Dark Breed Elder

The black hooded man cursed inwardly for his bad luck. Glaring at the gladiator whose preparing to attack, he felt like running away to avoid trouble.

Yet his pride as an elder of the infamous Dark Breed organization stopped him from doing so. He wanted to test his limits by facing this foreign man. Just that, he wanted the city center of Fern to be the main battleground.

Upon closer inspection, the black hooded man's eyes contracted when he recognized the man.

"You're Herculez! Seat holder of the [Thrones]!"

"Hoo? So you recognized my name eh? Well, not bad mate. As expected from you and the little maggots behind your organization."

The gladiator man called Herculez rubbed his thick beard as he smiled. His battle intent soared after the other party remained still after knowing his identity.

"What are you doing in this back water country? Shouldn't you be preparing to go to that place?" The black hooded man pointed upwards.

No matter how he thought about it, the black hooded man failed to know the reason why a prestigious arena warrior was running amock in this country.

'Does this monster hid an illigitimate son in this country? Can't be, this battle maniac is a total id*ot when it comes to wooing women according to intel.'

"You even know that information? Damn your organization really knows alot of deep secrets." Herculez chuckled as if he never minded the information got leaked by an outsider. However, his eyes showed a trace of killing intent indicating that the black hooded person in front of him just signed his death warrant.

He continued, "As for why I'm here? Heh! I'll reveal it when you survive later."

Herculez didn't dally and immediately dashed forward while grinning.

Booom! Rumble!

The sugar cane in a ten meter radius blasted away from the impact while a deep crater formed from the aftershock.

Even Ban whistled in admiration and surprise whose observing nearby while eating popcorn.


The black coat turned into smithereens revealing a topless scarred middle aged man with unusual gray coloured skin. His arms crossed by blocking the attack. While his face showed indifference, his knees were bending a little from the strong assault of Herculez.

"You guys looked ugly f*cklings as always. After dying, like a mummified male protit*te got r*ped by countless of times! Hah!" Herculez laughed out loud while his battle intent was surging rapidly.

(A/N: Uhh.. That's Herculez' comment, not mine.)

Veins popped from the scar faced man's forehead hearing those comments. What hurts most is that those were all true.

His bloodshot eyes narrowed as he was preparing to retaliate.

Pow! Swish! Booom!

However, before he could do anything, his face got slapped so hard making his body turned upside down with a following kick in his stomach, hurling backwards and smashing his body in an ugly way.

'Ughh! His speed multiplied.'

The scarred man's face turned ugly from humiliation. He didn't expect this outcome to be this one sided even though his strength was at 17th Order.

"What? You want me to give you an easy fight? Are you taking my title as a joke here? I know you guys have a way to transform into a red muscleheads. Do it now before I'll slapped the reality into your prideful face."

Herculez sneered as he walked slowly towards the scar faced man.

"Hmph! Don't overestimate yourself just because you're one of the Thrones. There are many hidden powerhouses out there stronger than you." The scar faced man got up and his fingers extended into pointy claws.

"Like you, a malnourished looking drug addict? Don't make me laugh. I've slaughtered plenty from your kind before. Heh! I gotta say, you maggots are so persistent. From what I recall, you never successfully conquered any lands before. And now you losers want to conquer this country? Truly laughable!"

Herculez mocked the scar faced man ruthlessly. He was planning to annoy the man in front of him to have a better match. He loves crushing enemies while their down, especially those with pretentious attitude.

The scar faced man's face twitched even more. He was successfully angered by the sharp tongued gladiator in front of him.

"Don't compare me with those weak minions. Fine. You want to play? Let's play.."

Crack! Crack! Crack!



The scar faced man transformed himself into a buffed red hulk. However, there are some distinct differences from other red hulks.

The scar faced man was like a combination of marvel's Venom and Abomination. His back was full of thorny bones and his mouth have many portruding sharp teeth that made him looked hideous.

What made him dangerous was that, his aura got multiplied by the second.

Even Herculez had an expression of solemnity. His senses told him that he should eliminate this monster in front of him at all cost.

Booom! Booom! Boom! Boom!

Without waiting for the scar faced man to transform, Herculez bombarded it with a series of attacks.

Crack! Crack!

The scar faced man got thrashed away as Herculez didn't gave him any chance to fight back. Broken bones and teeth scattered along the way while he was beeing battered black and blue.

The scar faced man remained undefended. His eyes face full of ferocity as he eyed Herculez indifferently. Even though his body deformed many times, he never lost his cool and continued to be a punching bag.

"Keep pretending." Herculez gave a furious grin as he grabbed the latters arm and twisted it. He was planning to forcefully detached the arm of his enemy using brute strength.

This time, the scar faced man made a grunt. His other arm brandished his sharp claws towards Herculez.

Crack! Crack!

The steel like claws broke easily upon in contact with the body of Herculez. It only left few red marks on the latter's body before returning to normal.


"Stay still. This will be over soon." Herculez pinned the huge red hulk to the ground while trying to pull the broken arm off.

"Raarrrggh!! Like hell I'll let you do what you want!"

The scar faced hulk roared as his broken shoulder wiggled in a bit before returning to normal. The destroyed bones and claws regenerate fast making himself a brand new monster again in a blink.

Booom!! Booom!!

Herculez distanced himself and stared at the scar faced hulk with a new light. This is his first time facing a tenacious opponent unlike those red hulks he faced before. He could feel their strength became equal after the scar faced man completely transformed into a red monster.

However he wasn't in a bit pressured. Instead, this scene excites him even more.

"Let's see what a Throne is capable of. Time for round two.." The red monster let out an ugly grin as his sharp claws were coated by green liquid.