
After their discussion about the matters of the orphanage for an hour, Veronica eyed Ban with curiousity.

"You seem unaffected even though I released my Ice elemental aura around. Any youth your age should be a popsicle by now."

She continued, "Do you have an affinity with Ice element?"

"Perhaps?" Ban shrugged his shoulder as he smiled. He continued, "Anyways, I need the cooperation of your bureau tonight. I'm planning to rescue those homeless kids in the slums. Some people might not be happy of my action later. That is why I will also get rid of them along the way." He squinted his eyes at her.

Veronica frowned deeply. She showed an annoyed look and asked, "Are you planning on causing trouble in the Capital too? Are your strength even qualified? Even if you are, do you think I'd let you do as you wish?"


With that, her elemental aura erupted once again. More and more furnitures slowly covered by ice.

Ban pressed his lips and indifferently replied, "Calm down, I'm not planning eradicate your bureau. I'm just telling you to stay idle for a night just like you guys usually do." He waved his hand and her aura vanished in an instant.

It was as if her elemental energies got momentarily sealed by Ban.


Veronica paused her action when she felt a dangerous vibe from Ban. Her body shivered as her finger was pointing at Ban.

Ban ignored her expression and said, "I know that you also want to change the rules of this country, but your hands are too tied up. Your only role is to maintain the order of peace, but never eradicate those who have done the bad deeds especially when one has a strong backer."

"The law in this country became useless day by day. I'm talking about Divergent power struggles here. Even though you have the same authority as the prime minister, you are alone. Every move you made has been monitored by those in the prominent families. You are helpless in this situation."

"The only relief you had is that, most residents everywhere were women. These poor status and average women were easily taken advantaged of by wicked people."


Veronica took a deep breath as she became speechless. She also knew the recent changes of the country in the past few years.

The prime minister only focuses on the financial development in the country. Targeting the newly discovered huge islands nearby is the new goal to gather more resources.

Although there are already laws implemented everywhere, these simple laws weren't applied to the prominent families who backed the government financially.

Furthermore, crimes that don't involve Divergents before are out of her scope. Especially the mixed and out of order slums in every city of the country.

Now that everyone became Divergents, her authority against slums is still tied.

Ban knew that he needed to sort out the order of his country. Especially those rising Divergent gangs in his country as they became unscrupulous these days. Even those hidden organizations will be his target list after he finishes his disciple recruitment. Putting the task in the mission board can give experience to the disciples along the way.

"You..." Veronica hesitated for a while and asked, "Who are you to the people from the Arena?" Judging from the mysterious aura of Ban, she suddenly assosciated him with those individuals.

Ban raised his brow and saw her thoughts. He replied, "Don't worry, I have nothing to do on both parties. I do have a little connection in the Arena since I know someone working there. As for the other group..."

"Their emergence is inevitable since the agreement has been met." He paused and squinted his eyes at her, "You should know whom I'm referring to, right?"

Veronica nodded with a serious face and said, "Exiles."


This is the second matter that Nana discussed with Ban a few hours ago.

Last night, when Nana ventured at the newly formed islands that even larger than her country, she noticed some strong Profound Practitioners securing the newly formed huge island nearby the country. She immediately recalled the group of Profound Practitioners called Exiles.

Nana only heard of the term before from her mother. Her mother mentioned a story that a few thousands of years ago, her friend, Ariana, got provoked by a group of natural Profound Practitioner inhabitants of this planet. After that, she gave them a lesson and forbade them to expose out in the planet as she threw their group into a big empty island capable of holding more than hundreds of thousands of people at most. However, they can only go out as long as they don't step in every continent of the planet.

These people were natural Profound Practitioners according to Nana's mother. Natural Profound Pracritioners were individuals that turned Profound Practitioners using a natural way and not being blessed by Light element. These two types of awakening don't differ from one another. They are the same in every way in terms of capability.

She recognized them as residents of the planet from the way they dress. To put it simply, they looked old fashioned compaired to the current way of how human dresses.

As the agreement has been met, these newly exposed Profound Practitioners called Exiles started to dominate the land and wanted to make it as their own kingdom.

"The rules on them still in effect as they can't enter to every continents to cause trouble. Or the Arena people left the planet." Ban confirmed.

A/N :Maybe I forgot to mention, but Ariana was the leader of the Arena and Ban knew this fact.

"I've indeed read of their history from the records of our old ancestors in the country. These Exiles truly exists, but I've never expected them to make their move on the newly risen islands." Veronica nodded as her expression eased a little when she heard the assurance of Ban. As the world changes, power struggles will ensue in every land.

Arena rules are absolute. When she heard Ban that he wasn't part of those Exiles, she was relief.

However, Veronica became wary again when she realized Ban's motive. She was too focused on the matters about Exiles just now.

"You want a clean-up operation on the Capital?" Veronica took a deep breath as she stared at Ban. Her body shivered as she couldn't imagine the Carnage

"Yes. I'll sort this mess out in our country and the Capital is my starting point." Ban replied indifferently as his eyes glowed in purple lights for a second before returning to normal.