Giant Fiery Ant's Colony

Ban arrived at a forest land in the north 2000 kilometers away from his house. Beside him was Clara and his little sister, Lucy.

Lucy insisted on coming to his so-called business trip. She was grumbling about how her big brother was ignoring her all the time.

Ban was helpless and decided to take her with him. Provided thay she will stick close to him or Clara.

After visiting his adopted parents grave, Ban immediately took Lucy and bade goodbyes to his mother.


"Wow brother, I can fly! See?!" Lucy was excited seeing herself floated in the air. She even made an waved her hands like she was really swimming in the air.

Ban chuckled and chided, "I made you float like that. Wait until you are stronger, you can fly by yourself."

Lucy pouted, "You're really a killjoy person, big brother." She looked around and only towering trees were present like a jungle. She asked, "You have business meeting here, brother? This is like amazon, full of dangerous insects and animals." She felt goosebumps when she recalled those deadly insects she watched on videos online.

"Nah. I'm just talking nonsense to mother." Ban laughed and continued, "We are here to hunt."

"Hunt?" Lucy was taken aback. She pouted, "Why didn't you say so, brother? I wouldn't have come with you. Those deadly insects can kill you within seconds you know?"

"Silly girl." Ban patted her and whispered, "We are immune to poisons, remember? Plus, I covered you with my aura so no insects can get to you."

'Immune to poisons?'

Clara perked up her ears and glanced at Ban weirdly. She doubtfully glanced at Ban as if she heard it wrong.

Seeing Clara looked at him, Ban immediately whistled and dragged his sister fying to the northern part of the forest.

Clara shrugged her shoulder. She came with Ban as his personal transporter. She was quite in the good mood as Ban owed her a favor for taking him in this place.

"Brother look! There's a clanging sounds there." Lucy pointed at a foggy hill that looked like a dead volcano.

Ban nodded. He already located the trapped Demon Beasts the moment he arrived. He was quite surprised as these Beasts came from the depths of the earth.

"Let's go see up close." Ban was 15 kilometers away from the hill and slowly approaching there while flying.

Suddenly, a missile was launched and headed towards in their direction very fast.

Lucy was curious at first, but when she recognized the fying missile, she was horrified. She held her Ban's arm tightly and pointed at the missile nervously, "B-Big brother! T-That's a missile trying to kill us!! Aaah!!!"

Ban frowned a little. He didn't think that the authorities guarding the place were so decisive. He waved his hand.


The missile was blown half-way towards Ban's direction.

"Don't worry. No one can touch you as long as I am around." Ban patted Lucy's head and resumed his flying.

*Swish!* *Swish!* *Swish!* *Swish!* *Swish!*

Then, dozens of missiles were launched and headed towards his direction.

Ban twitched his eyes feeling annoyed. He waved his hand and sneered.

Suddenly, the missiles stopped mid-air. Before the men on the ground could react, the missiles rushed towards them very fast.

*Swish!* *Swish!* *Swish!* *Swish!* *Swish!*

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*


The storage area was demolished and produced a giant mushroom cloud in the sky.

Ban didn't targeted the people on the ground. Rather, he targeted the stock of explosives and weapon racks.

Clara was amazed. Ban's bizzare skills were very convenient to use. She never knew how to manipulate things by will. Nobody used this kind of skill even in her empire. Her eyes shined and thought of asking for this skill to herself.

"Are they rebels, brother? You are hunting them?" Lucy wasn't fond of hurting people. She glanced worriedly at the camp from the distance.

Ban shook his head, "No, but they are bad guys. I just gave them a lesson for annoying my little sister. No one died, but they should probably be learning their lesson not to mess with us."

"Mm." Lucy glanced at Ban and asked carefully, "Have you killed someone, big brother?"

Ban jolted and glanced at his innocent sister. Among his loved ones, Sally, Eliza and Elena should be open minded about violence. The rest were innocent and even afraid of killing chickens for dinner. He pondered if he should give them a heads up about the changes of the world, or not. There will be chaos and crime everywhere in the near future as showing mercy to the enemy is being cruel to oneself.

"Say, little sister." Ban paused and asked, "If that missile hit us earlier and killed you in the process, do you think they deserve death? Should I show them mercy?"

Lucy was shocked. She didn't know how to answer his sudden question.

Ban smiled and asked again, "Let me rephrase the question then. If that missile hit us together with mother, we died and you lived in the process. Do you think they deserve death?"

Lucy dazed for a while. Her face paled and her body shivered at the thought of her brother and mother died in that accident.

Ban sighed and shook his head. His sister is still young and not in the mindset of such cruelty. All he could do right now is to protect her with all he can to make her life worry free.

Ban hugged his sister tightly, "There there. No one's gonna die. I am here by your side. We will protect you from harm. Cheer up now." He pointed at the distance and continued, "I'm just giving them a lesson not to scare my little sister. Nobody died there. Okay?"

Lucy nodded. However, her eyes was about to cry from her wild imagination.

Ban changed the topic, "We will be hunting giant insects, little sis. Are you ready?" He wasn't joking. Inside the dead volcano were full of giant bugs that were the size of a human.

Lucy jolted and stared at her brother in surprise. She felt goosebumps all over her body imagining a giant cockroach trying to gobble her whole.

"Yaaaah!!! Noooo waaaay!! I hate cockroaches the most!"

Lucy shrieked as she jumps into Ban's embrace like a coala.

Ban felt a headache coming. He instantly regretted bringing a kid with him. He said, "These mosters are not cockroaches, but giant ants." He paused and asked, "Should we head back and send you home? It is safe there too."

"Giant Ants?" Lucy was puzzled. She thought for a while and calmed down. Her eyes shined and became brave all of a sudden. She then urged "Let's go and take a look!"

Ban smiled and nodded. He immediately flew towards the hill carrying his sister at a fast speed.


Arriving nearby the dead volcano, Ban landed on the ground with Lucy. Following him was Clara who remained silent all the time.

Ban noticed that more than 500 Divergents were surrounding the dead volcano which was covered by giant boulders and only a little entrance could be seen from the side. Most of them were glancing at the destroyed Camp a few kilometers away from them. All of the military personnel retreated and went back to the camp to know what was going on.

Meanwhile, Divergents were fighting the Demons Beasts in a frenzy.

Lucy glanced at the bizzare creature that were advancing to kill every Divergents they met.

The Demon Beasts looked just like red-colored ants. However, they have more spikes on their bodies and they were blazing in fire. They are as tall as a human and have each blood diamond on their forehead the size of a baby fist.

Ban turned to Clara and asked, "This is the siege you are talking about? It looks like a giant ant colony to me. They should be using a dead volcano as their base. We're the ones disturbing them instead."

Clara shrugged her shoulder, "Almost a siege. You should take a look inside their colony. You might found something unexpected."

Ban raised his brow and used his Heaven Seeking Detection to see what's going on inside the colony. He was startled when he saw three giant ants the size of a truck-kun surrounding a titan ant the size of a ten-storeyed building. What made him wary is that, all four ants were powerful than him in terms of level. Each one of them is stronger than him in battle prowess.

"Three kings and a queen."

Ban's eyes shined with battle intent as he gripped his fist exitedly.