eyes made them shiver in fear.



Ban issued a command and the red hulk immediately pounced at the nine men like a hungry beast.

*Bap!* *Bada!* *Boom!* *Pow!*

A/N: Heard that meme sounds before?



The black cloaked men immediately got dismembered like a tofu by the red hulk. It did not even passed a minute and they were wiped out.

The Divergents felt a goosebump watching the brutal scene in fear. They will probably get a nightmare while sleeping tonight from what they witnessed.

The red hulk was standing in silence. Suddenly, it slumped down and turned lifeless making the crowd puzzled. What made them curious was that. The black cloaked men and the red hulk's skin shrank like a dead plant in the middle of drought season.

"You didn't see anything and never tell this matter to anyone. I will hunt you down if you do." Ban made a warning to the crowd before he disappeared in sight.

"W-What.. "

"Who was that masked man?"

The crowd became active as they murmured to one another.

"Who is that man, Mr. Tom?" A divergent asked.

Tom was still in a process of shock as he saw Ban disposed those Dark Breed organization. When someone suddenly inquired him, he shook his head.

"Just revered him as an almighty person. And never went to his bad side or you might end up like them."

Tom pointed at the gruisome scene not far away from him.

The crowd got startled and became doubtful.

"Surely you jested, right? How can a person became an almighty?"

"Yeah." The crowd nodded to themselves.

Tom sighed and shook his head, "Then you should have heard the news about the world covered by lighnings and thunder a few days ago."


"I even saw it with my own eyes! That was so terrifying that I almost peed my pants."

"You're lucky. I did peed my pants at that time from fear. I thought the planet was a goner!"

"Crazy! I did it with my wife at that time. My little brother got shrank and never got up again until now!"

Tom chuckled and asked,

"Then what if I told you that it was the doing of his disciple?"

The crowd's jaw dropped from the new.
